The Dell LLDP workaround is not necessary on switches running newer versions of Dell Networking OS. Since version 9.11(2.0P1), the interface description can be advertised by LLDP, at least for S6000 and S3048–ON switches. Change-Id: Iaccab56ba068d1ca9ab9c0351d5ffc32a2348787
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# Some Dell switch OSs (including Dell Network OS 9.10(0.1)) do not support
# sending interface port description TLVs correctly. Instead of sending the
# interface description, they send the interface name (e.g. TenGigabitEthernet
# 1/1/1). This breaks the discovery process which relies on Ironic node
# introspection data containing the node's name in the interface port
# description. We work around this here by creating an introspection rule for
# each ironic node that matches against the switch system and the relevant
# interface name, then sets the node's name appropriately.
# Note that some Dell switches running Dell Networking OS version 9.11(2.0P1)
# and newer do *not* need this workaround. The interface description can be
# sent using the following configuration:
# (conf-if-interface)#protocol lldp
# (conf-if-interface-lldp)#advertise interface-port-desc description
- name: Check whether Ironic is enabled
hosts: controllers
- introspection-rules
- introspection-rules-dell-lldp-workaround
- name: Create controllers group with ironic enabled
key: "controllers_for_introspection_rules_dell_lldp_workaround_{{ kolla_enable_ironic | bool }}"
- name: Group controller hosts in systems requiring the workaround
hosts: controllers_for_introspection_rules_dell_lldp_workaround_True
gather_facts: False
- introspection-rules
- introspection-rules-dell-lldp-workaround
- name: Group controller hosts in systems requiring the Dell switch LLDP workaround
key: "controllers_require_workaround_{{ groups[inspector_dell_switch_lldp_workaround_group] | default([]) | length > 0 }}"
- name: Ensure introspection rules for Dell switch LLDP workarounds are registered in Ironic Inspector
# Only required to run on a single host.
hosts: controllers_require_workaround_True[0]
gather_facts: False
- introspection-rules
- introspection-rules-dell-lldp-workaround
all_switch_interfaces: []
ironic_inspector_rules: []
# This rule template is used in a with_subelements loop.
description: "Set {{ item.1.1.description }} node name from {{ inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface }} LLDP switch port description"
- field: "data://all_interfaces.{{ inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface }}"
op: "is-empty"
invert: True
- field: "data://all_interfaces.{{ inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface }}.lldp_processed"
op: "is-empty"
invert: True
- field: "data://all_interfaces.{{ inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface }}.lldp_processed.switch_port_description"
op: "is-empty"
invert: True
- field: "data://all_interfaces.{{ inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface }}.lldp_processed.switch_system_name"
op: "is-empty"
invert: True
# Match against the interface name.
- field: "data://all_interfaces.{{ inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface }}.lldp_processed.switch_port_description"
op: "eq"
# Our interface names may be of a shortened form e.g. Te1/1/1, but
# the port description will contain the full interface name. Use a
# regex to expand to the full form.
value: "{{ item.1.0 | regex_replace('^Te([a-zA-z ]*)([0-9/]+)$', 'TenGigabitEthernet \\2') }}"
# Match against the switch system name.
- field: "data://all_interfaces.{{ inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface }}.lldp_processed.switch_system_name"
op: "eq"
value: "{{ item.0.host }}"
- action: "set-attribute"
path: "name"
value: "{{ item.1.1.description }}"
inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface: "{{ inspector_lldp_switch_port_interface_map.get(item.1.1.description, inspector_lldp_switch_port_interface_default) }}"
- name: Validate OpenStack password authentication parameters
msg: >
Required OpenStack authentication parameter {{ item }} is
{% if item in openstack_auth %}empty{% else %}not present{% endif %}
in openstack_auth. Have you sourced the environment file?
- openstack_auth_type == 'password'
- item not in openstack_auth or not openstack_auth[item]
with_items: "{{ openstack_auth_password_required_params }}"
- config-validation
# We build up the rules using a 2-step process. First we build a list of
# relevant switch hosts and their interface configuration (in list form).
# This allows us to use with_subelements in the next task to iterate over
# the interfaces for each switch.
- name: Update a fact containing switch interface configuration
all_switch_interfaces: >
{{ all_switch_interfaces +
[{'host': item.key,
'interface_config': item.value.switch_interface_config.items()}] }}
with_dict: "{{ hostvars }}"
when: item.key in groups[inspector_dell_switch_lldp_workaround_group]
- name: Update a fact containing Ironic Inspector rules
ironic_inspector_rules: >
{{ ironic_inspector_rules +
[inspector_interface_mapping_rule] }}
- "{{ all_switch_interfaces }}"
- interface_config
- item.1.1.description is defined
# Ignore VLAN interfaces.
- "'vlan' not in item.1.0"
# Ignore trunk links.
- "'-trunk' not in item.1.1.description"
- role: ironic-inspector-rules
os_shade_install_epel: "{{ yum_install_epel }}"
ironic_inspector_venv: "{{ virtualenv_path }}/shade"
ironic_inspector_auth_type: "{{ openstack_auth_type }}"
ironic_inspector_auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"