Sam Yaple 986edf4a97 Replace ; with && in Dockerfile
When using ';' this can allow the previous command to fail and while the
docker build proceeds without realizing a command failed. Switching to
'&&' allows the exit code to make it to the docker build command and the
build to fail appropriately.

Change-Id: Idd0991ed4549542bb10d27da1a0a025d0503b6c1
2015-03-27 18:52:48 -05:00

115 lines
2.5 KiB

FROM centos
MAINTAINER Kolla Project (
# Set up repositories
RUN yum install -y
RUN curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/larsks-crux-epel-7.repo
RUN yum install -y epel-release && yum clean all
# Update packages
RUN yum update -y && yum clean all
# Install base packages
RUN yum install -y \
crux \
mariadb \
mariadb-libs \
openssl \
openstack-utils \
pyparsing \
python-alembic \
python-amqp \
python-amqplib \
python-anyjson \
python-boto \
python-cheetah \
python-cliff \
python-cmd2 \
python-croniter \
python-crypto \
python-d2to1 \
python-docutils \
python-dogpile-cache \
python-dogpile-core \
python-empy \
python-eventlet \
python-flask \
python-futures \
python-greenlet \
python-httplib2 \
python-iso8601 \
python-itsdangerous \
python-jinja2 \
python-jsonpatch \
python-jsonpath-rw \
python-jsonpointer \
python-jsonschema \
python-keyring \
python-kombu \
python-ldap \
python-lesscpy \
python-lockfile \
python-lxml \
python-markdown \
python-memcached \
python-migrate \
python-msgpack \
python-netifaces \
python-networkx \
python-oauthlib \
python-oslo-config \
python-oslo-messaging \
python-oslo-rootwrap \
python-paramiko \
python-passlib \
python-paste-deploy \
python-pbr \
python-pecan \
python-ply \
python-prettytable \
python-psutil \
python-pycadf \
python-pygments \
python-pymongo \
python-qpid \
python-repoze-lru \
python-requests \
python-routes \
python-simplegeneric \
python-simplejson \
python-singledispatch \
python-six \
python-sqlalchemy \
python-stevedore \
python-taskflow \
python-versiontools \
python-warlock \
python-webob \
python-websockify \
python-webtest \
python-werkzeug \
python-wsme \
&& yum clean all
# This is dirty like zebra. This works aorund a bug in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. The
# --net=host option does not work on ubuntu 14.04 because of a kernel bug. One
# workaround is to buid pam without authentication.
# See:
RUN yum install -y tar bzip2 yum-utils rpm-build make
RUN yum-builddep -y pam
RUN yumdownloader --source pam
RUN rpmbuild --rebuild --define 'WITH_AUDIT 0' --define 'dist +noaudit' pam*.src.rpm
RUN rpm -Uvh --oldpackage ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/*/pam*+noaudit*.rpm
RUN rm -f /*.rpm
RUN rm -rf ~/rpmbuild
# End dirty like zebra
RUN mkdir -p /opt/kolla
ADD /opt/kolla/
ADD /opt/kolla/