--- - name: Ensuring the ceph_mon container is up kolla_docker: name: "{{ item.name }}" action: "get_container_state" register: ceph_mon_container_state failed_when: container_state.Running == false when: inventory_hostname in groups[item.group] with_items: - { name: ceph_mon, group: ceph-mon } - name: Looking up OSDs for Ceph command: docker exec -t kolla_toolbox sudo -E /usr/bin/ansible localhost -m find_disks -a "partition_name='KOLLA_CEPH_DATA' match_mode='prefix'" register: osd_lookup changed_when: "{{ osd_lookup.stdout.find('localhost | SUCCESS => ') != -1 and (osd_lookup.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).changed }}" failed_when: osd_lookup.stdout.split()[2] != 'SUCCESS' when: inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-osd'] - name: Reading data from variable set_fact: osds: "{{ (osd_lookup.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).disks|from_json }}" when: inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-osd'] - name: Gathering OSD IDs command: "cat /var/lib/ceph/osd/{{ item['fs_uuid'] }}/whoami" with_items: "{{ osds }}" register: osd_ids changed_when: False failed_when: osd_ids.rc != 0 when: inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-osd'] - name: Ensuring the ceph_osd container is up kolla_docker: name: "ceph_osd_{{ item.stdout }}" action: "get_container_state" register: ceph_osd_container_state failed_when: ceph_osd_container_state.Running == false when: inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-osd'] with_items: "{{ osd_ids.results }}" - name: Ensuring the ceph_rgw container is up kolla_docker: name: "{{ item.name }}" action: "get_container_state" register: ceph_rgw_container_state failed_when: container_state.Running == false when: - enable_ceph_rgw | bool - inventory_hostname in groups[item.group] with_items: - { name: ceph_rgw, group: ceph-rgw } - include: config.yml - name: Check the configs in ceph_mon container command: docker exec {{ item.name }} /usr/local/bin/kolla_set_configs --check changed_when: false failed_when: false register: ceph_mon_check_results when: inventory_hostname in groups[item.group] with_items: - { name: ceph_mon, group: ceph-mon } - name: Check the configs in the ceph_osd container command: docker exec ceph_osd_{{ item.stdout }} /usr/local/bin/kolla_set_configs --check changed_when: false failed_when: false register: ceph_osd_check_results with_items: "{{ osd_ids.results }}" when: inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-osd'] - name: Check the configs in ceph_rgw container command: docker exec {{ item.name }} /usr/local/bin/kolla_set_configs --check changed_when: false failed_when: false register: ceph_rgw_check_results when: - enable_ceph_rgw | bool - inventory_hostname in groups[item.group] with_items: - { name: ceph_rgw, group: ceph-rgw} - name: Containers config strategy for ceph_mon container kolla_docker: name: "{{ item.name }}" action: "get_container_env" register: ceph_mon_container_envs when: inventory_hostname in groups[item.group] with_items: - { name: ceph_mon, group: ceph-mon } - name: Containers config strategy for the ceph_osd containers kolla_docker: name: "ceph_osd_{{ item.stdout }}" action: "get_container_env" register: ceph_osd_container_envs with_items: "{{ osd_ids.results }}" when: - inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-osd'] - osds - name: Containers config strategy for ceph_rgw container kolla_docker: name: "{{ item.name }}" action: "get_container_env" register: ceph_rgw_container_envs when: - enable_ceph_rgw | bool - inventory_hostname in groups[item.group] with_items: - { name: ceph_rgw, group: ceph-rgw } - name: Remove the ceph_mon container kolla_docker: name: "{{ item[0]['name'] }}" action: "remove_container" register: remove_ceph_mon_container when: - inventory_hostname in groups[item[0]['group']] - config_strategy == "COPY_ONCE" or item[1]['KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY'] == 'COPY_ONCE' - item[2]['rc'] == 1 with_together: - [{ name: ceph_mon, group: ceph-mon }] - "{{ ceph_mon_container_envs.results }}" - "{{ ceph_mon_check_results.results }}" - name: Remove the ceph_osd containers kolla_docker: name: "ceph_osd_{{ item.0.stdout }}" action: "remove_container" register: remove_ceph_osd_containers when: - inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-osd'] - config_strategy == "COPY_ONCE" or item[1]['KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY'] == 'COPY_ONCE' - item[2]['rc'] == 1 - osds with_together: - "{{ osd_ids.results }}" - "{{ ceph_osd_container_envs.results }}" - "{{ ceph_osd_check_results.results }}" - name: Remove the ceph_rgw container kolla_docker: name: "{{ item[0]['name'] }}" action: "remove_container" register: remove_ceph_rgw_container when: - enable_ceph_rgw | bool - inventory_hostname in groups[item[0]['group']] - config_strategy == "COPY_ONCE" or item[1]['KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY'] == 'COPY_ONCE' - item[2]['rc'] == 1 with_together: - [{ name: ceph_rgw, group: ceph-rgw }] - "{{ ceph_rgw_container_envs.results }}" - "{{ ceph_rgw_check_results.results }}" - include: start_mons.yml when: - inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-mon'] - remove_ceph_mon_container.changed - include: start_osds.yml when: - inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-osd'] - remove_ceph_osd_containers.changed - include: start_rgws.yml when: - inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-rgw'] - remove_ceph_rgw_container.changed - name: Restart the ceph_mon container kolla_docker: name: "ceph_mon" action: "restart_container" when: - inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-mon'] - config_strategy == 'COPY_ALWAYS' - item[0]['KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY'] != 'COPY_ONCE' - item[1]['rc'] == 1 with_together: - "{{ ceph_mon_container_envs.results }}" - "{{ ceph_mon_check_results.results }}" - name: Restart the ceph_osd container kolla_docker: name: "ceph_osd_{{ item.0.stdout }}" action: "restart_container" when: - inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-osd'] - config_strategy == 'COPY_ALWAYS' - item[1]['KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY'] != 'COPY_ONCE' - item[2]['rc'] == 1 - osds with_together: - "{{ osd_ids.results }}" - "{{ ceph_osd_container_envs.results }}" - "{{ ceph_osd_check_results.results }}" - name: Restart the ceph_rgw container kolla_docker: name: "ceph_rgw" action: "restart_container" when: - enable_ceph_rgw | bool - inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-rgw'] - config_strategy == 'COPY_ALWAYS' - item[0]['KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY'] != 'COPY_ONCE' - item[1]['rc'] == 1 with_together: - "{{ ceph_rgw_container_envs.results }}" - "{{ ceph_rgw_check_results.results }}"