# Wait-for function The usage of the wait_for function looks like the following $ SCRIPT_NAME LOOPS_NUMBER SLEEP_TIME ARGS The ARGS are read and concatenated together into a single command and the command is executed in a loop until it succeeds or reaches the max number of attempts (LOOPS_NUMBER). An optional FAIL_MATCH_OUTPUT variable may also be set to control if the loop exits early if the commands stdout/stderr matches the supplied regex string. Examples: $ wait_for 30 10 ping -c 1 $ wait_for 10 1 ls file_we_are_waiting_for $ wait_for 10 3 date \| grep 8 $ FAIL_MATCH_OUTPUT=CREATE_FAILED wait_for 30 10 heat stack-show undercloud $ SUCCESSFUL_MATCH_OUTPUT=CREATE_COMPLETE wait_for 30 10 heat stack-show undercloud