#!/bin/bash # Check the generated configuration files. set -o errexit # Enable unbuffered output for Ansible in Jenkins. export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 function check_config { # Check every file in /etc/kolla/*. failed=0 expected_user=${CONFIG_OWNER_USER:-root} expected_group=${CONFIG_OWNER_GROUP:-root} # Ignore files generated by Zuul. for f in $(sudo find /etc/kolla \ -not -regex /etc/kolla/config.* \ -not -path /etc/kolla \ -not -name admin-openrc.sh \ -not -name globals.yml \ -not -name ceph-ansible.yml \ -not -name header \ -not -name inventory \ -not -name ceph-inventory \ -not -name kolla-build.conf \ -not -name passwords.yml \ -not -name passwords.yml.old \ -not -name sources.list \ -not -name template_overrides.j2) do mode=$(sudo stat -c %a $f) owner=$(sudo stat -c %U:%G $f) if [[ -d $f ]]; then # Directories should be 770. if [[ $mode != "770" ]]; then failed=1 echo "ERROR: Unexpected permissions on directory $f. Got $mode, expected 770" fi else # Files should be 600, 660 or 770. if [[ ! $mode =~ ^(600|660|770)$ ]] ; then failed=1 echo "ERROR: Unexpected permissions on file $f. Got $mode, expected 770 or 660" fi fi # Owner user & group should be the config owner, default root. if [[ $owner != "$expected_user:$expected_group" ]]; then failed=1 echo "ERROR: Unexpected ownership on $f. Got $owner, expected $expected_user:$expected_group" fi done return $failed } check_config