Pierre Riteau c84a9757dd Test building seed deployment images in the seed job
This requires stackhpc.os-images v1.10.0 or newer, for compatibility
with CentOS 8 when SELinux is enabled: we disable SELinux, but without
rebooting it stays enabled.

This Ansible role was updated to v1.10.2 in master and stable/victoria
by I5efdbd52556721914fe69d7c6ba454b2c721b643, for another reason.
Remember to bump the requirement when backporting to earlier releases.

It also needs changes in the way we interact with Bifrost to avoid using
the env-vars file which has been removed. This is implemented by change

Finally, it requires building seed deployment images only after
deploying Bifrost, because the task copying images onto the seed expects
/etc/kolla/bifrost to exist.

We also copy log files to identify issues when the job fails.

Change-Id: I4719b4d397c01b35c78cb84c6d686dd27742d1c0
2021-02-05 11:50:15 +01:00

110 lines
4.6 KiB

# NOTE(mgoddard): This has been adapted from tests/get_logs.sh in Kolla
# Ansible.
# Environment variables:
# $LOG_DIR is the directory to copy logs to.
# $CONFIG_DIR is the directory to copy configuration from.
# $PREVIOUS_CONFIG_DIR is the directory to copy previous configuration, prior
# to an upgrade, from.
set +o errexit
copy_logs() {
cp -rnL /var/lib/docker/volumes/kolla_logs/_data/* ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/
if [[ -d ${CONFIG_DIR} ]]; then
cp -rnL ${CONFIG_DIR}/etc/kayobe/* ${LOG_DIR}/kayobe_configs
cp -rnL ${CONFIG_DIR}/etc/kolla/* ${LOG_DIR}/kolla_configs
cp -rnL /etc/kolla/* ${LOG_DIR}/kolla_node_configs
# Don't save the IPA images.
rm ${LOG_DIR}/kayobe_configs/kolla/config/ironic/ironic-agent.{kernel,initramfs}
rm ${LOG_DIR}/kolla_configs/config/ironic/ironic-agent.{kernel,initramfs}
if [[ -n ${PREVIOUS_CONFIG_DIR} ]] && [[ -d ${PREVIOUS_CONFIG_DIR} ]]; then
mkdir -p ${LOG_DIR}/previous_{kayobe,kolla}_configs
cp -rnL ${PREVIOUS_CONFIG_DIR}/etc/kayobe/* ${LOG_DIR}/previous_kayobe_configs
cp -rnL ${PREVIOUS_CONFIG_DIR}/etc/kolla/* ${LOG_DIR}/previous_kolla_configs
# NOTE: we can't save node configs in /etc/kolla for the pervious
# release since they'll have been overwritten at this point.
# Don't save the IPA images.
rm ${LOG_DIR}/previous_kayobe_configs/kolla/config/ironic/ironic-agent.{kernel,initramfs}
rm ${LOG_DIR}/previous_kolla_configs/config/ironic/ironic-agent.{kernel,initramfs}
cp -rvnL /var/log/* ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/
if [[ -x "$(command -v journalctl)" ]]; then
journalctl --no-pager > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/syslog.txt
journalctl --no-pager -u docker.service > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/docker.log
cp /var/log/upstart/docker.log ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/docker.log
cp -r /etc/sudoers.d ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/
cp /etc/sudoers ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/sudoers.txt
df -h > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/df.txt
free > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/free.txt
cat /etc/hosts > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/hosts.txt
parted -l > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/parted-l.txt
mount > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/mount.txt
env > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/env.txt
ip address > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/ip-address.txt
ip route > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/ip-route.txt
iptables-save > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/iptables.txt
if [ `command -v dpkg` ]; then
dpkg -l > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/dpkg-l.txt
if [ `command -v rpm` ]; then
rpm -qa > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/rpm-qa.txt
# final memory usage and process list
ps -eo user,pid,ppid,lwp,%cpu,%mem,size,rss,cmd > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/ps.txt
# docker related information
(docker info && docker images && docker ps -a) > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/docker-info.txt
for container in $(docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}"); do
docker logs --tail all ${container} > ${LOG_DIR}/docker_logs/${container}.txt
# Bifrost: grab config files and logs from the container.
if [[ $(docker ps -q -f name=bifrost_deploy) ]]; then
for service in dnsmasq ironic-api ironic-conductor ironic-inspector mariadb nginx rabbitmq-server; do
mkdir -p ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/$service
docker exec bifrost_deploy \
systemctl status $service -l -n 10000 > ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/$service/${service}-systemd-status.txt
docker exec bifrost_deploy \
journalctl -u $service --no-pager > ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/$service/${service}-journal.txt
docker exec -it bifrost_deploy \
journalctl --no-pager > ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/bifrost-journal.log
for d in dnsmasq.conf ironic ironic-inspector nginx/nginx.conf; do
docker cp bifrost_deploy:/etc/$d ${LOG_DIR}/kolla_node_configs/bifrost/
docker cp bifrost_deploy:/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/mariadb/
# IPA build logs
if [[ -f /opt/kayobe/images/ipa/ipa.stderr ]] || [[ -f /opt/kayobe/images/ipa/ipa.stdout ]]; then
mkdir -p ${LOG_DIR}/kayobe
cp /opt/kayobe/images/ipa/ipa.stderr /opt/kayobe/images/ipa/ipa.stdout ${LOG_DIR}/kayobe/
# Rename files to .txt; this is so that when displayed via
# logs.openstack.org clicking results in the browser shows the
# files, rather than trying to send it to another app or make you
# download it, etc.
for f in $(find ${LOG_DIR}/{system_logs,kolla,docker_logs} -name "*.log"); do
mv $f ${f/.log/.txt}
chmod -R 777 ${LOG_DIR}