Mark Goddard b123bf6621 Use become for all docker tasks
Many tasks that use Docker have become specified already, but
not all. This change ensures all tasks that use the following
modules have become:

* kolla_docker
* kolla_ceph_keyring
* kolla_toolbox
* kolla_container_facts

It also adds become for 'command' tasks that use docker CLI.

Change-Id: I4a5ebcedaccb9261dbc958ec67e8077d7980e496
2019-06-06 19:04:58 +01:00

149 lines
6.9 KiB

- name: Looking up disks to bootstrap for Ceph OSDs
become: true
command: docker exec -t kolla_toolbox sudo -E ansible localhost
-m find_disks
-a "partition_name={{ partition_name_osd_bootstrap }} match_mode='prefix' use_udev={{ kolla_ceph_use_udev }}"
register: osd_lookup
changed_when: osd_lookup.stdout.find('localhost | SUCCESS => ') != -1 and (osd_lookup.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).changed
failed_when: osd_lookup.stdout.split()[2] != 'SUCCESS'
- name: Parsing disk info for Ceph OSDs
osds_bootstrap: "{{ (osd_lookup.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).disks|from_json }}"
- name: Looking up disks to bootstrap for Ceph Cache OSDs
become: true
command: docker exec -t kolla_toolbox sudo -E ansible localhost
-m find_disks
-a "partition_name={{ partition_name_cache_bootstrap }} match_mode='prefix' use_udev={{ kolla_ceph_use_udev }}"
register: osd_cache_lookup
changed_when: osd_cache_lookup.stdout.find('localhost | SUCCESS => ') != -1 and (osd_cache_lookup.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).changed
failed_when: osd_cache_lookup.stdout.split()[2] != 'SUCCESS'
- name: Parsing disk info for Ceph Cache OSDs
osds_cache_bootstrap: "{{ (osd_cache_lookup.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).disks|from_json }}"
- pause:
prompt: |
WARNING: It seems {{ item.device }} is marked to be wiped and partitioned for Ceph data and
a co-located journal, but appears to contain other existing partitions (>1).
If you are sure you want this disk to be *wiped* for use with Ceph, press enter.
Otherwise, press Ctrl-C, then 'A'. (You can disable this check by setting
ceph_osd_wipe_disk: 'yes-i-really-really-mean-it' within globals.yml)
with_items: "{{ osds_bootstrap|default([]) }}"
- not item.external_journal | bool
- item.device.split('/')[2] in ansible_devices # if there is no device in setup (like loopback, we don't need to warn user
- ansible_devices[item.device.split('/')[2]].partitions|count > 1
- ceph_osd_wipe_disk != "yes-i-really-really-mean-it"
- name: Bootstrapping Ceph OSDs
become: true
action: "start_container"
common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
detach: False
KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY: "{{ config_strategy }}"
OSD_DEV: "{{ item.1.device }}"
OSD_PARTITION: "{{ item.1.partition }}"
OSD_PARTITION_NUM: "{{ item.1.partition_num }}"
JOURNAL_DEV: "{{ item.1.journal_device }}"
JOURNAL_PARTITION: "{{ item.1.journal }}"
JOURNAL_PARTITION_NUM: "{{ item.1.journal_num }}"
USE_EXTERNAL_JOURNAL: "{{ item.1.external_journal | bool }}"
OSD_FILESYSTEM: "{{ ceph_osd_filesystem }}"
OSD_INITIAL_WEIGHT: "{{ osd_initial_weight }}"
HOSTNAME: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + storage_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }}"
OSD_STORETYPE: "{{ ceph_osd_store_type }}"
OSD_BS_DEV: "{{ item.1.device | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_LABEL: "{{ item.1.partition_label | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_PARTNUM: "{{ item.1.partition_num | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_BLK_DEV: "{{ item.1.bs_blk_device | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_BLK_LABEL: "{{ item.1.bs_blk_label | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_BLK_PARTNUM: "{{ item.1.bs_blk_partition_num | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_WAL_DEV: "{{ item.1.bs_wal_device | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_WAL_LABEL: "{{ item.1.bs_wal_label | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_WAL_PARTNUM: "{{ item.1.bs_wal_partition_num | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_DB_DEV: "{{ item.1.bs_db_device | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_DB_LABEL: "{{ item.1.bs_db_label | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_DB_PARTNUM: "{{ item.1.bs_db_partition_num | default('') }}"
image: "{{ ceph_osd_image_full }}"
name: "bootstrap_osd_{{ item.0 }}"
privileged: True
restart_policy: "never"
- "{{ node_config_directory }}/ceph-osd/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
- "/dev/:/dev/"
- "kolla_logs:/var/log/kolla/"
with_indexed_items: "{{ osds_bootstrap|default([]) }}"
- pause:
prompt: |
WARNING: It seems {{ item.device }} is marked to be wiped and partitioned for Ceph data and
a co-located journal, but appears to contain other existing partitions (>1).
If you are sure you want this disk to be *wiped* for use with Ceph, press enter.
Otherwise, press Ctrl-C, then 'A'. (You can disable this check by setting
ceph_osd_wipe_disk: 'yes-i-really-really-mean-it' within globals.yml)
with_items: "{{ osds_cache_bootstrap|default([]) }}"
- not item.external_journal | bool
- ansible_devices[item.device.split('/')[2]].partitions|count > 1
- ceph_osd_wipe_disk != "yes-i-really-really-mean-it"
- name: Bootstrapping Ceph Cache OSDs
become: true
action: "start_container"
common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
detach: False
KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY: "{{ config_strategy }}"
OSD_DEV: "{{ item.1.device }}"
OSD_PARTITION: "{{ item.1.partition }}"
OSD_PARTITION_NUM: "{{ item.1.partition_num }}"
JOURNAL_DEV: "{{ item.1.journal_device }}"
JOURNAL_PARTITION: "{{ item.1.journal }}"
JOURNAL_PARTITION_NUM: "{{ item.1.journal_num }}"
USE_EXTERNAL_JOURNAL: "{{ item.1.external_journal | bool }}"
OSD_FILESYSTEM: "{{ ceph_osd_filesystem }}"
OSD_INITIAL_WEIGHT: "{{ osd_initial_weight }}"
HOSTNAME: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + storage_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }}"
OSD_STORETYPE: "{{ ceph_osd_store_type }}"
OSD_BS_DEV: "{{ item.1.device | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_LABEL: "{{ item.1.partition_label | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_PARTNUM: "{{ item.1.partition_num | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_BLK_DEV: "{{ item.1.bs_blk_device | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_BLK_LABEL: "{{ item.1.bs_blk_label | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_BLK_PARTNUM: "{{ item.1.bs_blk_partition_num | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_WAL_DEV: "{{ item.1.bs_wal_device | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_WAL_LABEL: "{{ item.1.bs_wal_label|default('') }}"
OSD_BS_WAL_PARTNUM: "{{ item.1.bs_wal_partition_num | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_DB_DEV: "{{ item.1.bs_db_device | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_DB_LABEL: "{{ item.1.bs_db_label | default('') }}"
OSD_BS_DB_PARTNUM: "{{ item.1.bs_db_partition_num | default('') }}"
image: "{{ ceph_osd_image_full }}"
name: "bootstrap_osd_cache_{{ item.0 }}"
privileged: True
restart_policy: "never"
- "{{ node_config_directory }}/ceph-osd/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
- "/dev/:/dev/"
- "kolla_logs:/var/log/kolla/"
with_indexed_items: "{{ osds_cache_bootstrap|default([]) }}"