#!/usr/bin/env python # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import contextlib import datetime import errno import graphviz import json import logging import os import pprint import re import requests import shutil import sys import tarfile import tempfile import threading import time import docker import git import jinja2 from oslo_config import cfg from requests import exceptions as requests_exc import six PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../..')) # NOTE(SamYaple): Update the search patch to prefer PROJECT_ROOT as the source # of packages to import if we are using local tools/build.py # instead of pip installed kolla-build tool if PROJECT_ROOT not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, PROJECT_ROOT) from kolla.common import config as common_config from kolla.common import task from kolla.template import filters as jinja_filters from kolla.template import methods as jinja_methods from kolla import version def make_a_logger(conf=None, image_name=None): if image_name: log = logging.getLogger(".".join([__name__, image_name])) else: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if not log.handlers: if conf is None or not conf.logs_dir or not image_name: handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) log.propagate = False else: filename = os.path.join(conf.logs_dir, "%s.log" % image_name) handler = logging.FileHandler(filename, delay=True) handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(logging.BASIC_FORMAT)) log.addHandler(handler) if conf is not None and conf.debug: log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: log.setLevel(logging.INFO) return log LOG = make_a_logger() class KollaDirNotFoundException(Exception): pass class KollaUnknownBuildTypeException(Exception): pass class KollaMismatchBaseTypeException(Exception): pass class KollaRpmSetupUnknownConfig(Exception): pass # Image status constants. # # TODO(harlowja): use enum lib in the future?? STATUS_CONNECTION_ERROR = 'connection_error' STATUS_PUSH_ERROR = 'push_error' STATUS_ERROR = 'error' STATUS_PARENT_ERROR = 'parent_error' STATUS_BUILT = 'built' STATUS_BUILDING = 'building' STATUS_UNMATCHED = 'unmatched' STATUS_MATCHED = 'matched' STATUS_UNPROCESSED = 'unprocessed' # All error status constants. STATUS_ERRORS = (STATUS_CONNECTION_ERROR, STATUS_PUSH_ERROR, STATUS_ERROR, STATUS_PARENT_ERROR) @contextlib.contextmanager def join_many(threads): try: yield for t in threads: t.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: try: LOG.info('Waiting for daemon threads exit. Push Ctrl + c again to' ' force exit') for t in threads: if t.is_alive(): LOG.debug('Waiting thread %s to exit', t.name) # NOTE(Jeffrey4l): Python Bug: When join without timeout, # KeyboardInterrupt is never sent. t.join(0xffff) LOG.debug('Thread %s exits', t.name) except KeyboardInterrupt: LOG.warning('Force exits') class DockerTask(task.Task): docker_kwargs = docker.utils.kwargs_from_env() def __init__(self): super(DockerTask, self).__init__() self._dc = None @property def dc(self): if self._dc is not None: return self._dc docker_kwargs = self.docker_kwargs.copy() self._dc = docker.Client(version='auto', **docker_kwargs) return self._dc class Image(object): def __init__(self, name, canonical_name, path, parent_name='', status=STATUS_UNPROCESSED, parent=None, source=None, logger=None): self.name = name self.canonical_name = canonical_name self.path = path self.status = status self.parent = parent self.source = source self.parent_name = parent_name if logger is None: logger = make_a_logger(image_name=name) self.logger = logger self.children = [] self.plugins = [] def copy(self): c = Image(self.name, self.canonical_name, self.path, logger=self.logger, parent_name=self.parent_name, status=self.status, parent=self.parent) if self.source: c.source = self.source.copy() if self.children: c.children = list(self.children) if self.plugins: c.plugins = list(self.plugins) return c def __repr__(self): return ("Image(%s, %s, %s, parent_name=%s," " status=%s, parent=%s, source=%s)") % ( self.name, self.canonical_name, self.path, self.parent_name, self.status, self.parent, self.source) class PushIntoQueueTask(task.Task): """Task that pushes some other task into a queue.""" def __init__(self, push_task, push_queue): super(PushIntoQueueTask, self).__init__() self.push_task = push_task self.push_queue = push_queue @property def name(self): return 'PushIntoQueueTask(%s=>%s)' % (self.push_task.name, self.push_queue) def run(self): self.push_queue.put(self.push_task) self.success = True class PushTask(DockerTask): """Task that pushes an image to a docker repository.""" def __init__(self, conf, image): super(PushTask, self).__init__() self.conf = conf self.image = image self.logger = image.logger @property def name(self): return 'PushTask(%s)' % self.image.name def run(self): image = self.image self.logger.info('Trying to push the image') try: self.push_image(image) except requests_exc.ConnectionError: self.logger.exception('Make sure Docker is running and that you' ' have the correct privileges to run Docker' ' (root)') image.status = STATUS_CONNECTION_ERROR except Exception: self.logger.exception('Unknown error when pushing') image.status = STATUS_PUSH_ERROR finally: if (image.status not in STATUS_ERRORS and image.status != STATUS_UNPROCESSED): self.logger.info('Pushed successfully') self.success = True else: self.success = False def push_image(self, image): for response in self.dc.push(image.canonical_name, stream=True, insecure_registry=True): stream = json.loads(response) if 'stream' in stream: self.logger.info(stream['stream']) elif 'errorDetail' in stream: image.status = STATUS_ERROR self.logger.error(stream['errorDetail']['message']) class BuildTask(DockerTask): """Task that builds out an image.""" def __init__(self, conf, image, push_queue): super(BuildTask, self).__init__() self.conf = conf self.image = image self.push_queue = push_queue self.nocache = not conf.cache self.forcerm = not conf.keep self.logger = image.logger @property def name(self): return 'BuildTask(%s)' % self.image.name def run(self): self.builder(self.image) if self.image.status == STATUS_BUILT: self.success = True @property def followups(self): followups = [] if self.conf.push and self.success: followups.extend([ # If we are supposed to push the image into a docker # repository, then make sure we do that... PushIntoQueueTask( PushTask(self.conf, self.image), self.push_queue), ]) if self.image.children and self.success: for image in self.image.children: followups.append(BuildTask(self.conf, image, self.push_queue)) return followups def process_source(self, image, source): dest_archive = os.path.join(image.path, source['name'] + '-archive') if source.get('type') == 'url': self.logger.debug("Getting archive from %s", source['source']) try: r = requests.get(source['source'], timeout=self.conf.timeout) except requests_exc.Timeout: self.logger.exception( 'Request timed out while getting archive from %s', source['source']) image.status = STATUS_ERROR return if r.status_code == 200: with open(dest_archive, 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) else: self.logger.error( 'Failed to download archive: status_code %s', r.status_code) image.status = STATUS_ERROR return elif source.get('type') == 'git': clone_dir = '{}-{}'.format(dest_archive, source['reference'].replace('/', '-')) try: self.logger.debug("Cloning from %s", source['source']) git.Git().clone(source['source'], clone_dir) git.Git(clone_dir).checkout(source['reference']) reference_sha = git.Git(clone_dir).rev_parse('HEAD') self.logger.debug("Git checkout by reference %s (%s)", source['reference'], reference_sha) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Failed to get source from git", image.name) self.logger.error("Error: %s", e) # clean-up clone folder to retry shutil.rmtree(clone_dir) image.status = STATUS_ERROR return with tarfile.open(dest_archive, 'w') as tar: tar.add(clone_dir, arcname=os.path.basename(clone_dir)) elif source.get('type') == 'local': self.logger.debug("Getting local archive from %s", source['source']) if os.path.isdir(source['source']): with tarfile.open(dest_archive, 'w') as tar: tar.add(source['source'], arcname=os.path.basename(source['source'])) else: shutil.copyfile(source['source'], dest_archive) else: self.logger.error("Wrong source type '%s'", source.get('type')) image.status = STATUS_ERROR return # Set time on destination archive to epoch 0 os.utime(dest_archive, (0, 0)) return dest_archive def update_buildargs(self): buildargs = dict() if self.conf.build_args: buildargs = dict(self.conf.build_args) proxy_vars = ('HTTP_PROXY', 'http_proxy', 'HTTPS_PROXY', 'https_proxy', 'FTP_PROXY', 'ftp_proxy', 'NO_PROXY', 'no_proxy') for proxy_var in proxy_vars: if proxy_var in os.environ and proxy_var not in buildargs: buildargs[proxy_var] = os.environ.get(proxy_var) if not buildargs: return None return buildargs def builder(self, image): self.logger.debug('Processing') if image.status == STATUS_UNMATCHED: return if (image.parent is not None and image.parent.status in STATUS_ERRORS): self.logger.error('Parent image error\'d with message "%s"', image.parent.status) image.status = STATUS_PARENT_ERROR return image.status = STATUS_BUILDING self.logger.info('Building') if image.source and 'source' in image.source: self.process_source(image, image.source) if image.status in STATUS_ERRORS: return plugin_archives = list() plugins_path = os.path.join(image.path, 'plugins') for plugin in image.plugins: archive_path = self.process_source(image, plugin) if image.status in STATUS_ERRORS: return plugin_archives.append(archive_path) if plugin_archives: for plugin_archive in plugin_archives: with tarfile.open(plugin_archive, 'r') as plugin_archive_tar: plugin_archive_tar.extractall(path=plugins_path) else: try: os.mkdir(plugins_path) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: self.logger.info('Directory %s already exist. Skipping.', plugins_path) else: self.logger.error('Failed to create directory %s: %s', plugins_path, e) image.status = STATUS_CONNECTION_ERROR return with tarfile.open(os.path.join(image.path, 'plugins-archive'), 'w') as tar: tar.add(plugins_path, arcname='plugins') # Pull the latest image for the base distro only pull = True if image.parent is None else False buildargs = self.update_buildargs() try: for response in self.dc.build(path=image.path, tag=image.canonical_name, nocache=not self.conf.cache, rm=True, pull=pull, forcerm=self.forcerm, buildargs=buildargs): stream = json.loads(response.decode('utf-8')) if 'stream' in stream: for line in stream['stream'].split('\n'): if line: self.logger.info('%s', line) if 'errorDetail' in stream: image.status = STATUS_ERROR self.logger.error('Error\'d with the following message') for line in stream['errorDetail']['message'].split('\n'): if line: self.logger.error('%s', line) return except docker.errors.DockerException: image.status = STATUS_ERROR self.logger.exception('Unknown docker error when building') except Exception: image.status = STATUS_ERROR self.logger.exception('Unknown error when building') else: image.status = STATUS_BUILT self.logger.info('Built') class WorkerThread(threading.Thread): """Thread that executes tasks until the queue provides a tombstone.""" #: Object to be put on worker queues to get them to die. tombstone = object() def __init__(self, conf, queue): super(WorkerThread, self).__init__() self.queue = queue self.conf = conf self.should_stop = False def run(self): while not self.should_stop: task = self.queue.get() if task is self.tombstone: # Ensure any other threads also get the tombstone. self.queue.put(task) break try: for attempt in six.moves.range(self.conf.retries + 1): if self.should_stop: break if attempt > 0: LOG.info("Attempting to run task %s for the %s time", task.name, attempt + 1) else: LOG.info("Attempting to run task %s for the first" " time", task.name) try: task.run() if task.success: break except Exception: LOG.exception('Unhandled error when running %s', task.name) # try again... task.reset() if task.success and not self.should_stop: for next_task in task.followups: LOG.info('Added next task %s to queue', next_task.name) self.queue.put(next_task) finally: self.queue.task_done() class KollaWorker(object): def __init__(self, conf): self.conf = conf self.images_dir = self._get_images_dir() self.registry = conf.registry if self.registry: self.namespace = self.registry + '/' + conf.namespace else: self.namespace = conf.namespace self.base = conf.base self.base_tag = conf.base_tag self.install_type = conf.install_type self.tag = conf.tag self.images = list() if conf.rpm_setup_config: rpm_setup_config = filter(None, conf.rpm_setup_config) else: rpm_setup_config = list() self.rpm_setup = self.build_rpm_setup(rpm_setup_config) rh_base = ['fedora', 'centos', 'oraclelinux', 'rhel'] rh_type = ['source', 'binary', 'rdo', 'rhos'] deb_base = ['ubuntu', 'debian'] deb_type = ['source', 'binary'] if not ((self.base in rh_base and self.install_type in rh_type) or (self.base in deb_base and self.install_type in deb_type)): raise KollaMismatchBaseTypeException( '{} is unavailable for {}'.format(self.install_type, self.base) ) if self.base == 'fedora': LOG.warning('Fedora images are deprecated since Newton and will ' 'be removed in the future') if self.install_type == 'binary': self.install_metatype = 'rdo' elif self.install_type == 'source': self.install_metatype = 'mixed' elif self.install_type == 'rdo': self.install_type = 'binary' self.install_metatype = 'rdo' elif self.install_type == 'rhos': self.install_type = 'binary' self.install_metatype = 'rhos' else: raise KollaUnknownBuildTypeException( 'Unknown install type' ) self.image_prefix = self.base + '-' + self.install_type + '-' self.include_header = conf.include_header self.include_footer = conf.include_footer self.regex = conf.regex self.image_statuses_bad = dict() self.image_statuses_good = dict() self.image_statuses_unmatched = dict() self.maintainer = conf.maintainer def _get_images_dir(self): possible_paths = ( PROJECT_ROOT, os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share/kolla'), os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'local/share/kolla')) for path in possible_paths: image_path = os.path.join(path, 'docker') # NOTE(SamYaple): We explicty check for the base folder to ensure # this is the correct path # TODO(SamYaple): Improve this to make this safer if os.path.exists(os.path.join(image_path, 'base')): LOG.info('Found the docker image folder at %s', image_path) return image_path else: raise KollaDirNotFoundException('Image dir can not be found') def build_rpm_setup(self, rpm_setup_config): """Generates a list of docker commands based on provided configuration. :param rpm_setup_config: A list of .rpm or .repo paths or URLs :return: A list of docker commands """ rpm_setup = list() for config in rpm_setup_config: if config.endswith('.rpm'): # RPM files can be installed with yum from file path or url cmd = "RUN yum -y install {}".format(config) elif config.endswith('.repo'): if config.startswith('http'): # Curl http://url/etc.repo to /etc/yum.repos.d/etc.repo name = config.split('/')[-1] cmd = "RUN curl -L {} -o /etc/yum.repos.d/{}".format( config, name) else: # Copy .repo file from filesystem cmd = "COPY {} /etc/yum.repos.d/".format(config) else: raise KollaRpmSetupUnknownConfig( 'RPM setup must be provided as .rpm or .repo files.' ' Attempted configuration was {}'.format(config) ) rpm_setup.append(cmd) return rpm_setup def copy_apt_files(self): if self.conf.apt_sources_list: shutil.copyfile( self.conf.apt_sources_list, os.path.join(self.working_dir, "base", "sources.list") ) if self.conf.apt_preferences: shutil.copyfile( self.conf.apt_preferences, os.path.join(self.working_dir, "base", "apt_preferences") ) def setup_working_dir(self): """Creates a working directory for use while building""" ts = time.time() ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_') self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='kolla-' + ts) self.working_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'docker') shutil.copytree(self.images_dir, self.working_dir) self.copy_apt_files() LOG.debug('Created working dir: %s', self.working_dir) def set_time(self): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.working_dir): for file_ in files: os.utime(os.path.join(root, file_), (0, 0)) for dir_ in dirs: os.utime(os.path.join(root, dir_), (0, 0)) LOG.debug('Set atime and mtime to 0 for all content in working dir') def _get_filters(self): filters = { 'customizable': jinja_filters.customizable, } return filters def _get_methods(self): """Mapping of available Jinja methods return a dictionary that maps available function names and their corresponding python methods to make them available in jinja templates """ return { 'debian_package_install': jinja_methods.debian_package_install, } def create_dockerfiles(self): kolla_version = version.version_info.cached_version_string() supported_distro_release = common_config.DISTRO_RELEASE.get( self.base) for path in self.docker_build_paths: template_name = "Dockerfile.j2" image_name = path.split("/")[-1] values = {'base_distro': self.base, 'base_image': self.conf.base_image, 'base_distro_tag': self.base_tag, 'supported_distro_release': supported_distro_release, 'install_metatype': self.install_metatype, 'image_prefix': self.image_prefix, 'install_type': self.install_type, 'namespace': self.namespace, 'tag': self.tag, 'maintainer': self.maintainer, 'kolla_version': kolla_version, 'image_name': image_name, 'rpm_setup': self.rpm_setup} env = jinja2.Environment( # nosec: not used to render HTML loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(self.working_dir)) env.filters.update(self._get_filters()) env.globals.update(self._get_methods()) tpl_path = os.path.join( os.path.relpath(path, self.working_dir), template_name) template = env.get_template(tpl_path) if self.conf.template_override: template_path = os.path.dirname(self.conf.template_override) template_name = os.path.basename(self.conf.template_override) values['parent_template'] = template env = jinja2.Environment( # nosec: not used to render HTML loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_path)) env.filters.update(self._get_filters()) env.globals.update(self._get_methods()) template = env.get_template(template_name) if self.include_header: with open(self.include_header, 'r') as f: values['include_header'] = f.read() if self.include_footer: with open(self.include_footer, 'r') as f: values['include_footer'] = f.read() content = template.render(values) with open(os.path.join(path, 'Dockerfile'), 'w') as f: f.write(content) def find_dockerfiles(self): """Recursive search for Dockerfiles in the working directory""" self.docker_build_paths = list() path = self.working_dir filename = 'Dockerfile.j2' for root, dirs, names in os.walk(path): if filename in names: self.docker_build_paths.append(root) LOG.debug('Found %s', root.split(self.working_dir)[1]) LOG.debug('Found %d Dockerfiles', len(self.docker_build_paths)) def cleanup(self): """Remove temp files""" shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir) def filter_images(self): """Filter which images to build""" filter_ = list() if self.regex: filter_ += self.regex elif self.conf.profile: for profile in self.conf.profile: if profile not in self.conf.profiles: self.conf.register_opt(cfg.ListOpt(profile, default=[]), 'profiles') if len(self.conf.profiles[profile]) == 0: msg = 'Profile: {} does not exist'.format(profile) raise ValueError(msg) else: filter_ += self.conf.profiles[profile] if filter_: patterns = re.compile(r"|".join(filter_).join('()')) for image in self.images: if image.status == STATUS_MATCHED: continue if re.search(patterns, image.name): image.status = STATUS_MATCHED while (image.parent is not None and image.parent.status != STATUS_MATCHED): image = image.parent image.status = STATUS_MATCHED LOG.debug('Image %s matched regex', image.name) else: image.status = STATUS_UNMATCHED else: for image in self.images: image.status = STATUS_MATCHED def summary(self): """Walk the dictionary of images statuses and print results""" # For debug we print the logs again if the image error'd. This is to # help us debug and it will be extra helpful in the gate. for image in self.images: if image.status in STATUS_ERRORS: LOG.debug("Image %s failed", image.name) self.get_image_statuses() if self.image_statuses_good: LOG.info("=========================") LOG.info("Successfully built images") LOG.info("=========================") for name in self.image_statuses_good.keys(): LOG.info(name) if self.image_statuses_bad: LOG.info("===========================") LOG.info("Images that failed to build") LOG.info("===========================") for name, status in self.image_statuses_bad.items(): LOG.error('%s Failed with status: %s', name, status) if self.image_statuses_unmatched: LOG.debug("=====================================") LOG.debug("Images not matched for build by regex") LOG.debug("=====================================") for name in self.image_statuses_unmatched.keys(): LOG.debug(name) def get_image_statuses(self): if any([self.image_statuses_bad, self.image_statuses_good, self.image_statuses_unmatched]): return (self.image_statuses_bad, self.image_statuses_good, self.image_statuses_unmatched) for image in self.images: if image.status == STATUS_BUILT: self.image_statuses_good[image.name] = image.status elif image.status == STATUS_UNMATCHED: self.image_statuses_unmatched[image.name] = image.status else: self.image_statuses_bad[image.name] = image.status return (self.image_statuses_bad, self.image_statuses_good, self.image_statuses_unmatched) def build_image_list(self): def process_source_installation(image, section): installation = dict() # NOTE(jeffrey4l): source is not needed when the type is None if self.conf._get('type', self.conf._get_group(section)) is None: if image.parent_name is None: LOG.debug('No source location found in section %s', section) else: installation['type'] = self.conf[section]['type'] installation['source'] = self.conf[section]['location'] installation['name'] = section if installation['type'] == 'git': installation['reference'] = self.conf[section]['reference'] return installation for path in self.docker_build_paths: # Reading parent image name with open(os.path.join(path, 'Dockerfile')) as f: content = f.read() image_name = os.path.basename(path) canonical_name = (self.namespace + '/' + self.image_prefix + image_name + ':' + self.tag) image = Image(image_name, canonical_name, path, parent_name=content.split(' ')[1].split('\n')[0], logger=make_a_logger(self.conf, image_name)) if self.install_type == 'source': # NOTE(jeffrey4l): register the opts if the section didn't # register in the kolla/common/config.py file if image.name not in self.conf._groups: self.conf.register_opts(common_config.get_source_opts(), image.name) image.source = process_source_installation(image, image.name) for plugin in [match.group(0) for match in (re.search('{}-plugin-.+'.format(image.name), section) for section in self.conf.list_all_sections()) if match]: try: self.conf.register_opts( common_config.get_source_opts(), plugin ) except cfg.DuplicateOptError: LOG.debug('Plugin %s already registered in config', plugin) image.plugins.append( process_source_installation(image, plugin)) self.images.append(image) def save_dependency(self, to_file): dot = graphviz.Digraph(comment='Docker Images Dependency') dot.body.extend(['rankdir=LR']) for image in self.images: if image.status not in [STATUS_MATCHED]: continue dot.node(image.name) if image.parent is not None: dot.edge(image.parent.name, image.name) with open(to_file, 'w') as f: f.write(dot.source) def list_images(self): for count, image in enumerate(self.images): print(count + 1, ':', image.name) def list_dependencies(self): match = False for image in self.images: if image.status in [STATUS_MATCHED]: match = True if image.parent is None: base = image if not match: print('Nothing matched!') return def list_children(images, ancestry): children = six.next(iter(ancestry.values())) for image in images: if image.status not in [STATUS_MATCHED]: continue if not image.children: children.append(image.name) else: newparent = {image.name: []} children.append(newparent) list_children(image.children, newparent) ancestry = {base.name: []} list_children(base.children, ancestry) pprint.pprint(ancestry) def find_parents(self): """Associate all images with parents and children""" sort_images = dict() for image in self.images: sort_images[image.canonical_name] = image for parent_name, parent in sort_images.items(): for image in sort_images.values(): if image.parent_name == parent_name: parent.children.append(image) image.parent = parent def build_queue(self, push_queue): """Organizes Queue list Return a list of Queues that have been organized into a hierarchy based on dependencies """ self.build_image_list() self.find_parents() self.filter_images() queue = six.moves.queue.Queue() for image in self.images: if image.parent is None: queue.put(BuildTask(self.conf, image, push_queue)) LOG.info('Added image %s to queue', image.name) return queue def run_build(): """Build container images. :return: A 3-tuple containing bad, good, and unmatched container image status dicts, or None if no images were built. """ conf = cfg.ConfigOpts() common_config.parse(conf, sys.argv[1:], prog='kolla-build') if conf.debug: LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) kolla = KollaWorker(conf) kolla.setup_working_dir() kolla.find_dockerfiles() kolla.create_dockerfiles() if conf.template_only: LOG.info('Dockerfiles are generated in %s', kolla.working_dir) return # We set the atime and mtime to 0 epoch to preserve allow the Docker cache # to work like we want. A different size or hash will still force a rebuild kolla.set_time() if conf.save_dependency: kolla.build_image_list() kolla.find_parents() kolla.filter_images() kolla.save_dependency(conf.save_dependency) LOG.info('Docker images dependency are saved in %s', conf.save_dependency) return if conf.list_images: kolla.build_image_list() kolla.list_images() return if conf.list_dependencies: kolla.build_image_list() kolla.find_parents() kolla.filter_images() kolla.list_dependencies() return push_queue = six.moves.queue.Queue() queue = kolla.build_queue(push_queue) workers = [] with join_many(workers): try: for x in six.moves.range(conf.threads): worker = WorkerThread(conf, queue) worker.setDaemon(True) worker.start() workers.append(worker) for x in six.moves.range(conf.push_threads): worker = WorkerThread(conf, push_queue) worker.setDaemon(True) worker.start() workers.append(worker) # sleep until queue is empty while queue.unfinished_tasks or push_queue.unfinished_tasks: time.sleep(3) # ensure all threads exited happily push_queue.put(WorkerThread.tombstone) queue.put(WorkerThread.tombstone) except KeyboardInterrupt: for w in workers: w.should_stop = True push_queue.put(WorkerThread.tombstone) queue.put(WorkerThread.tombstone) raise kolla.summary() kolla.cleanup() return kolla.get_image_statuses()