Mark Goddard f9b02c8bf5 Ubuntu: support non-persistent veth configuration
Adds support for veth patch pair configuration on Ubuntu. Currently this
is not persistent across reboots. This will need to be addressed once
the network configuration model is chosen for Ubuntu.

Change-Id: I006d46954456cf30ce4e743fcbe9b2862d43dd01
Story: 2004960
Task: 41545
2021-01-07 13:34:42 +00:00

44 lines
1.1 KiB

- name: Ensure veth sysconfig network control scripts exist
src: "{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ network_scripts_dir }}/{{ item }}"
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0755
- "ifup-veth"
- "ifdown-veth"
become: True
register: ctl_result
- name: Ensure veth sysconfig network interface files exist
src: ifcfg-veth.j2
dest: "{{ network_scripts_dir }}/ifcfg-{{ item.device }}"
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
with_items: "{{ veth_interfaces }}"
become: True
register: veth_result
- name: Ensure veth peer sysconfig network interface files exist
src: ifcfg-peer.j2
dest: "{{ network_scripts_dir }}/ifcfg-{{ item.peer_device }}"
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
with_items: "{{ veth_interfaces }}"
become: True
register: peer_result
- name: Bounce veth interfaces
shell: ifdown {{ item[0].item.device }} ; ifup {{ item[0].item.device }}
- "{{ veth_result.results }}"
- "{{ peer_result.results }}"
when: ctl_result is changed or item[0] is changed or item[1] is changed
become: True