[CI] Use Tenks in Ironic job

Installs Tenks [1] and uses it to create virtual machines to pose
as bare metal compute nodes.
The nodes are registered in Ironic, and used to provision

[1] https://docs.openstack.org/tenks/latest/

Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tenks/+/830182
Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tenks/+/830675
Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/831055
Change-Id: Idfb8fbb50dc7442225967b2a2ec38ae7114f3c11
Co-Authored-By: Radosław Piliszek <radoslaw.piliszek@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Mark Goddard 2018-05-16 13:36:38 +01:00 committed by Radosław Piliszek
parent 68bc4f8f52
commit 91778aca76
6 changed files with 179 additions and 139 deletions

tests/deploy-tenks.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
set -o xtrace
set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
# Enable unbuffered output for Ansible in Jenkins.
function deploy_tenks_logged {
. /etc/kolla/admin-openrc.sh
echo "Creating IPA images for Ironic"
~/openstackclient-venv/bin/openstack image create --disk-format aki --container-format aki --private \
--file /etc/kolla/config/ironic/ironic-agent.kernel ipa.vmlinuz
~/openstackclient-venv/bin/openstack image create --disk-format ari --container-format ari --private \
--file /etc/kolla/config/ironic/ironic-agent.initramfs ipa.initramfs
# Install a trivial script for ovs-vsctl that talks to containerised Open
# vSwitch.
sudo tee /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl >/dev/null <<EOF
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Script installed onto the host to fool tenks into using the containerised
# Open vSwitch rather than installing its own.
sudo docker exec openvswitch_vswitchd ovs-vsctl "\$@"
sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl
# Install the Tenks venv.
python3 -m venv ${TENKS_VENV_PATH}
${TENKS_VENV_PATH}/bin/pip install -U pip
${TENKS_VENV_PATH}/bin/pip install ${TENKS_SRC_PATH}
local attempt
while ! ${TENKS_VENV_PATH}/bin/ansible-galaxy install \
--role-file="${TENKS_SRC_PATH}/requirements.yml" \
--roles-path="${TENKS_SRC_PATH}/ansible/roles/"; do
echo "ansible-galaxy install failed, attempt $attempt"
if [[ $attempt -eq 10 ]]; then
echo "enough retrying, farewell"
return 1
sleep 10
# Run Tenks.
${TENKS_VENV_PATH}/bin/ansible-playbook \
-vvv \
--inventory "${TENKS_SRC_PATH}/ansible/inventory" \
--extra-vars=@"$HOME/tenks.yml" \
function deploy_tenks {
echo "Configuring virtual bare metal via Tenks"
deploy_tenks_logged > /tmp/logs/ansible/deploy-tenks 2>&1
if [[ $result != 0 ]]; then
echo "Deploying tenks failed. See ansible/deploy-tenks for details"
echo "Successfully deployed tenks. See ansible/deploy-tenks for details"
return $result

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
# NOTE(yoctozepto): build container images if there is any tested
# change that impacts them.
- item.project.short_name not in ["ansible-collection-kolla", "kayobe", "kolla-ansible"]
- item.project.short_name not in ["ansible-collection-kolla", "kayobe", "kolla-ansible", "tenks"]
with_items: "{{ zuul['items'] }}"
# NOTE(yoctozepto): required to template template_overrides.j2 for Zuul
@ -178,7 +178,9 @@
- src: "tests/templates/ironic-overrides.j2"
dest: /etc/kolla/config/ironic.conf
when: "{{ scenario == 'ironic' }}"
- src: "tests/templates/tenks-deploy-config.yml.j2"
dest: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/tenks.yml"
when: "{{ scenario == 'ironic' }}"
when: item.when | default(true)
- block:
@ -449,6 +451,16 @@
chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}"
when: scenario == "scenario_nfv"
- block:
- name: Run deploy-tenks.sh script
cmd: deploy-tenks.sh
executable: /bin/bash
chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}"
TENKS_VENV_PATH: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/tenks-venv"
TENKS_SRC_PATH: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/src/opendev.org/openstack/tenks"
- name: Run test-ironic.sh script
cmd: test-ironic.sh

View File

@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
# Enable all fake hardware types and interfaces.
enabled_hardware_types = fake-hardware
enabled_boot_interfaces = fake
enabled_console_interfaces = ipmitool-socat,no-console
enabled_deploy_interfaces = fake
enabled_inspect_interfaces = inspector,no-inspect
enabled_management_interfaces = fake
enabled_network_interfaces = noop,flat,neutron
default_network_interface = neutron
enabled_power_interfaces = fake
enabled_raid_interfaces = agent,no-raid
default_raid_interface = no-raid
enabled_rescue_interfaces = fake
enabled_vendor_interfaces = no-vendor
cleaning_network = public1
provisioning_network = public1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# This file holds the config given to Tenks when running `deploy-tenks.sh`.
memory_mb: 1024
vcpus: 1
# There is a minimum disk space capacity requirement of 4GiB when using Ironic Python Agent:
# https://github.com/openstack/ironic-python-agent/blob/master/ironic_python_agent/utils.py#L290
- capacity: 4GiB
- physnet1
console_log_enabled: true
# We seem to hit issues with missing cpu features in CI as a result of using host-model, e.g:
# https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/02c33ab51664419a88a5a54ad22852a9/log/primary/system_logs/libvirt/qemu/tk0.txt.gz#38
- type: type0
count: 1
resource_class: test-rc
network_interface: flat
- resource_class: test-rc
node_type: type0
physnet1: {{ neutron_external_bridge_name }}
deploy_kernel: ipa.vmlinuz
deploy_ramdisk: ipa.initramfs
default_boot_mode: "bios"
# Use the libvirt daemon deployed by Kolla Ansible in the nova_libvirt
# container. Tenks will install libvirt client packages.
libvirt_host_install_daemon: false
# Nested virtualisation is not working well in CI currently. Force the use of
libvirt_vm_engine: "qemu"
# QEMU may not be installed on the host, so set the path and avoid
# autodetection.
libvirt_vm_emulator: "{% if ansible_facts.os_family == 'RedHat' %}/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm{% else %}/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64{% endif %}"
# Specify a log path in the kolla_logs Docker volume. It is accessible on the
# host at the same path.
libvirt_vm_default_console_log_dir: "/var/log/kolla/tenks"
# Console logs are owned by the ID of the Nova user in the nova_libvirt
# container.
libvirt_vm_log_owner: 42436

View File

@ -7,134 +7,48 @@ set -o pipefail
# Enable unbuffered output for Ansible in Jenkins.
# Adapted from the function of the same name in the ironic devstack plugin.
function wait_for_placement_resources {
# After nodes have been enrolled, we need to wait for both ironic and
# nova's periodic tasks to populate the resource tracker with available
# nodes and resources. Wait up to 2 minutes for a given resource before
# timing out.
local expected_count=1
local resource_class="RC0"
curl --fail -L -o jq https://github.com/stedolan/jq/releases/download/jq-1.5/jq-linux64
chmod +x jq
# TODO(mgoddard): switch to Placement OSC plugin, once it exists
local token
token=$(openstack token issue -f value -c id)
local endpoint
endpoint=$(openstack endpoint list --service placement --interface public -f value -c URL)
if [[ -z $endpoint ]]; then
echo "Cannot find Placement API endpoint"
return 1
local i
local count
echo "Waiting 2 minutes for Nova resource tracker to pick up $expected_count nodes"
for i in $(seq 1 120); do
# Fetch provider UUIDs from Placement
local providers
-sH "X-Auth-Token: $token"
if [[ "$TLS_ENABLED" = "True" ]]; then
args+=(--cacert $OS_CACERT)
providers=$(curl "${args[@]}" $endpoint/resource_providers \
| ./jq -r '.resource_providers[].uuid')
local p
# Total count of the resource class, has to be equal to nodes count
for p in $providers; do
local amount
# A resource class inventory record looks something like
# {"max_unit": 1, "min_unit": 1, "step_size": 1, "reserved": 0, "total": 1, "allocation_ratio": 1}
# Subtract reserved from total (defaulting both to 0)
amount=$(curl "${args[@]}" $endpoint/resource_providers/$p/inventories \
| ./jq ".inventories.CUSTOM_$resource_class as \$cls
| (\$cls.total // 0) - (\$cls.reserved // 0)")
if [ $amount -gt 0 ]; then
count=$(( count + $amount ))
if [ $count -ge $expected_count ]; then
return 0
sleep 1
echo "Timed out waiting for Nova to track $expected_count nodes"
return 1
function create_resources {
# Create a bare metal node and port.
openstack baremetal node create \
--name node-0 \
--driver fake-hardware \
--network-interface noop \
--property cpu_arch=x86_64 \
--resource-class rc0
node_uuid=$(openstack baremetal node show node-0 -f value -c uuid)
openstack baremetal port create \
00:11:22:33:44:55 \
--node $node_uuid
openstack baremetal node power off node-0
openstack baremetal node manage node-0 --wait
openstack baremetal node provide node-0 --wait
# Create a bare metal flavor in nova.
openstack flavor create \
baremetal \
--vcpus 1 \
--ram 1024 \
--disk 10 \
--property resources:CUSTOM_RC0=1 \
--property resources:VCPU=0 \
--property resources:MEMORY_MB=0 \
--property resources:DISK_GB=0 \
function test_ironic_logged {
# Assumes init-runonce has been executed.
. /etc/kolla/admin-openrc.sh
. ~/openstackclient-venv/bin/activate
echo "Enabling DHCP on the external (\"public\") subnet"
openstack subnet set --dhcp public1-subnet
# Smoke test ironic API.
local baremetal_driver_list
baremetal_driver_list=$(openstack baremetal driver list)
openstack baremetal driver list
openstack baremetal node list
openstack baremetal port list
# Ironic Inspector API
openstack baremetal introspection rule list
# Sanity check.
if ! echo "$baremetal_driver_list" | grep fake-hardware; then
echo "No active conductors with fake-hardware driver"
exit 1
openstack baremetal node show tk0
openstack baremetal node power off tk0
openstack baremetal node show tk0
openstack baremetal node manage tk0
openstack baremetal node show tk0
openstack baremetal node provide tk0
openstack baremetal node show tk0
openstack baremetal node validate tk0
echo "TESTING: Server creation"
openstack server create --wait --image cirros --flavor baremetal --key-name mykey --network demo-net kolla_boot_test
openstack --debug server list
# If the status is not ACTIVE, print info and exit 1
if [[ $(openstack server show kolla_boot_test -f value -c status) != "ACTIVE" ]]; then
echo "FAILED: Instance is not active"
openstack --debug server show kolla_boot_test
openstack server create --image cirros --flavor test-rc --key-name mykey --network public1 kolla_bm_boot_test
local attempt
while [[ $(openstack server show kolla_bm_boot_test -f value -c status) != "ACTIVE" ]]; do
echo "Server not yet active, check $attempt - retrying"
if [[ $attempt -eq 16 ]]; then
echo "FAILED: Server did not become active after $attempt checks"
openstack server show kolla_bm_boot_test
return 1
sleep 60
echo "SUCCESS: Server creation"
echo "TESTING: Server deletion"
openstack server delete --wait kolla_boot_test
openstack server delete --wait kolla_bm_boot_test
echo "SUCCESS: Server deletion"

View File

@ -83,8 +83,13 @@
voting: false
- ^ansible/roles/(ironic|neutron|nova|nova-cell)/
- ^tests/test-ironic.sh
- ^tests/test-dashboard.sh
- ^tests/deploy-tenks\.sh$
- ^tests/templates/ironic-overrides\.j2$
- ^tests/templates/tenks-deploy-config\.yml\.j2$
- ^tests/test-dashboard\.sh$
- ^tests/test-ironic\.sh$
- openstack/tenks
scenario: ironic