--- - hosts: all any_errors_fatal: true vars: logs_dir: "/tmp/logs" roles: - bindep - multi-node-firewall tasks: # We have had cases where the nodepool private IP address is not assigned, # which causes hard to diagnose errors later on. Catch it early. - name: Assert that the nodepool private IPv4 address is assigned assert: that: nodepool.private_ipv4 in ansible_all_ipv4_addresses fail_msg: >- The nodepool private IP address {{ nodepool.private_ipv4 }} is not assigned - name: Install dbus for debian system apt: name=dbus when: - ansible_os_family == 'Debian' become: true - name: Ensure /tmp/logs/ dir file: path: "{{ logs_dir }}" state: "directory" - name: Ensure node directories file: path: "{{ logs_dir }}/{{ item }}" state: "directory" mode: 0777 with_items: - "docker_logs" - "kolla_configs" - "system_logs" - "kolla" - "ansible" - name: set new hostname based on ansible inventory file hostname: name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" become: true # NOTE(yoctozepto): start VXLAN interface config - name: Set VXLAN interface facts set_fact: api_interface_address: "{{ api_network_prefix }}{{ groups['all'].index(inventory_hostname) + 1 }}" api_interface_tunnel_vni: 10001 tunnel_local_address: "{{ nodepool.private_ipv4 }}" - name: Create VXLAN interface become: true command: ip link add {{ api_interface_name }} type vxlan id {{ api_interface_tunnel_vni }} local {{ tunnel_local_address }} dstport 4789 - name: Set VXLAN interface MTU become: true vars: # Find the parent interface parent_interface: >- {{ ansible_interfaces | map('extract', ansible_facts) | selectattr('ipv4.address', 'defined') | selectattr('ipv4.address', 'equalto', tunnel_local_address) | first }} # Allow 50 bytes overhead for VXLAN headers. mtu: "{{ parent_interface.mtu | int - 50 }}" command: ip link set {{ api_interface_name }} mtu {{ mtu }} # emulate BUM by multiplicating traffic to unicast targets - name: Add fdb entries for BUM traffic become: true vars: dest_ip: "{{ hostvars[item].tunnel_local_address }}" command: bridge fdb append 00:00:00:00:00:00 dev {{ api_interface_name }} dst {{ dest_ip }} with_inventory_hostnames: all when: item != inventory_hostname - name: Add IP address for VXLAN network become: true vars: api_network_cidr: "{{ api_interface_address }}/{{ api_network_prefix_length }}" # NOTE(yoctozepto): we have to compute and explicitly set the broadcast address, # otherwise bifrost fails its pre-bootstrap sanity checks due to missing # broadcast address as ansible picks up scope ('global') as the interface's # broadcast address which fails checks logic api_network_broadcast_address: "{{ api_network_cidr | ipaddr('broadcast') }}" command: ip address add {{ api_network_cidr }} broadcast {{ api_network_broadcast_address }} dev {{ api_interface_name }} - name: Accept traffic on the VXLAN network become: true iptables: state: present action: insert chain: INPUT ip_version: ipv4 in_interface: "{{ api_interface_name }}" jump: ACCEPT - name: Bring VXLAN interface up become: true command: ip link set {{ api_interface_name }} up - name: Ping across VXLAN command: ping -c1 {{ hostvars[item].api_interface_address }} with_inventory_hostnames: all