--- - import_playbook: gather-facts.yml # NOTE(mgoddard): In large environments, even tasks that are skipped can take a # significant amount of time. This is an optimisation to prevent any tasks # running in the subsequent plays for services that are disabled. - name: Group hosts based on configuration hosts: all gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Group hosts based on Kolla action group_by: key: "kolla_action_{{ kolla_action }}" - name: Group hosts based on enabled services group_by: key: "{{ item }}" with_items: - enable_aodh_{{ enable_aodh | bool }} - enable_barbican_{{ enable_barbican | bool }} - enable_blazar_{{ enable_blazar | bool }} - enable_ceilometer_{{ enable_ceilometer | bool }} - enable_chrony_{{ enable_chrony | bool }} - enable_cinder_{{ enable_cinder | bool }} - enable_cloudkitty_{{ enable_cloudkitty | bool }} - enable_collectd_{{ enable_collectd | bool }} - enable_cyborg_{{ enable_cyborg | bool }} - enable_designate_{{ enable_designate | bool }} - enable_elasticsearch_{{ enable_elasticsearch | bool }} - enable_etcd_{{ enable_etcd | bool }} - enable_freezer_{{ enable_freezer | bool }} - enable_glance_{{ enable_glance | bool }} - enable_gnocchi_{{ enable_gnocchi | bool }} - enable_grafana_{{ enable_grafana | bool }} - enable_haproxy_{{ enable_haproxy | bool }} - enable_heat_{{ enable_heat | bool }} - enable_horizon_{{ enable_horizon | bool }} - enable_hyperv_{{ enable_hyperv | bool }} - enable_influxdb_{{ enable_influxdb | bool }} - enable_ironic_{{ enable_ironic | bool }} - enable_iscsid_{{ enable_iscsid | bool }} - enable_kafka_{{ enable_kafka | bool }} - enable_karbor_{{ enable_karbor | bool }} - enable_keystone_{{ enable_keystone | bool }} - enable_kibana_{{ enable_kibana | bool }} - enable_kuryr_{{ enable_kuryr | bool }} - enable_magnum_{{ enable_magnum | bool }} - enable_manila_{{ enable_manila | bool }} - enable_mariadb_{{ enable_mariadb | bool }} - enable_masakari_{{ enable_masakari | bool }} - enable_memcached_{{ enable_memcached | bool }} - enable_mistral_{{ enable_mistral | bool }} - enable_monasca_{{ enable_monasca | bool }} - enable_multipathd_{{ enable_multipathd | bool }} - enable_murano_{{ enable_murano | bool }} - enable_neutron_{{ enable_neutron | bool }} - enable_nova_{{ enable_nova | bool }} - enable_octavia_{{ enable_octavia | bool }} - enable_openvswitch_{{ enable_openvswitch | bool }}_enable_ovs_dpdk_{{ enable_ovs_dpdk | bool }} - enable_outward_rabbitmq_{{ enable_outward_rabbitmq | bool }} - enable_ovn_{{ enable_ovn | bool }} - enable_panko_{{ enable_panko | bool }} - enable_placement_{{ enable_placement | bool }} - enable_prometheus_{{ enable_prometheus | bool }} - enable_qdrouterd_{{ enable_qdrouterd | bool }} - enable_qinling_{{ enable_qinling | bool }} - enable_rabbitmq_{{ enable_rabbitmq | bool }} - enable_rally_{{ enable_rally | bool }} - enable_redis_{{ enable_redis | bool }} - enable_sahara_{{ enable_sahara | bool }} - enable_searchlight_{{ enable_searchlight | bool }} - enable_senlin_{{ enable_senlin | bool }} - enable_skydive_{{ enable_skydive | bool }} - enable_solum_{{ enable_solum | bool }} - enable_storm_{{ enable_storm | bool }} - enable_swift_{{ enable_swift | bool }} - enable_tacker_{{ enable_tacker | bool }} - enable_telegraf_{{ enable_telegraf | bool }} - enable_tempest_{{ enable_tempest | bool }} - enable_trove_{{ enable_trove | bool }} - enable_vitrage_{{ enable_vitrage | bool }} - enable_vmtp_{{ enable_vmtp | bool }} - enable_watcher_{{ enable_watcher | bool }} - enable_zookeeper_{{ enable_zookeeper | bool }} - enable_zun_{{ enable_zun | bool }} tags: always - name: Apply role prechecks gather_facts: false # Apply only when kolla action is 'precheck'. hosts: kolla_action_precheck roles: - role: prechecks - name: Apply role common gather_facts: false hosts: - cron - fluentd - kolla-logs - kolla-toolbox serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' tags: - common roles: - role: common - name: Apply role chrony gather_facts: false hosts: - chrony-server - chrony - '&enable_chrony_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: chrony, tags: chrony, when: enable_chrony | bool } - name: Apply role haproxy gather_facts: false hosts: - haproxy - '&enable_haproxy_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' tags: - haproxy roles: - { role: haproxy, when: enable_haproxy | bool } tasks: - block: - include_role: name: aodh tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: aodh when: enable_aodh | bool - include_role: name: barbican tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: barbican when: enable_barbican | bool - include_role: name: blazar tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: blazar when: enable_blazar | bool - include_role: name: cinder tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: cinder when: enable_cinder | bool - include_role: name: cloudkitty tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: cloudkitty when: enable_cloudkitty | bool - include_role: name: cyborg tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: cyborg when: enable_cyborg | bool - include_role: name: designate tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: designate when: enable_designate | bool - include_role: name: elasticsearch tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: elasticsearch when: enable_elasticsearch | bool - include_role: name: freezer tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: freezer when: enable_freezer | bool - include_role: name: glance tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: glance when: enable_glance | bool - include_role: name: gnocchi tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: gnocchi when: enable_gnocchi | bool - include_role: name: grafana tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: grafana when: enable_grafana | bool - include_role: name: heat tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: heat when: enable_heat | bool - include_role: name: horizon tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: horizon when: enable_horizon | bool - include_role: name: influxdb tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: influxdb when: enable_influxdb | bool - include_role: name: ironic tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: ironic when: enable_ironic | bool - include_role: name: karbor tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: karbor when: enable_karbor | bool - include_role: name: keystone tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: keystone when: enable_keystone | bool - include_role: name: kibana tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: kibana when: enable_kibana | bool - include_role: name: magnum tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: magnum when: enable_magnum | bool - include_role: name: manila tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: manila when: enable_manila | bool - include_role: name: mariadb tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: mariadb when: enable_mariadb | bool or enable_external_mariadb_load_balancer | bool - include_role: name: masakari tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: masakari when: enable_masakari | bool - include_role: name: memcached tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: memcached when: enable_memcached | bool - include_role: name: mistral tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: mistral when: enable_mistral | bool - include_role: name: monasca tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: monasca when: enable_monasca | bool - include_role: name: murano tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: murano when: enable_murano | bool - include_role: name: neutron tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: neutron when: enable_neutron | bool - include_role: name: placement tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: placement - include_role: name: nova tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: - nova - nova-api when: enable_nova | bool - include_role: name: nova-cell tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: - nova - nova-cell when: enable_nova | bool - include_role: name: octavia tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: octavia when: enable_octavia | bool - include_role: name: panko tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: panko when: enable_panko | bool - include_role: name: prometheus tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: prometheus when: enable_prometheus | bool - include_role: name: qinling tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: qinling when: enable_qinling | bool - include_role: name: rabbitmq tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: rabbitmq vars: role_rabbitmq_cluster_cookie: role_rabbitmq_groups: when: enable_rabbitmq | bool or enable_outward_rabbitmq | bool - include_role: name: sahara tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: sahara when: enable_sahara | bool - include_role: name: searchlight tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: searchlight when: enable_searchlight | bool - include_role: name: senlin tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: senlin when: enable_senlin | bool - include_role: name: skydive tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: skydive when: enable_skydive | bool - include_role: name: solum tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: solum when: enable_solum | bool - include_role: name: swift tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: swift when: enable_swift | bool - include_role: name: tacker tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: tacker when: enable_tacker | bool - include_role: name: trove tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: trove when: enable_trove | bool - include_role: name: vitrage tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: vitrage when: enable_vitrage | bool - include_role: name: watcher tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: watcher when: enable_watcher | bool - include_role: name: zun tasks_from: loadbalancer tags: zun when: enable_zun | bool when: - enable_haproxy | bool - kolla_action in ['deploy', 'reconfigure', 'upgrade', 'config'] - name: Apply role collectd gather_facts: false hosts: - collectd - '&enable_collectd_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: collectd, tags: collectd, when: enable_collectd | bool } - name: Apply role zookeeper gather_facts: false hosts: - zookeeper - '&enable_zookeeper_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: zookeeper, tags: zookeeper, when: enable_zookeeper | bool } - name: Apply role elasticsearch gather_facts: false hosts: - elasticsearch - '&enable_elasticsearch_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: elasticsearch, tags: elasticsearch, when: enable_elasticsearch | bool } - name: Apply role influxdb gather_facts: false hosts: - influxdb - '&enable_influxdb_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: influxdb, tags: influxdb, when: enable_influxdb | bool } - name: Apply role telegraf gather_facts: false hosts: - telegraf - '&enable_telegraf_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: telegraf, tags: telegraf, when: enable_telegraf | bool } - name: Apply role redis gather_facts: false hosts: - redis - '&enable_redis_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: redis, tags: redis, when: enable_redis | bool } - name: Apply role kibana gather_facts: false hosts: - kibana - '&enable_kibana_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: kibana, tags: kibana, when: enable_kibana | bool } - name: Apply role mariadb gather_facts: false hosts: - mariadb - '&enable_mariadb_True' roles: - { role: mariadb, tags: mariadb, when: enable_mariadb | bool } - name: Apply role memcached gather_facts: false hosts: - memcached - '&enable_memcached_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: memcached, tags: [memcache, memcached], when: enable_memcached | bool } - name: Apply role prometheus gather_facts: false hosts: - prometheus - prometheus-node-exporter - prometheus-mysqld-exporter - prometheus-haproxy-exporter - prometheus-memcached-exporter - prometheus-cadvisor - prometheus-alertmanager - prometheus-openstack-exporter - prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter - prometheus-blackbox-exporter - '&enable_prometheus_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: prometheus, tags: prometheus, when: enable_prometheus | bool } - name: Apply role iscsi gather_facts: false hosts: - iscsid - tgtd - '&enable_iscsid_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: iscsi, tags: iscsi, when: enable_iscsid | bool } - name: Apply role multipathd gather_facts: false hosts: - multipathd - '&enable_multipathd_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: multipathd, tags: multipathd, when: enable_multipathd | bool } - name: Apply role rabbitmq gather_facts: false hosts: - rabbitmq - '&enable_rabbitmq_True' roles: - { role: rabbitmq, tags: rabbitmq, role_rabbitmq_cluster_cookie: '{{ rabbitmq_cluster_cookie }}', role_rabbitmq_cluster_port: '{{ rabbitmq_cluster_port }}', role_rabbitmq_epmd_port: '{{ rabbitmq_epmd_port }}', role_rabbitmq_groups: rabbitmq, role_rabbitmq_management_port: '{{ rabbitmq_management_port }}', role_rabbitmq_monitoring_password: '{{ rabbitmq_monitoring_password }}', role_rabbitmq_monitoring_user: '{{ rabbitmq_monitoring_user }}', role_rabbitmq_password: '{{ rabbitmq_password }}', role_rabbitmq_port: '{{ rabbitmq_port }}', role_rabbitmq_user: '{{ rabbitmq_user }}', when: enable_rabbitmq | bool } - name: Apply role rabbitmq (outward) gather_facts: false hosts: - outward-rabbitmq - '&enable_outward_rabbitmq_True' roles: - { role: rabbitmq, tags: rabbitmq, project_name: outward_rabbitmq, role_rabbitmq_cluster_cookie: '{{ outward_rabbitmq_cluster_cookie }}', role_rabbitmq_cluster_port: '{{ outward_rabbitmq_cluster_port }}', role_rabbitmq_epmd_port: '{{ outward_rabbitmq_epmd_port }}', role_rabbitmq_groups: outward-rabbitmq, role_rabbitmq_management_port: '{{ outward_rabbitmq_management_port }}', role_rabbitmq_password: '{{ outward_rabbitmq_password }}', role_rabbitmq_port: '{{ outward_rabbitmq_port }}', role_rabbitmq_user: '{{ outward_rabbitmq_user }}', when: enable_outward_rabbitmq | bool } - name: Apply role qdrouterd gather_facts: false hosts: - qdrouterd - '&enable_qdrouterd_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: qdrouterd, tags: qdrouterd, when: enable_qdrouterd | bool } - name: Apply role etcd gather_facts: false hosts: - etcd - '&enable_etcd_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: etcd, tags: etcd, when: enable_etcd | bool } - name: Apply role keystone gather_facts: false hosts: - keystone - '&enable_keystone_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: keystone, tags: keystone, when: enable_keystone | bool } - name: Apply role kafka gather_facts: false hosts: - kafka - '&enable_kafka_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: kafka, tags: kafka, when: enable_kafka | bool } - name: Apply role storm gather_facts: false hosts: - storm-worker - storm-nimbus - '&enable_storm_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: storm, tags: storm, when: enable_storm | bool } - name: Apply role karbor gather_facts: false hosts: - karbor-api - karbor-protection - karbor-operationengine - '&enable_karbor_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: karbor, tags: karbor, when: enable_karbor | bool } - name: Apply role swift gather_facts: false hosts: - swift-account-server - swift-container-server - swift-object-server - swift-proxy-server - '&enable_swift_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: swift, tags: swift, when: enable_swift | bool } - name: Apply role glance gather_facts: false hosts: - glance-api - '&enable_glance_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: glance, tags: glance, when: enable_glance | bool } - name: Apply role ironic gather_facts: false hosts: - ironic-api - ironic-conductor - ironic-inspector - ironic-pxe - '&enable_ironic_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: ironic, tags: ironic, when: enable_ironic | bool } - name: Apply role cinder gather_facts: false hosts: - cinder-api - cinder-backup - cinder-scheduler - cinder-volume - '&enable_cinder_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: cinder, tags: cinder, when: enable_cinder | bool } - name: Apply role placement gather_facts: false hosts: - placement-api - '&enable_placement_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: placement, tags: placement, when: enable_placement | bool } # Nova deployment is more complicated than other services, so is covered in its # own playbook. - import_playbook: nova.yml - name: Apply role openvswitch gather_facts: false hosts: - openvswitch - '&enable_openvswitch_True_enable_ovs_dpdk_False' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: openvswitch, tags: openvswitch, when: "(enable_openvswitch | bool) and not (enable_ovs_dpdk | bool)"} - name: Apply role ovs-dpdk gather_facts: false hosts: - openvswitch - '&enable_openvswitch_True_enable_ovs_dpdk_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: ovs-dpdk, tags: ovs-dpdk, when: "(enable_openvswitch | bool) and (enable_ovs_dpdk | bool)"} - name: Apply role ovn gather_facts: false hosts: - ovn-controller - ovn-nb-db - ovn-northd - ovn-sb-db - '&enable_ovn_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: ovn, tags: ovn, when: enable_ovn | bool } - name: Apply role nova-hyperv gather_facts: false hosts: - hyperv - '&enable_hyperv_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: nova-hyperv, tags: nova-hyperv, when: enable_hyperv | bool } # NOTE(gmmaha): Please do not change the order listed here. The current order is a # workaround to fix the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla/+bug/1546789 - name: Apply role neutron gather_facts: false hosts: - neutron-server - neutron-dhcp-agent - neutron-l3-agent - ironic-neutron-agent - neutron-metadata-agent - neutron-ovn-metadata-agent - neutron-metering-agent - compute - manila-share - '&enable_neutron_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: neutron, tags: neutron, when: enable_neutron | bool } - name: Apply role kuryr gather_facts: false hosts: - compute - '&enable_kuryr_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: kuryr, tags: kuryr, when: enable_kuryr | bool } - name: Apply role heat gather_facts: false hosts: - heat-api - heat-api-cfn - heat-engine - '&enable_heat_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: heat, tags: heat, when: enable_heat | bool } - name: Apply role horizon gather_facts: false hosts: - horizon - '&enable_horizon_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: horizon, tags: horizon, when: enable_horizon | bool } - name: Apply role murano gather_facts: false hosts: - murano-api - murano-engine - '&enable_murano_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: murano, tags: murano, when: enable_murano | bool } - name: Apply role solum gather_facts: false hosts: - solum-api - solum-worker - solum-deployer - solum-conductor - solum-application-deployment - solum-image-builder - '&enable_solum_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: solum, tags: solum, when: enable_solum | bool } - name: Apply role magnum gather_facts: false hosts: - magnum-api - magnum-conductor - '&enable_magnum_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: magnum, tags: magnum, when: enable_magnum | bool } - name: Apply role mistral gather_facts: false hosts: - mistral-api - mistral-engine - mistral-executor - mistral-event-engine - '&enable_mistral_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: mistral, tags: mistral, when: enable_mistral | bool } - name: Apply role qinling gather_facts: false hosts: - qinling-api - qinling-engine - '&enable_qinling_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: qinling, tags: qinling, when: enable_qinling | bool } - name: Apply role sahara gather_facts: false hosts: - sahara-api - sahara-engine - '&enable_sahara_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: sahara, tags: sahara, when: enable_sahara | bool } - name: Apply role panko gather_facts: false hosts: - panko-api - '&enable_panko_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: panko, tags: panko, when: enable_panko | bool } - name: Apply role manila gather_facts: false hosts: - manila-api - manila-data - manila-share - manila-scheduler - '&enable_manila_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: manila, tags: manila, when: enable_manila | bool } - name: Apply role gnocchi gather_facts: false hosts: - gnocchi-api - gnocchi-metricd - gnocchi-statsd - '&enable_gnocchi_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: gnocchi, tags: gnocchi, when: enable_gnocchi | bool } - name: Apply role ceilometer gather_facts: false vars_files: - "roles/panko/defaults/main.yml" hosts: - ceilometer-central - ceilometer-notification - ceilometer-compute - ceilometer-ipmi - '&enable_ceilometer_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: ceilometer, tags: ceilometer, when: enable_ceilometer | bool } - name: Apply role monasca gather_facts: false hosts: - monasca - monasca-agent - monasca-api - monasca-grafana - monasca-log-transformer - monasca-log-persister - monasca-log-metrics - monasca-thresh - monasca-notification - monasca-persister - '&enable_monasca_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: monasca, tags: monasca, when: enable_monasca | bool } - name: Apply role aodh gather_facts: false hosts: - aodh-api - aodh-evaluator - aodh-listener - aodh-notifier - '&enable_aodh_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: aodh, tags: aodh, when: enable_aodh | bool } - name: Apply role barbican gather_facts: false hosts: - barbican-api - barbican-keystone-listener - barbican-worker - '&enable_barbican_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: barbican, tags: barbican, when: enable_barbican | bool } - name: Apply role cyborg gather_facts: false hosts: - cyborg-api - cyborg-agent - cyborg-conductor - '&enable_cyborg_True' serial: '{{ serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: cyborg, tags: cyborg, when: enable_cyborg | bool } - name: Apply role tempest gather_facts: false hosts: - tempest - '&enable_tempest_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: tempest, tags: tempest, when: enable_tempest | bool } - name: Apply role designate gather_facts: false hosts: - designate-api - designate-central - designate-producer - designate-mdns - designate-worker - designate-sink - designate-backend-bind9 - '&enable_designate_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: designate, tags: designate, when: enable_designate | bool } - name: Apply role rally gather_facts: false hosts: - rally - '&enable_rally_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: rally, tags: rally, when: enable_rally | bool } - name: Apply role vmtp gather_facts: false hosts: - vmtp - '&enable_vmtp_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: vmtp, tags: vmtp, when: enable_vmtp | bool } - name: Apply role trove gather_facts: false hosts: - trove-api - trove-conductor - trove-taskmanager - '&enable_trove_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: trove, tags: trove, when: enable_trove | bool } - name: Apply role watcher gather_facts: false hosts: - watcher-api - watcher-engine - watcher-applier - '&enable_watcher_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: watcher, tags: watcher, when: enable_watcher | bool } - name: Apply role grafana gather_facts: false hosts: - grafana - '&enable_grafana_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: grafana, tags: grafana, when: enable_grafana | bool } - name: Apply role cloudkitty gather_facts: false hosts: - cloudkitty-api - cloudkitty-processor - '&enable_cloudkitty_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: cloudkitty, tags: cloudkitty, when: enable_cloudkitty | bool } - name: Apply role freezer gather_facts: false hosts: - freezer-api - freezer-scheduler - '&enable_freezer_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: freezer, tags: freezer, when: enable_freezer | bool } - name: Apply role senlin gather_facts: false hosts: - senlin-api - senlin-conductor - senlin-engine - senlin-health-manager - '&enable_senlin_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: senlin, tags: senlin, when: enable_senlin | bool } - name: Apply role searchlight gather_facts: false hosts: - searchlight-api - searchlight-listener - '&enable_searchlight_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: searchlight, tags: searchlight, when: enable_searchlight | bool } - name: Apply role tacker gather_facts: false hosts: - tacker-server - tacker-conductor - '&enable_tacker_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: tacker, tags: tacker, when: enable_tacker | bool } - name: Apply role octavia gather_facts: false hosts: - octavia-api - octavia-health-manager - octavia-housekeeping - octavia-worker - '&enable_octavia_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: octavia, tags: octavia, when: enable_octavia | bool } - name: Apply role zun gather_facts: false hosts: - zun-api - zun-wsproxy - zun-compute - zun-cni-daemon - '&enable_zun_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: zun, tags: zun, when: enable_zun | bool } - name: Apply role skydive gather_facts: false hosts: - skydive-agent - skydive-analyzer - '&enable_skydive_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: skydive, tags: skydive, when: enable_skydive | bool } - name: Apply role vitrage gather_facts: false hosts: - vitrage-api - vitrage-graph - vitrage-notifier - vitrage-ml - '&enable_vitrage_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: vitrage, tags: vitrage, when: enable_vitrage | bool } - name: Apply role blazar gather_facts: false hosts: - blazar-api - blazar-manager - '&enable_blazar_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: blazar, tags: blazar, when: enable_blazar | bool } - name: Apply role masakari gather_facts: false hosts: - masakari-api - masakari-engine - masakari-monitors - '&enable_masakari_True' serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}' roles: - { role: masakari, tags: masakari, when: enable_masakari | bool }