Currently easy_install is not available on Ubuntu 18+ due to [1]. In that case, install pip via apt rather than easy_install. [1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-setuptools/+bug/1774419 Change-Id: Id358fdb655d71490b0915680dff131cfe33f4a40 Closes-Bug: #1813492
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# Whether to enable a package repository for Docker.
enable_docker_repo: true
# Whether to use the legacy Docker packages at dockerproject.org instead of the
# newer packages at docker.com.
docker_legacy_packages: false
# Docker APT repository configuration.
docker_apt_url: "{% if docker_legacy_packages | bool %}{{ docker_legacy_apt_url }}{% else %}{{ docker_new_apt_url }}{% endif %}"
docker_apt_repo: "{% if docker_legacy_packages | bool %}{{ docker_legacy_apt_repo }}{% else %}{{ docker_new_apt_repo }}{% endif %}"
docker_apt_key_file: "{% if docker_legacy_packages | bool %}{{ docker_legacy_apt_key_file }}{% else %}{{ docker_new_apt_key_file }}{% endif %}"
docker_apt_key_id: "{% if docker_legacy_packages | bool %}{{ docker_legacy_apt_key_id }}{% else %}{{ docker_new_apt_key_id }}{% endif %}"
docker_apt_package: "{% if docker_legacy_packages | bool %}{{ docker_legacy_apt_package }}{% else %}{{ docker_new_apt_package }}{% endif %}"
# Docker APT repository configuration when docker_legacy_packages is false.
docker_new_apt_url: "https://download.docker.com/linux/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}"
docker_new_apt_repo: "deb {{ docker_new_apt_url }} {{ ansible_lsb.codename }} stable"
docker_new_apt_key_file: "gpg"
docker_new_apt_key_id: "0EBFCD88"
docker_new_apt_package: "docker-ce"
# Docker APT repository configuration when docker_legacy_packages is true.
docker_legacy_apt_url: "{{ 'http://obs.linaro.org/ERP:/17.12/Debian_9' if ansible_architecture == 'aarch64' else 'https://apt.dockerproject.org' }}"
docker_legacy_apt_repo: "{{ docker_legacy_apt_repo_aarch64 if ansible_architecture == 'aarch64' else docker_legacy_apt_repo_x86_64 }}"
docker_legacy_apt_repo_x86_64: "deb {{ docker_apt_url }}/repo {{ ansible_distribution | lower }}-{{ ansible_distribution_release | lower }} main"
docker_legacy_apt_repo_aarch64: "deb {{ docker_apt_url }} ./"
docker_legacy_apt_key_file: "{{ 'Release.key' if ansible_architecture == 'aarch64' else 'gpg' }}"
docker_legacy_apt_key_id: "{{ 'C32DA102AD89C2BE' if ansible_architecture == 'aarch64' else 'F76221572C52609D' }}"
docker_legacy_apt_package: "{{ 'docker-ce' if ansible_architecture == 'aarch64' else 'docker-engine=1.12.*' }}"
# Docker Yum repository configuration.
docker_yum_url: "{% if docker_legacy_packages | bool %}{{ docker_legacy_yum_url }}{% else %}{{ docker_new_yum_url }}{% endif %}"
docker_yum_baseurl: "{% if docker_legacy_packages | bool %}{{ docker_legacy_yum_baseurl }}{% else %}{{ docker_new_yum_baseurl }}{% endif %}"
docker_yum_gpgkey: "{% if docker_legacy_packages | bool %}{{ docker_legacy_yum_gpgkey }}{% else %}{{ docker_new_yum_gpgkey }}{% endif %}"
docker_yum_gpgcheck: true
docker_yum_package: "{% if docker_legacy_packages | bool %}{{ docker_legacy_yum_package }}{% else %}{{ docker_new_yum_package }}{% endif %}"
# Docker Yum repository configuration when docker_legacy_packages is false.
docker_new_yum_url: "https://download.docker.com/linux/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}"
docker_new_yum_baseurl: "{{ docker_yum_url }}/{{ ansible_distribution_major_version | lower }}/$basearch/stable"
docker_new_yum_gpgkey: "{{ docker_yum_url }}/gpg"
docker_new_yum_package: "docker-ce"
# Docker Yum repository configuration when docker_legacy_packages is true.
docker_legacy_yum_url: "https://yum.dockerproject.org"
docker_legacy_yum_baseurl: "{{ docker_legacy_yum_url }}/repo/main/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}/{{ ansible_distribution_major_version | lower }}"
docker_legacy_yum_gpgkey: "{{ docker_legacy_yum_url }}/gpg"
docker_legacy_yum_package: "docker-engine-1.12.0"
customize_etc_hosts: True
create_kolla_user: True
create_kolla_user_sudoers: "{{ create_kolla_user }}"
kolla_user: "kolla"
kolla_group: "kolla"
enable_host_ntp: False
change_selinux: True
selinux_state: "permissive"
docker_storage_driver: ""
docker_custom_option: ""
docker_runtime_directory: ""
# Ubuntu 18+ does not have easy_install available due to
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-setuptools/+bug/1774419.
easy_install_available: >-
{{ ansible_distribution != 'Ubuntu' or
ansible_distribution_major_version is version(18, 'lt') }}
- "{{ docker_apt_package }}"
- git
- "{% if not easy_install_available %}python-pip{% endif %}"
- python-setuptools
- ntp
- epel-release
- "{{ docker_yum_package }}"
- git
- python-setuptools
- ntp
- sudo
- lxd
- lxc
- libvirt-bin
- open-iscsi
- libvirt
- libvirt-daemon
- iscsi-initiator-utils
# Path to a virtualenv in which to install python packages. If None, a
# virtualenv will not be used.
# Whether the virtualenv will inherit packages from the global site-packages
# directory. This is typically required for modules such as yum and apt which
# are not available on PyPI.
virtualenv_site_packages: True