Add task to create volumes path in cephfs

If using the cephfs native backend, when container start the
manila-share process with the manila user, no permissions are
prompted when creating the volume.
One way to solve the problem is to create the volumes folder in
advance in cephfs and modify the owner and group to 42429:42429,
which is manila's uid and gid.

Change-Id: I1ad63e1c4698ec8ee83461aafefa63041cfeb387
Closes-Bug: #1761108
This commit is contained in:
wangwei 2018-04-04 17:49:41 +09:00
parent c5b3cfd847
commit 6bfc6d4f3a
2 changed files with 69 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -28,3 +28,10 @@
- name: Flush handlers - name: Flush handlers
meta: flush_handlers meta: flush_handlers
- include: fix_cephfs_owner.yml
- enable_ceph | bool
- enable_ceph_mds | bool
- enable_manila_backend_cephfs_native | bool
- inventory_hostname in groups['manila-share']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
- name: Check /tmp/cephfs path
command: "docker exec -u 0 manila_share ls /tmp/cephfs/"
register: check_cephfs
changed_when: False
failed_when: check_cephfs.rc != 0 and check_cephfs.stderr.find('No such file or directory') == -1
run_once: True
- name: Create /tmp/cephfs path
command: "docker exec -u 0 manila_share mkdir -p /tmp/cephfs"
run_once: True
when: check_cephfs.rc != 0
- name: Get cephfs addr
set_fact: cephfs_addr={% for host in groups['ceph-mon'] %}{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_' + hostvars[host]['storage_interface']]['ipv4']['address'] }}{% if loop.last %}:6789:/{% else %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}
run_once: True
- name: Pulling cephx keyring for manila
command: docker exec ceph_mon ceph auth get-key client.manila
register: manila_keyring
delegate_to: "{{ groups['ceph-mon'][0] }}"
changed_when: False
run_once: True
- name: Umount cephfs
command: "docker exec -u 0 manila_share umount /tmp/cephfs/"
register: umount_cephfs
changed_when: False
failed_when: False
run_once: True
- name: Mount cephfs
command: "docker exec -u 0 manila_share mount -t ceph {{cephfs_addr}} /tmp/cephfs -o name=manila,secret={{ manila_keyring.stdout }}"
register: mount_cephfs
changed_when: False
run_once: True
- name: Check volumes path
command: "docker exec -u 0 manila_share ls /tmp/cephfs/volumes"
register: check_volume
changed_when: False
failed_when: False
run_once: True
- name: Create /tmp/cephfs/volumes path
command: "docker exec -u 0 manila_share mkdir /tmp/cephfs/volumes"
register: create_volume
run_once: True
when: check_volume.rc != 0
- name: Change the owner and group of /tmp/cephfs/volumes
command: "docker exec -u 0 manila_share chown manila:manila /tmp/cephfs/volumes"
register: chown_volume
run_once: True
when: check_volume.rc != 0 and create_volume.rc == 0
- name: Umount cephfs
command: "docker exec -u 0 manila_share umount /tmp/cephfs"
changed_when: False
register: umount_cephfs
run_once: True
when: mount_cephfs.rc == 0