This allows us to continue execution until a certain proportion of hosts fail. This can be useful at scale, where failures are common, and restarting a deployment is time-consuming. The default max failure percentage is 100, keeping the default behaviour. A global max failure percentage may be set via kayobe_max_fail_percentage, and individual playbooks may define a max failure percentage via <playbook>_max_fail_percentage. Related Kolla Ansible patch: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/805598 Change-Id: Ib81c72b63be5765cca664c38141ffc769640cf07
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- name: Ensure Dell baremetal compute nodes are present in the Ansible inventory
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
# Set this to a colon-separated list of baremeal compute node hostnames on
# which to trigger discovery. If unset, all compute nodes will be
# triggered.
compute_node_limit: ""
compute_node_limit_list: "{{ compute_node_limit.split(':') }}"
- name: Add hosts for the Dell baremetal compute nodes
name: "{{ item.key }}"
groups: baremetal-compute
# SSH configuration to access the BMC.
ansible_host: "{{ item.value }}"
ansible_user: "{{ ipmi_username }}"
ansible_ssh_pass: "{{ ipmi_password }}"
with_dict: "{{ idrac_network_ips }}"
# Don't add hosts that already exist.
- item.key not in groups['all']
- item.key | replace('-idrac', '') not in groups['all']
- not compute_node_limit or item.key | replace('-idrac', '') in compute_node_limit_list
run_once: True
- name: Ensure Dell baremetal compute nodes are present in the Ansible inventory
hosts: baremetal-compute
gather_facts: no
max_fail_percentage: >-
{{ dell_compute_node_inventory_fail_percentage |
default(baremetal_compute_max_fail_percentage) |
default(kayobe_max_fail_percentage) |
default(100) }}
compute_node_limit: ""
compute_node_limit_list: "{{ compute_node_limit.split(':') }}"
- name: Set facts for the compute nodes for IPMI addresses
bmc_type: idrac
ipmi_address: "{{ idrac_network_ips[inventory_hostname] }}"
- not ipmi_address
- not compute_node_limit or inventory_hostname in compute_node_limit_list
run_once: True