[DEFAULT] debug = {{ masakari_logging_debug }} log_dir = /var/log/kolla/masakari [api] region = {{ openstack_region_name }} auth_url = {{ keystone_admin_url }} user_domain_id = {{ default_user_domain_id }} project_name = service project_domain_id = {{ default_project_domain_id }} username = {{ masakari_keystone_user }} password = {{ masakari_keystone_password }} cafile = {{ openstack_cacert }} api_interface = internal {% if service_name == 'masakari-instancemonitor' %} [libvirt] connection_uri = "qemu+tcp://{{ migration_interface_address | put_address_in_context('url') }}/system" {% endif %} {% if service_name == 'masakari-hostmonitor' %} [host] {# NOTE(yoctozepto): ``restrict_to_remotes`` is due to being unable to monitor both types at once and Kolla has remotes on dedicated computes so it is a better default choice. This limitation may be lifted in the near future (Xena+). #} restrict_to_remotes = True {# NOTE(yoctozepto): ``disable_ipmi_check`` is due to ``restrict_to_remotes`` above. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/masakari-monitors/+bug/1933203 #} disable_ipmi_check = True {% if inventory_hostname in groups['hacluster'] %} pacemaker_node_type = cluster corosync_multicast_interfaces = {{ api_interface }} corosync_multicast_ports = {{ hacluster_corosync_port }} {% elif inventory_hostname in groups['hacluster-remote'] %} pacemaker_node_type = remote {% endif %} {% endif %}