[DEFAULT] debug = {{ keystone_logging_debug }} {% if enable_cadf_notifications | bool %} notification_format = cadf transport_url = rabbit://{% for host in groups['rabbitmq'] %}{{ rabbitmq_user }}:{{ rabbitmq_password }}@{% if orchestration_engine == 'KUBERNETES' %}rabbitmq{% else %}{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_' + hostvars[host]['api_interface']]['ipv4']['address'] }}{% endif %}:{{ rabbitmq_port }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} {% endif %} # NOTE(elemoine) log_dir alone does not work for Keystone log_file = /var/log/kolla/keystone/keystone.log secure_proxy_ssl_header = HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO [database] connection = mysql+pymysql://{{ keystone_database_user }}:{{ keystone_database_password }}@{{ keystone_database_address }}/{{ keystone_database_name }} max_retries = -1 {% if keystone_domain_cfg.stat.exists %} [identity] domain_specific_drivers_enabled = true domain_config_dir = /etc/keystone/domains {% endif %} {% if keystone_token_provider == 'fernet' %} [token] provider = {{ keystone_token_provider }} expiration = {{ fernet_token_expiry }} [fernet_tokens] max_active_keys = {{ (groups['keystone'] | length) + 1 }} {% endif %} [cache] backend = oslo_cache.memcache_pool enabled = True {# For Kolla-Ansible, generate the memcache servers based on the list of memcached servers in the inventory and memcached_servers should be un-set. For Kolla-Kubernetes, it is necessary to define the memcached_servers variable in globals.yml to set it to the Kubernetes service for memcached. #} {% if orchestration_engine == 'KUBERNETES' %} memcache_servers = {{ memcached_servers }} {% else %} memcache_servers = {% for host in groups['memcached'] %}{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_' + hostvars[host]['api_interface']]['ipv4']['address'] }}:{{ memcached_port }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} {%- endif %} {% if enable_cadf_notifications | bool %} [oslo_messaging_notifications] driver = messagingv2 {% endif %}