--- - name: Wait for grafana application ready uri: url: "{{ internal_protocol }}://{{ kolla_internal_vip_address }}:{{ grafana_server_port }}/login" status_code: 200 register: result until: result.status == 200 retries: 10 delay: 2 run_once: true connection: local - name: Enable grafana datasources uri: url: "{{ internal_protocol }}://{{ kolla_internal_vip_address }}:{{ grafana_server_port }}/api/datasources" method: POST user: admin password: "{{ grafana_admin_password }}" body: "{{ item.value.data | to_json }}" body_format: json force_basic_auth: yes status_code: 200, 409 register: response run_once: True connection: local changed_when: response.status == 200 failed_when: response.status not in [200, 409] or response.status == 409 and ("Data source with same name already exists" not in response.json.message|default("")) with_dict: "{{ grafana_data_sources }}" when: item.value.enabled | bool - name: Disable Getting Started panel uri: url: "{{ internal_protocol }}://{{ kolla_internal_vip_address }}:{{ grafana_server_port }}/api/user/helpflags/1" method: PUT user: admin password: "{{ grafana_admin_password }}" force_basic_auth: yes status_code: 200 register: grafana_response changed_when: grafana_response.status == 200 run_once: true connection: local when: grafana_custom_dashboard_file.stat.exists