--- - name: Restart ovsdpdk-db container vars: service_name: "ovsdpdk-db" service: "{{ ovsdpdk_services[service_name] }}" become: true kolla_container: action: "recreate_or_restart_container" common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}" name: "{{ service.container_name }}" image: "{{ service.image }}" volumes: "{{ service.volumes }}" dimensions: "{{ service.dimensions }}" when: - kolla_action != "config" notify: - Waiting the ovs db service to be ready - Ensuring ovsdpdk bridges are properly setup indexed - Restart ovsdpdk-vswitchd container - Ensuring ovsdpdk bridges are properly setup named - wait for dpdk tunnel ip - OVS-DPDK gather facts - name: Waiting the ovs db service to be ready vars: service_name: "ovsdpdk-db" service: "{{ ovsdpdk_services[service_name] }}" become: true command: "{{ kolla_container_engine }} exec {{ service.container_name }} ovs-vsctl --no-wait show" register: check_result until: check_result is success changed_when: False retries: 30 delay: 2 - name: Ensuring ovsdpdk bridges are properly setup indexed vars: service_name: "ovsdpdk-db" service: "{{ ovsdpdk_services[service_name] }}" become: true command: > {{ kolla_container_engine }} exec {{ service.container_name }} /bin/sh -c 'CONFIG_FILE={{ container_config_directory }}/ovs-dpdkctl.conf {{ container_config_directory }}/ovs-dpdkctl.sh init' register: status changed_when: status.stdout.find('changed') != -1 when: - (inventory_hostname in groups['compute'] or (enable_manila | bool and inventory_hostname in groups['manila-share']) or inventory_hostname in groups['neutron-dhcp-agent'] or inventory_hostname in groups['neutron-l3-agent'] or inventory_hostname in groups['neutron-metadata-agent']) - ovs_physical_port_policy == 'indexed' - name: Restart ovsdpdk-vswitchd container vars: service_name: "ovsdpdk-vswitchd" service: "{{ ovsdpdk_services[service_name] }}" become: true kolla_container: action: "recreate_or_restart_container" common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}" name: "{{ service.container_name }}" image: "{{ service.image }}" volumes: "{{ service.volumes }}" privileged: "{{ service.privileged | default(True) }}" dimensions: "{{ service.dimensions }}" when: - kolla_action != "config" - name: Ensuring ovsdpdk bridges are properly setup named vars: service_name: "ovsdpdk-db" service: "{{ ovsdpdk_services[service_name] }}" become: true command: > {{ kolla_container_engine }} exec {{ service.container_name }} /bin/sh -c 'CONFIG_FILE={{ container_config_directory }}/ovs-dpdkctl.conf {{ container_config_directory }}/ovs-dpdkctl.sh init' register: status changed_when: status.stdout.find('changed') != -1 when: - (inventory_hostname in groups['compute'] or (enable_manila | bool and inventory_hostname in groups['manila-share']) or inventory_hostname in groups['neutron-dhcp-agent'] or inventory_hostname in groups['neutron-l3-agent'] or inventory_hostname in groups['neutron-metadata-agent']) - ovs_physical_port_policy == 'named' - name: Wait for dpdk tunnel ip wait_for: host: "{{ dpdk_tunnel_interface_address }}" timeout: 300 sleep: 5 - name: OVS-DPDK gather facts setup: filter: ansible_* when: - (inventory_hostname in groups['compute'] or (enable_manila | bool and inventory_hostname in groups['manila-share']) or inventory_hostname in groups['neutron-dhcp-agent'] or inventory_hostname in groups['neutron-l3-agent'] or inventory_hostname in groups['neutron-metadata-agent'])