--- # Configure HAProxy for all cells for a particular proxy type. # Iterate over each cell group, creating HAProxy config for that cell. - name: "Configure loadbalancer for {{ cell_proxy_service_name }}" include_tasks: cell_proxy_loadbalancer.yml vars: # NOTE(mgoddard): Defining this here rather than in # cell_proxy_loadbalancer.yml due to a weird issue seen on Ansible 2.8. If # project_name is specified as a role variable for the import, it seems to # get stuck and override the variable for subsequent imports of the # loadbalancer-config role for other services. By that point # cell_proxy_service_name is no longer defined, so it fails. project_name: "nova-cell:{{ cell_proxy_service_name }}" with_items: "{{ cell_proxy_groups }}" when: groups[cell_proxy_group] | length > 0 loop_control: loop_var: cell_proxy_group tags: always