This allows for more config flexibility - e.g. running multiple backends with a common frontend. Note this is a building block for future work on letsencrypt validator (which should offer backend and share frontend with any service running off 80/443 - which would be only horizon in the current default config), as well as any work towards single port (that is single frontend) and multiple services anchored at paths of it (which is the new recommended default). Change-Id: Ie088fcf575e4b5e8775f1f89dd705a275725e26d Partially-Implements: blueprint letsencrypt-https
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#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: True
{%- set external_tls_bind_info = 'ssl crt /etc/haproxy/haproxy.pem' if kolla_enable_tls_external|bool else '' %}
{%- set internal_tls_bind_info = 'ssl crt /etc/haproxy/haproxy-internal.pem' if kolla_enable_tls_internal|bool else '' %}
{%- macro userlist_macro(service_name, auth_user, auth_pass) %}
userlist {{ service_name }}-user
user {{ auth_user }} insecure-password {{ auth_pass }}
{% endmacro %}
{%- macro frontend_macro(service_name, service_port, service_mode, external,
frontend_http_extra, frontend_tcp_extra) %}
frontend {{ service_name }}_front
{% if service_mode == 'redirect' %}
mode http
{% else %}
mode {{ service_mode }}
{% endif %}
{% if service_mode == 'http' %}
{# Delete any pre-populated XFP header #}
http-request del-header X-Forwarded-Proto
{% for http_option in frontend_http_extra %}
{{ http_option }}
{% endfor %}
{% elif service_mode == 'tcp' %}
{% for tcp_option in frontend_tcp_extra %}
{{ tcp_option }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% set tls_option = '' %}
{% if external|bool %}
{% set vip_address = kolla_external_vip_address %}
{% if service_mode == 'http' %}
{% set tls_option = external_tls_bind_info %}
{# Replace the XFP header for external https requests #}
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set vip_address = kolla_internal_vip_address %}
{% if service_mode == 'http' %}
{% set tls_option = internal_tls_bind_info %}
{# Replace the XFP header for internal https requests #}
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ "bind %s:%s %s"|e|format(vip_address, service_port, tls_option)|trim() }}
{# Redirect mode sets a redirect scheme instead of a backend #}
{% if service_mode == 'redirect' %}
redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }
{% else %}
default_backend {{ service_name }}_back
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{%- macro backend_macro(service_name, listen_port, service_mode, host_group,
custom_member_list, backend_http_extra,
backend_tcp_extra, auth_user, auth_pass, tls_backend) %}
backend {{ service_name }}_back
{% if service_mode == 'redirect' %}
mode http
{% else %}
mode {{ service_mode }}
{% endif %}
{% if service_mode == 'http' %}
{# Set up auth if required #}
{% if auth_user and auth_pass %}
acl auth_acl http_auth({{ service_name }}-user)
http-request auth realm basicauth unless auth_acl
{% endif %}
{% for http_option in backend_http_extra %}
{{ http_option }}
{% endfor %}
{% elif service_mode == 'tcp' %}
{% for tcp_option in backend_tcp_extra %}
{{ tcp_option }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if custom_member_list is not none %}
{% for custom_member in custom_member_list %}
{{ custom_member }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% set backend_tls_info = '' %}
{% if tls_backend|bool %}
{% set haproxy_health_check_final = haproxy_health_check_ssl %}
{% if kolla_verify_tls_backend|bool %}
{% set backend_tls_info = 'ssl verify required ca-file %s'|format(haproxy_backend_cacert) %}
{% else %}
{% set backend_tls_info = 'ssl verify none' %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set haproxy_health_check_final = haproxy_health_check %}
{% endif %}
{% for host in groups[host_group] %}
{% set host_name = hostvars[host]['ansible_hostname'] %}
{% set host_ip = 'api' | kolla_address(host) %}
server {{ host_name }} {{ host_ip }}:{{ listen_port }} {{ haproxy_health_check_final }} {{ backend_tls_info }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{%- set haproxy = service.haproxy|default({}) %}
{%- for haproxy_name, haproxy_service in haproxy.items() %}
{# External defaults to false #}
{% set external = haproxy_service.external|default(false)|bool %}
{# Skip anything that is external when the external vip is not enabled #}
{% if haproxy_service.enabled|bool and (not external or haproxy_enable_external_vip|bool)%}
{# Here we define variables and their defaults #}
{# services can be listening on a different port than haproxy #}
{% set listen_port = haproxy_service.listen_port|default(haproxy_service.port) %}
{# Custom member list can use jinja to generate a semicolon separated list #}
{% set custom_member_list = haproxy_service.custom_member_list|default(none) %}
{# Mode defaults to http #}
{% set mode = haproxy_service.mode|default('http') %}
{# By default each service has its own frontend (hence with_frontend is true by default) #}
{% set with_frontend = haproxy_service.with_frontend|default(true)|bool %}
{# By default each service has its own backend (hence with_backend is true by default) #}
{% set with_backend = haproxy_service.with_backend|default(true)|bool %}
{# Use the parent host group but allow it to be overridden #}
{% set host_group = haproxy_service.host_group|default(service.group) %}
{# Additional options can be defined in config, and are additive to the global extras #}
{% set frontend_tcp_extra = haproxy_service.frontend_tcp_extra|default([]) + haproxy_frontend_tcp_extra %}
{% set backend_tcp_extra = haproxy_service.backend_tcp_extra|default([]) %}
{% set frontend_http_extra = haproxy_service.frontend_http_extra|default([]) + haproxy_frontend_http_extra %}
{% set backend_http_extra = haproxy_service.backend_http_extra|default([]) %}
{% set tls_backend = haproxy_service.tls_backend|default(false) %}
{# Allow for basic auth #}
{% set auth_user = haproxy_service.auth_user|default() %}
{% set auth_pass = haproxy_service.auth_pass|default() %}
{% if auth_user and auth_pass %}
{{ userlist_macro(haproxy_name, auth_user, auth_pass) }}
{% endif %}
{% if with_frontend %}
{{ frontend_macro(haproxy_name, haproxy_service.port, mode, external,
frontend_http_extra, frontend_tcp_extra) }}
{% endif %}
{# Redirect (to https) is a special case, as it does not include a backend #}
{% if with_backend and mode != 'redirect' %}
{{ backend_macro(haproxy_name, listen_port, mode, host_group,
custom_member_list, backend_http_extra, backend_tcp_extra,
auth_user, auth_pass, tls_backend) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}