--- - name: Bootstrap new cluster block: - name: Set bootstrap args fact for NB (new cluster) set_fact: ovn_nb_db_bootstrap_args: "{% if groups['ovn-nb-db'] | length > 1 and inventory_hostname != groups['ovn-nb-db'][0] %} --db-nb-cluster-remote-addr={{ 'api' | kolla_address(groups['ovn-nb-db'][0]) | put_address_in_context('url') }} {% endif %}" when: groups['ovn-nb-db_leader'] is not defined and groups['ovn-nb-db_follower'] is not defined - name: Set bootstrap args fact for SB (new cluster) set_fact: ovn_sb_db_bootstrap_args: "{% if groups['ovn-sb-db'] | length > 1 and inventory_hostname != groups['ovn-sb-db'][0] %} --db-sb-cluster-remote-addr={{ 'api' | kolla_address(groups['ovn-sb-db'][0]) | put_address_in_context('url') }} {% endif %}" when: groups['ovn-sb-db_leader'] is not defined and groups['ovn-sb-db_follower'] is not defined - name: Check NB cluster status command: > {{ kolla_container_engine }} exec ovn_nb_db ovs-appctl -t /var/run/ovn/ovnnb_db.ctl cluster/status OVN_Northbound become: true changed_when: false register: ovn_nb_db_cluster_status when: groups['ovn-nb-db_leader'] is defined and inventory_hostname in groups.get('ovn-nb-db_had_volume_False', '') delegate_to: "{{ groups['ovn-nb-db_leader'][0] }}" - name: Check SB cluster status command: > {{ kolla_container_engine }} exec ovn_sb_db ovs-appctl -t /var/run/ovn/ovnsb_db.ctl cluster/status OVN_Southbound become: true changed_when: false register: ovn_sb_db_cluster_status when: groups['ovn-sb-db_leader'] is defined and inventory_hostname in groups.get('ovn-sb-db_had_volume_False', '') delegate_to: "{{ groups['ovn-sb-db_leader'][0] }}" - name: Remove an old node with the same ip address as the new node in NB DB vars: ovn_nb_old_node: "{{ ovn_nb_db_cluster_status | regex_search('\\((\\w{4}) at tcp:' + api_interface_address + ':6643\\)', '\\1') | first }}" become: true command: > {{ kolla_container_engine }} exec ovn_nb_db ovs-appctl -t /var/run/ovn/ovnnb_db.ctl cluster/kick OVN_Northbound {{ ovn_nb_old_node }} when: - ovn_nb_db_cluster_status.stdout is defined - (ovn_nb_db_cluster_status.stdout is search('at tcp:' + api_interface_address)) and inventory_hostname in groups.get('ovn-nb-db_had_volume_False', '') delegate_to: "{{ groups['ovn-nb-db_leader'][0] }}" - name: Remove an old node with the same ip address as the new node in SB DB vars: ovn_sb_old_node: "{{ ovn_sb_db_cluster_status | regex_search('\\((\\w{4}) at tcp:' + api_interface_address + ':6644\\)', '\\1') | first }}" become: true command: > {{ kolla_container_engine }} exec ovn_sb_db ovs-appctl -t /var/run/ovn/ovnsb_db.ctl cluster/kick OVN_Southbound {{ ovn_sb_old_node }} when: - ovn_sb_db_cluster_status.stdout is defined - (ovn_sb_db_cluster_status.stdout is search('at tcp:' + api_interface_address)) and inventory_hostname in groups.get('ovn-sb-db_had_volume_False', '') delegate_to: "{{ groups['ovn-sb-db_leader'][0] }}" - name: Set bootstrap args fact for NB (new member) set_fact: ovn_nb_db_bootstrap_args: "--db-nb-cluster-remote-addr={{ 'api' | kolla_address(groups.get('ovn-nb-db_leader', groups['ovn-nb-db'])[0] | default()) | put_address_in_context('url') }}" when: inventory_hostname in groups.get('ovn-nb-db_had_volume_False', '') and groups['ovn-nb-db_leader'] is defined - name: Set bootstrap args fact for SB (new member) set_fact: ovn_sb_db_bootstrap_args: "--db-sb-cluster-remote-addr={{ 'api' | kolla_address(groups.get('ovn-sb-db_leader', groups['ovn-sb-db'])[0] | default()) | put_address_in_context('url') }}" when: inventory_hostname in groups.get('ovn-sb-db_had_volume_False', '') and groups['ovn-sb-db_leader'] is defined - import_tasks: config.yml - import_tasks: check-containers.yml - name: Flush handlers meta: flush_handlers - import_tasks: bootstrap-db.yml - name: Unset bootstrap args fact set_fact: ovn_nb_db_bootstrap_args: ovn_sb_db_bootstrap_args: any_errors_fatal: true