--- - name: Ensuring config directories exist become: true file: path: "{{ node_config_directory }}/{{ item.key }}" state: "directory" owner: "{{ config_owner_user }}" group: "{{ config_owner_group }}" mode: "0770" when: - inventory_hostname in groups[item.value.group] - item.value.enabled | bool with_dict: "{{ prometheus_services }}" - include_tasks: copy-certs.yml when: - kolla_copy_ca_into_containers | bool - name: Copying over config.json files become: true template: src: "{{ item.key }}.json.j2" dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/{{ item.key }}/config.json" mode: "0660" when: - inventory_hostname in groups[item.value.group] - item.value.enabled | bool with_dict: "{{ prometheus_services }}" notify: - Restart {{ item.key }} container - name: Find custom prometheus alert rules files become: true find: path: "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/" pattern: "*.rules" run_once: True delegate_to: localhost register: prometheus_alert_rules when: - enable_prometheus_alertmanager | bool - name: Copying over custom prometheus alert rules files become: true vars: service: "{{ prometheus_services['prometheus-server'] }}" copy: src: "{{ item.path }}" dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/prometheus-server/{{ item.path | basename }}" mode: "0660" when: - inventory_hostname in groups[service.group] - service.enabled | bool and enable_prometheus_alertmanager | bool - prometheus_alert_rules is defined and prometheus_alert_rules.files | length > 0 with_items: "{{ prometheus_alert_rules.files }}" notify: - Restart prometheus-server container - name: Find prometheus config overrides find: # NOTE(wszumski): Non-existent paths don't produce a failure paths: - "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/prometheus.yml.d" - "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/{{ inventory_hostname }}/prometheus.yml.d" patterns: "*.yml" delegate_to: localhost register: prometheus_config_overrides_result run_once: true - name: Copying over prometheus config file become: true vars: service: "{{ prometheus_services['prometheus-server'] }}" overrides: "{{ prometheus_config_overrides_result.files | map(attribute='path') | list }}" merge_yaml: sources: "{{ [prometheus_config_file] + overrides }}" dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/prometheus-server/prometheus.yml" mode: "0660" extend_lists: true when: - inventory_hostname in groups[service.group] - service.enabled | bool with_first_found: - "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/{{ inventory_hostname }}/prometheus.yml" - "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/prometheus.yml" - "{{ role_path }}/templates/prometheus.yml.j2" notify: - Restart prometheus-server container - name: Copying over prometheus alertmanager config file become: true vars: service: "{{ prometheus_services['prometheus-alertmanager'] }}" template: src: "{{ item }}" dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/prometheus-alertmanager/prometheus-alertmanager.yml" mode: "0660" when: - inventory_hostname in groups[service.group] - service.enabled | bool with_first_found: - "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/{{ inventory_hostname }}/prometheus-alertmanager.yml" - "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/prometheus-alertmanager.yml" - "{{ role_path }}/templates/prometheus-alertmanager.yml.j2" notify: - Restart prometheus-alertmanager container - name: Copying over my.cnf for mysqld_exporter become: true vars: service: "{{ prometheus_services['prometheus-mysqld-exporter'] }}" merge_configs: sources: - "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus-mysqld-exporter/{{ inventory_hostname }}/my.cnf" - "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus-mysqld-exporter/my.cnf" - "{{ role_path }}/templates/my.cnf.j2" dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/prometheus-mysqld-exporter/my.cnf" mode: "0660" when: - inventory_hostname in groups[service.group] - service.enabled | bool notify: - Restart prometheus-mysqld-exporter container - name: Copying cloud config file for openstack exporter become: true vars: service: "{{ prometheus_services['prometheus-openstack-exporter'] }}" template: src: "{{ item }}" dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/prometheus-openstack-exporter/clouds.yml" mode: "0660" when: - inventory_hostname in groups[service.group] - service.enabled | bool with_first_found: - "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus-openstack-exporter/{{ inventory_hostname }}/clouds.yml" - "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus-openstack-exporter/clouds.yml" - "{{ role_path }}/templates/clouds.yml.j2" notify: - Restart prometheus-openstack-exporter container - name: Copying config file for blackbox exporter become: true vars: service: "{{ prometheus_services['prometheus-blackbox-exporter'] }}" template: src: "{{ item }}" dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/prometheus-blackbox-exporter/prometheus-blackbox-exporter.yml" mode: "0660" when: - inventory_hostname in groups[service.group] - service.enabled | bool with_first_found: - "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/{{ inventory_hostname }}/prometheus-blackbox-exporter.yml" - "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/prometheus-blackbox-exporter.yml" - "{{ role_path }}/templates/prometheus-blackbox-exporter.yml.j2" notify: - Restart prometheus-blackbox-exporter container - block: - name: Find extra prometheus server config files find: paths: "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/extras/" patterns: "*" recurse: true delegate_to: localhost register: prometheus_config_extras_result run_once: true - name: Create subdirectories for extra config files become: true vars: dirs: >- {{ prometheus_config_extras_result.files | default([]) | map(attribute='path') | map('dirname') | unique | map('relpath', base) | list }} file: path: "{{ node_config_directory }}/prometheus-server/{{ item }}" state: "directory" owner: "{{ config_owner_user }}" group: "{{ config_owner_group }}" mode: "0770" recurse: true with_items: "{{ dirs }}" - name: Template extra prometheus server config files become: true vars: relpath: "{{ item | relpath(base) }}" template: src: "{{ item }}" dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/prometheus-server/{{ relpath }}" mode: "0660" with_items: "{{ prometheus_config_extras_result.files | default([]) | map(attribute='path') | list }}" notify: - Restart prometheus-server container vars: base: "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/" service: "{{ prometheus_services['prometheus-server'] }}" when: - inventory_hostname in groups[service.group] - service.enabled | bool - include_tasks: check-containers.yml when: kolla_action != "config"