diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 1f7950607a..f735b84905 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -86,14 +86,16 @@ Infrastructure components
Kolla-Ansible deploys containers for the following infrastructure components:
-- `Ceph `__ implementation for Cinder, Glance and Nova
-- `collectd `__,
+- `Ceph `__ implementation for Cinder, Glance and Nova.
+- `Collectd `__,
+ `Telegraf `__,
`InfluxDB `__, and
- `Grafana `__ for performance monitoring.
-- `Elasticsearch `__ and
- `Kibana `__ to search, analyze,
- and visualize log messages.
-- `Fluentd `__ as an open source data collector
+ `Grafana `__ for performance monitoring.
+- `Elasticsearch `__ and
+ `Kibana `__ to search, analyze,
+ and visualize log messages.
+- `Etcd `__ a distributed reliable key-value store.
+- `Fluentd `__ as an open source data collector
for unified logging layer.
- `HAProxy `__ and
`Keepalived `__ for high availability of services
@@ -101,10 +103,11 @@ Kolla-Ansible deploys containers for the following infrastructure components:
- `Kafka `__ A distributed streaming
- `MariaDB and Galera Cluster `__
- for highly available MySQL databases
+ for highly available MySQL databases.
+- `Memcached `__ a distributed memory object caching system.
- `MongoDB `__ as a database backend for Ceilometer
- and Gnocchi
-- `Open vSwitch `__ and Linuxbridge backends for Neutron
+ and Gnocchi.
+- `Open vSwitch `__ and Linuxbridge backends for Neutron.
- `RabbitMQ `__ as a messaging backend for
communication between services.