--- - hosts: - ceph-mon - ceph-osd - ceph-rgw roles: - { role: ceph, tags: ceph, when: enable_ceph | bool } - hosts: elasticsearch roles: - { role: elasticsearch, tags: elasticsearch, when: enable_elasticsearch | bool } - hosts: haproxy roles: - { role: haproxy, tags: haproxy, when: enable_haproxy | bool } - hosts: kibana roles: - { role: kibana, tags: kibana, when: enable_kibana | bool } - hosts: memcached roles: - { role: memcached, tags: [memcache, memcached], when: enable_memcached | bool } - hosts: mariadb roles: - { role: mariadb, tags: mariadb, when: enable_mariadb | bool } - hosts: - iscsid - tgtd roles: - { role: iscsi, tags: iscsi, when: enable_cinder_backend_lvm | bool } - hosts: - multipathd roles: - { role: multipathd, tags: multipathd, when: enable_multipathd | bool } - hosts: rabbitmq roles: - { role: rabbitmq, tags: rabbitmq, when: enable_rabbitmq | bool } - hosts: - keystone - memcached roles: - { role: keystone, tags: keystone, when: enable_keystone | bool } - hosts: - swift-account-server - swift-container-server - swift-object-server - swift-proxy-server - rabbitmq - memcached roles: - { role: swift, tags: swift, when: enable_swift | bool } - hosts: - ceph-mon - glance-api - glance-registry - rabbitmq - memcached roles: - { role: glance, tags: glance, when: enable_glance | bool } - hosts: - ceph-mon - compute - glance-api - nova-api - nova-conductor - nova-consoleauth - nova-novncproxy - nova-scheduler - rabbitmq - memcached roles: - { role: nova, tags: nova, when: enable_nova | bool } # (gmmaha): Please do not change the order listed here. The current order is a # workaround to fix the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla/+bug/1546789 - hosts: - neutron-server - neutron-dhcp-agent - neutron-l3-agent - neutron-lbaas-agent - neutron-metadata-agent - compute - manila-share - rabbitmq - memcached roles: - { role: neutron, tags: neutron, when: enable_neutron | bool } - hosts: - ceph-mon - cinder-api - cinder-backup - cinder-scheduler - cinder-volume - rabbitmq - memcached roles: - { role: cinder, tags: cinder, when: enable_cinder | bool } - hosts: - heat-api - heat-api-cfn - heat-engine - rabbitmq - memcached roles: - { role: heat, tags: heat, when: enable_heat | bool } - hosts: - horizon - memcached roles: - { role: horizon, tags: horizon, when: enable_horizon | bool } - hosts: - murano-api - murano-engine - rabbitmq - memcached roles: - { role: murano, tags: murano, when: enable_murano | bool } - hosts: - ironic-api - ironic-conductor - ironic-inspector - ironic-pxe - rabbitmq - memcached roles: - { role: ironic, tags: ironic, when: enable_ironic | bool } - hosts: - magnum-api - magnum-conductor - rabbitmq - memcached roles: - { role: magnum, tags: magnum, when: enable_magnum | bool } - hosts: - mistral-api - mistral-engine - mistral-executor - rabbitmq - memcached roles: - { role: mistral, tags: mistral, when: enable_mistral | bool } - hosts: - mongodb roles: - { role: mongodb, tags: mongodb, when: enable_mongodb | bool } - hosts: - manila-api - manila-share - manila-scheduler - rabbitmq - memcached roles: - { role: manila, tags: manila, when: enable_manila | bool } - hosts: - gnocchi-api - gnocchi-metricd - gnocchi-statsd roles: - { role: gnocchi, tags: gnocchi, when: enable_gnocchi | bool } - hosts: - ceilometer - compute roles: - { role: ceilometer, tags: ceilometer, when: enable_ceilometer | bool } - hosts: - aodh - rabbitmq - memcached roles: - { role: aodh, tags: aodh, when: enable_aodh | bool } - hosts: - congress-api - congress-policy-engine - congress-datasource - rabbitmq - memcached roles: - { role: congress, tags: congress, when: enable_congress | bool } - hosts: - tempest roles: - { role: tempest, tags: tempest, when: enable_tempest | bool } - hosts: - watcher-api - watcher-engine - watcher-applier - rabbitmq - memcached roles: - { role: watcher, tags: watcher, when: enable_watcher | bool }