Mark Goddard 7341ced88f Fix Ansible warnings for use of until with {{ }}
As for 'when' clauses, 'until' should no longer use brackets, lest you
receive a written warning from Ansible.


Change-Id: I1f10092ce283d288ae75600c4d0a450697b37c9f
2018-05-24 17:56:50 +01:00

65 lines
2.4 KiB

- name: Fail if the requested boot mode is unexpected
msg: >
Unexpected requested boot mode {{ drac_boot_mode }}. Expected one of
{{ drac_boot_mode_valid_modes | join(', ') }}.
when: drac_boot_mode | lower not in drac_boot_mode_valid_modes
- name: Check the boot mode
raw: "racadm get BIOS.BiosBootSettings.BootMode"
register: result
failed_when: "'ERROR' in result.stdout"
changed_when: False
- name: Set a fact containing the current boot mode
# Format of the last line is:
# BootMode=<boot mode>[ (Pending Value=<pending boot mode>)]
current_boot_mode: "{{ result.stdout_lines[-1].partition('=')[2] | lower }}"
- name: Fail if the current boot mode is unexpected
msg: >
Unexpected current boot mode {{ current_boot_mode }}. Expected one of
{{ drac_boot_mode_valid_modes | join(', ') }}.
when: current_boot_mode not in drac_boot_mode_valid_modes
- block:
- name: Set the boot mode
raw: "racadm set BIOS.BiosBootSettings.BootMode {{ drac_boot_mode | lower | capitalize }}"
register: result
failed_when: "'ERROR' in result.stdout"
until: drac_boot_mode_busy_message not in result.stdout
retries: "{{ drac_boot_mode_retries }}"
delay: "{{ drac_boot_mode_interval }}"
- name: Ensure BIOS configuration job is created
raw: "racadm jobqueue create BIOS.Setup.1-1 -s TIME_NOW"
register: result
failed_when: "'ERROR' in result.stdout"
until: drac_boot_mode_busy_message not in result.stdout
retries: "{{ drac_boot_mode_retries }}"
delay: "{{ drac_boot_mode_interval }}"
- name: Set a fact containing the BIOS configuration job ID
# Format of the last line is:
# JOB_ID = <job ID>
drac_boot_mode_bios_job_id: "{{ result.stdout_lines[-1].split()[-1] }}"
- name: Ensure server is rebooted
raw: "racadm serveraction powercycle"
register: result
failed_when: "'ERROR' in result.stdout"
- name: Wait for the BIOS configuration job to complete
raw: "racadm jobqueue view -i {{ drac_boot_mode_bios_job_id }}"
register: result
failed_when: "'ERROR' in result.stdout"
until: "'Status=Completed' in result.stdout"
retries: "{{ drac_boot_mode_timeout // drac_boot_mode_interval }}"
delay: "{{ drac_boot_mode_interval }}"
when: current_boot_mode != drac_boot_mode