Mark Goddard 1862e24bb5 Add variables for API VIP address and FQDN
Kayobe currently supports definition of various different networks -
public, internal, tunnel, etc. These typically map to a VLAN or flat
network, with an IP subnet. When a cloud exceeds the size of a single
VLAN/subnet, this approach no longer works.

One way to resolve this is to have multiple subnets that map to a single
logical network, and provide routing between them. This is a similar
concept to neutron's routed networks, but for the control plane.

An issue arising from this is that if different hosts can have different
network definitions for the internal and public networks, it is no
longer trivial to use a network attribute [1] to specify the VIP address
and FQDN. Furthermore, the play that generates Kolla Ansible's
globals.yml containing the VIP and FQDN variables runs as localhost,
which does not necessarily have the internal and public networks

To resolve this, we add global variables for the VIPs and FQDNs. The
default values are as before, except in the case where HAProxy is
disabled, which we no longer provide a useful default for. That
configuration is very rarely used in practice, and the need to reference
the IP address of a host in the network group makes it difficult to
define safely.

[1] https://docs.openstack.org/kayobe/latest/configuration/reference/network.html#global-network-configuration

Story: 2008180
Task: 40937

Change-Id: I2c428ffc2b285aee03d8f59ae7cd3fb7230ce4ae
2020-10-05 19:59:53 +00:00

212 lines
9.0 KiB

- name: Gather facts for localhost
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: true
tags: always
- name: Validate configuration options for kolla-ansible
hosts: localhost
- kolla-ansible
- config-validation
- name: Validate serial console configuration
- name: Check ipmitool-socat is in enabled in kolla_ironic_enabled_console_interfaces
msg: >
kolla_ironic_enabled_console_interfaces must contain ipmitool-socat if you set
ironic_serial_console_autoenable to true
- kolla_ironic_enabled_console_interfaces is defined
- "'ipmitool-socat' not in kolla_ironic_enabled_console_interfaces"
when: ironic_serial_console_autoenable | bool
- name: Ensure Kolla Ansible is configured
hosts: localhost
- kolla-ansible
gather_facts: false
# Configuration of extra user-provided Kolla globals.
- block:
- name: Check whether a Kolla extra globals configuration file exists
path: "{{ kayobe_config_path ~ '/kolla/globals.yml' }}"
get_checksum: False
get_md5: False
mime: False
register: globals_stat
- name: Read the Kolla extra globals configuration file
kolla_extra_globals: "{{ lookup('template', kayobe_config_path ~ '/kolla/globals.yml') | from_yaml }}"
when: globals_stat.stat.exists
- config
# Configuration and validation of network host networking.
- name: Validate Kolla Ansible API address configuration
msg: >
The Kolla Ansible variable {{ item.var_name }}
({{ item.description }}) is invalid. Value:
"{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname][item.var_name] | default('<undefined>') }}".
- groups['network'] | length > 0
- item.required | bool
- hostvars[inventory_hostname][item.var_name] is not defined or not hostvars[inventory_hostname][item.var_name]
- var_name: "kolla_internal_vip_address"
description: "Internal API VIP address"
required: True
- var_name: "kolla_internal_fqdn"
description: "Internal API Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)"
required: True
- var_name: "kolla_external_vip_address"
description: "external API VIP address"
required: True
- var_name: "kolla_external_fqdn"
description: "External API Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)"
required: True
- config
- config-validation
- import_role:
name: kolla-ansible
kolla_ansible_install_epel: "{{ dnf_install_epel }}"
kolla_external_fqdn_cert: "{{ kolla_config_path }}/certificates/haproxy.pem"
kolla_internal_fqdn_cert: "{{ kolla_config_path }}/certificates/haproxy-internal.pem"
kolla_ansible_passwords_path: "{{ kayobe_config_path }}/kolla/passwords.yml"
kolla_overcloud_group_vars_path: "{{ kayobe_config_path }}/kolla/inventory/group_vars"
kolla_ansible_certificates_path: "{{ kayobe_config_path }}/kolla/certificates"
# NOTE: This differs from the default SELinux mode in kolla ansible,
# which is permissive. The justification for using this mode is twofold:
# 1. it avoids filling up the audit log
# 2. it avoids an issue seen when using diskimage-builder in the bifrost
# container.
# We could look at making the SELinux mode configurable in future.
kolla_selinux_state: disabled
kolla_inspector_dhcp_pool_start: "{{ inspection_net_name | net_inspection_allocation_pool_start }}"
kolla_inspector_dhcp_pool_end: "{{ inspection_net_name | net_inspection_allocation_pool_end }}"
kolla_inspector_default_gateway: "{{ inspection_net_name | net_inspection_gateway or inspection_net_name | net_gateway }}"
kolla_inspector_extra_kernel_options: "{{ inspector_extra_kernel_options }}"
kolla_enable_host_ntp: false
docker_daemon_mtu: "{{ public_net_name | net_mtu | default }}"
- name: Generate Kolla Ansible host vars for the seed host
hosts: seed
- config
- config-validation
- kolla-ansible
gather_facts: False
- name: Set Kolla Ansible host variables
- var_name: "kolla_bifrost_network_interface"
description: "Bifrost provisioning network"
network: "{{ provision_oc_net_name }}"
required: True
# Strictly api_interface is not required but kolla-ansible currently
# references it in prechecks.
- var_name: "kolla_api_interface"
description: "Bifrost provisioning network"
network: "{{ provision_oc_net_name }}"
required: True
- import_role:
name: kolla-ansible-host-vars
kolla_ansible_pass_through_host_vars: "{{ kolla_seed_inventory_pass_through_host_vars }}"
kolla_ansible_pass_through_host_vars_map: "{{ kolla_seed_inventory_pass_through_host_vars_map }}"
kolla_ansible_inventory_path: "{{ kolla_config_path }}/inventory/seed"
- name: Generate Kolla Ansible host vars for overcloud hosts
hosts: overcloud
- config
- config-validation
- kolla-ansible
gather_facts: False
- name: Set Kolla Ansible host variables
require_ironic_networks: >-
{{ kolla_enable_ironic | bool and
inventory_hostname in groups['controllers'] }}
- network: "{{ provision_wl_net_name }}"
required: "{{ require_ironic_networks }}"
- network: "{{ cleaning_net_name }}"
required: "{{ require_ironic_networks }}"
require_provider_networks: >-
{{ kolla_enable_neutron | bool and
(inventory_hostname in groups['network'] or
(kolla_enable_neutron_provider_networks | bool and inventory_hostname in groups['compute'])) }}
# This expression generates a list containing an item for each network
# in external_net_names, in the format required by the
# external_networks argument of the kolla_ansible_host_vars action
# plugin.
provider_networks: >-
{{ dict(external_net_names |
zip_longest([], fillvalue=require_provider_networks)) |
dict2items(key_name='network', value_name='required') }}
- var_name: "kolla_network_interface"
description: "Default network"
network: "{{ internal_net_name }}"
required: True
- var_name: "kolla_api_interface"
description: "API network"
network: "{{ internal_net_name }}"
required: True
- var_name: "kolla_storage_interface"
description: "Storage network"
network: "{{ storage_net_name }}"
required: False
- var_name: "kolla_cluster_interface"
description: "Cluster network"
network: "{{ storage_mgmt_net_name }}"
required: False
- var_name: "kolla_swift_storage_interface"
description: "Swift storage network"
network: "{{ swift_storage_net_name }}"
required: False
- var_name: "kolla_swift_replication_interface"
description: "Swift storage replication network"
network: "{{ swift_storage_replication_net_name }}"
required: False
- var_name: "kolla_provision_interface"
description: "Bare metal provisioning network"
network: "{{ provision_wl_net_name }}"
required: "{{ kolla_enable_ironic | bool and inventory_hostname in groups['controllers'] }}"
- var_name: "kolla_inspector_dnsmasq_interface"
description: "Bare metal introspection network"
network: "{{ inspection_net_name }}"
required: "{{ kolla_enable_ironic | bool and inventory_hostname in groups['controllers'] }}"
- var_name: "kolla_dns_interface"
description: "DNS network"
network: "{{ public_net_name }}"
required: False
- var_name: "kolla_tunnel_interface"
description: "Tunnel network"
network: "{{ tunnel_net_name }}"
required: False
- var_name: "kolla_external_vip_interface"
description: "External network"
network: "{{ public_net_name }}"
required: "{{ inventory_hostname in groups['network'] }}"
external_networks: "{{ ironic_networks + provider_networks }}"
- import_role:
name: kolla-ansible-host-vars
kolla_ansible_pass_through_host_vars: "{{ kolla_overcloud_inventory_pass_through_host_vars }}"
kolla_ansible_pass_through_host_vars_map: "{{ kolla_overcloud_inventory_pass_through_host_vars_map }}"
kolla_ansible_inventory_path: "{{ kolla_config_path }}/inventory/overcloud"