--- - name: Load and persist br_netfilter module include_role: name: module-load vars: modules: - { name: br_netfilter } when: - inventory_hostname in groups[nova_cell_compute_group] - name: Setting sysctl values become: true vars: should_set: "{{ item.value != 'KOLLA_UNSET' }}" sysctl: name: "{{ item.name }}" state: "{{ should_set | ternary('present', 'absent') }}" value: "{{ should_set | ternary(item.value, omit) }}" sysctl_set: "{{ should_set }}" sysctl_file: "{{ kolla_sysctl_conf_path }}" with_items: - { name: "net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables", value: 1} - { name: "net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables", value: 1} - { name: "net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter", value: "{{ nova_compute_host_rp_filter_mode }}"} - { name: "net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter", value: "{{ nova_compute_host_rp_filter_mode }}"} when: - set_sysctl | bool - item.value != 'KOLLA_SKIP' - inventory_hostname in groups[nova_cell_compute_group] # NOTE(yoctozepto): Part of bug #1681461 fix. # This part can actually run on any distro and lets us drop the hardcoded # chown and chmod from the nova-libvirt image extend_start and make the process # more robust. - name: Install udev kolla kvm rules become: true template: src: "99-kolla-kvm.rules.j2" dest: "/etc/udev/rules.d/99-kolla-kvm.rules" mode: "0644" when: - nova_compute_virt_type == 'kvm' - inventory_hostname in groups[nova_cell_compute_group] # NOTE(yoctozepto): Part of bug #1681461 fix. # This part only really makes sense on Ubuntu and would end up being confusing # on others. This service changes /dev/kvm permissions. - name: Mask qemu-kvm service become: true systemd: name: qemu-kvm.service masked: true when: - nova_compute_virt_type == 'kvm' - ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' - inventory_hostname in groups[nova_cell_compute_group]