[global_tags] [agent] interval = "10s" round_interval = true metric_batch_size = 1000 metric_buffer_limit = 10000 collection_jitter = "0s" flush_interval = "10s" flush_jitter = "0s" debug = false quiet = false hostname = "" omit_hostname = false {% if enable_influxdb | bool %} {% for host in groups['influxdb'] %} [[outputs.influxdb]] urls = ["{{ influxdb_proto }}://{{ 'api' | kolla_address(host) }}:{{ influxdb_http_port }}"] database = "telegraf" # required retention_policy = "autogen" write_consistency = "any" timeout = "5s" tls_ca = "{{ openstack_cacert }}" {% endfor %} {% endif %} [[inputs.cpu]] percpu = true totalcpu = true fielddrop = ["time_*"] {% if enable_collectd | bool and inventory_hostname in groups['collectd'] %} [[inputs.socket_listener]] service_address = "udp://{{ 'api' | kolla_address | put_address_in_context('url') }}:{{ collectd_udp_port }}" name_prefix = "collectd_" data_format = "collectd" collectd_typesdb = ["/usr/share/collectd/types.db"] {% endif %} [[inputs.disk]] ignore_fs = ["tmpfs", "devtmpfs"] [[inputs.diskio]] {% if inventory_hostname in groups['influxdb'] and enable_influxdb | bool %} [[inputs.influxdb]] urls = ["{{ influxdb_proto }}://{{ 'api' | kolla_address | put_address_in_context('url') }}:{{ influxdb_http_port }}/debug/vars"] {% endif %} [[inputs.kernel]] [[inputs.mem]] [[inputs.processes]] [[inputs.swap]] [[inputs.system]] [[inputs.net]] interfaces = [] {% if inventory_hostname in groups['chrony'] and enable_chrony | bool %} [[inputs.chrony]] dns_lookup = false {% endif %} {% if inventory_hostname in groups['haproxy'] and enable_haproxy | bool %} [[inputs.haproxy]] servers = ["{{ haproxy_proto }}://{{ haproxy_user }}:{{ haproxy_password }}@{{ api_interface_address | put_address_in_context('url') }}:{{ haproxy_stats_port }}"] {% endif %} {% if inventory_hostname in groups['memcached'] and enable_memcached | bool %} [[inputs.memcached]] servers = ["{{ api_interface_address | put_address_in_context('url') }}:{{ memcached_port }}"] {% endif %} {% if inventory_hostname in groups['elasticsearch'] and enable_elasticsearch | bool %} [[inputs.elasticsearch]] servers = ["{{ elasticsearch_proto }}://{{ api_interface_address | put_address_in_context('url') }}:{{ elasticsearch_port }}"] local = true cluster_health = true {% endif %} {% if inventory_hostname in groups['rabbitmq'] and enable_rabbitmq | bool %} [[inputs.rabbitmq]] url = "{{ rabbitmq_proto }}://{{ api_interface_address | put_address_in_context('url') }}:{{ rabbitmq_management_port }}" username = "{{ rabbitmq_user }}" password = "{{ rabbitmq_password }}" {% endif %} {% if inventory_hostname in groups['outward-rabbitmq'] and enable_outward_rabbitmq | bool %} [[inputs.rabbitmq]] url = "{{ outward_rabbitmq_proto }}://{{ api_interface_address | put_address_in_context('url') }}:{{ outward_rabbitmq_management_port }}" username = "{{ outward_rabbitmq_user }}" password = "{{ outward_rabbitmq_password }}" {% endif %} {% if inventory_hostname in groups['redis'] and enable_redis | bool %} [[inputs.redis]] servers = ["tcp://:{{ redis_master_password }}@{{ api_interface_address | put_address_in_context('url') }}:{{ redis_port }}"] {% endif %} {% if inventory_hostname in groups['zookeeper'] and enable_zookeeper | bool %} [[inputs.zookeeper]] servers = ["{{ api_interface_address | put_address_in_context('url') }}:{{ zookeeper_client_port }}"] {% endif %} {% if inventory_hostname in groups['kafka'] and enable_kafka | bool %} [[inputs.kafka_consumer]] brokers = ["{{ api_interface_address | put_address_in_context('url') }}:{{ kafka_port }}"] {% endif %} {% if inventory_hostname in groups['mariadb'] and (enable_mariadb or enable_external_mariadb_load_balancer) | bool %} [[inputs.mysql]] servers = ["{{ database_user }}:{{ database_password }}@{{ mariadb_proto }}({{ api_interface_address | put_address_in_context('url') }}:{{ database_port }})/"] perf_events_statements_digest_text_limit = 120 perf_events_statements_limit = 250 perf_events_statements_time_limit = 86400 table_schema_databases = [] gather_table_schema = true gather_process_list = true gather_info_schema_auto_inc = true gather_slave_status = true gather_binary_logs = true gather_table_io_waits = true gather_table_lock_waits = true gather_index_io_waits = true gather_event_waits = true gather_file_events_stats = true gather_perf_events_statements = true interval_slow = "30m" {% endif %} {% if telegraf_enable_docker_input | bool %} [[inputs.docker]] endpoint = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock" gather_services = false container_names = [] container_name_include = [] container_name_exclude = [] timeout = "5s" perdevice = true total = false docker_label_include = [] docker_label_exclude = [] {% endif %}