This ensures that failure of a single host fails the whole play at that task. This can avoid confusing errors such as when the task "Assert that the nodepool private IPv4 address is assigned" fails on one host, causing subsequent errors on other hosts. Note that this only affects the Zuul playbooks, not Kolla Ansible's playbooks. Change-Id: I77a6534dd2ddd188f795e17d17a44be249d01f31
108 lines
3.7 KiB
108 lines
3.7 KiB
- hosts: all
any_errors_fatal: true
logs_dir: "/tmp/logs"
# We have had cases where the nodepool private IP address is not assigned,
# which causes hard to diagnose errors later on. Catch it early.
- name: Assert that the nodepool private IPv4 address is assigned
that: nodepool.private_ipv4 in ansible_all_ipv4_addresses
fail_msg: >-
The nodepool private IP address {{ nodepool.private_ipv4 }} is not assigned
- name: Install dbus for debian system
apt: name=dbus
- ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
become: true
- name: Ensure /tmp/logs/ dir
path: "{{ logs_dir }}"
state: "directory"
- name: Ensure node directories
path: "{{ logs_dir }}/{{ item }}"
state: "directory"
mode: 0777
- "docker_logs"
- "kolla_configs"
- "system_logs"
- "kolla"
- "ansible"
- name: set new hostname based on ansible inventory file
name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
become: true
# NOTE(yoctozepto): start VXLAN interface config
- name: Set VXLAN interface facts
api_interface_address: "{{ api_network_prefix }}{{ groups['all'].index(inventory_hostname) + 1 }}"
api_interface_tunnel_vni: 10001
tunnel_local_address: "{{ nodepool.private_ipv4 }}"
- name: Create VXLAN interface
become: true
command: ip link add {{ api_interface_name }} type vxlan id {{ api_interface_tunnel_vni }} local {{ tunnel_local_address }} dstport 4789
- name: Set VXLAN interface MTU
become: true
# Find the parent interface
parent_interface: >-
{{ ansible_interfaces |
map('extract', ansible_facts) |
selectattr('ipv4.address', 'defined') |
selectattr('ipv4.address', 'equalto', tunnel_local_address) |
first }}
# Allow 50 bytes overhead for VXLAN headers.
mtu: "{{ parent_interface.mtu | int - 50 }}"
command: ip link set {{ api_interface_name }} mtu {{ mtu }}
# emulate BUM by multiplicating traffic to unicast targets
- name: Add fdb entries for BUM traffic
become: true
dest_ip: "{{ hostvars[item].tunnel_local_address }}"
command: bridge fdb append 00:00:00:00:00:00 dev {{ api_interface_name }} dst {{ dest_ip }}
with_inventory_hostnames: all
when: item != inventory_hostname
- name: Add IP address for VXLAN network
become: true
api_network_cidr: "{{ api_interface_address }}/{{ api_network_prefix_length }}"
# NOTE(yoctozepto): we have to compute and explicitly set the broadcast address,
# otherwise bifrost fails its pre-bootstrap sanity checks due to missing
# broadcast address as ansible picks up scope ('global') as the interface's
# broadcast address which fails checks logic
api_network_broadcast_address: "{{ api_network_cidr | ipaddr('broadcast') }}"
command: ip address add {{ api_network_cidr }} broadcast {{ api_network_broadcast_address }} dev {{ api_interface_name }}
- name: Accept traffic on the VXLAN network
become: true
state: present
action: insert
chain: INPUT
ip_version: ipv4
in_interface: "{{ api_interface_name }}"
jump: ACCEPT
- name: Bring VXLAN interface up
become: true
command: ip link set {{ api_interface_name }} up
- name: Ping across VXLAN
command: ping -c1 {{ hostvars[item].api_interface_address }}
with_inventory_hostnames: all
- multi-node-firewall