Dincer Celik 4b5df0d866 Introduce /etc/timezone to Debian/Ubuntu containers
Some services look for /etc/timezone on Debian/Ubuntu, so we should
introduce it to the containers.

In addition, added prechecks for /etc/localtime and /etc/timezone.

Closes-Bug: #1821592
Change-Id: I9fef14643d1bcc7eee9547eb87fa1fb436d8a6b3
2020-04-09 18:53:36 +00:00

43 lines
1.3 KiB

project_name: "telegraf"
container_name: "telegraf"
image: "{{ telegraf_image_full }}"
enabled: true
pid_mode: "host"
group: "telegraf"
volumes: "{{ telegraf_default_volumes + telegraf_extra_volumes }}"
dimensions: "{{ telegraf_dimensions }}"
# Docker
telegraf_install_type: "{{ kolla_install_type }}"
telegraf_image: "{{ docker_registry ~ '/' if docker_registry else '' }}{{ docker_namespace }}/{{ kolla_base_distro }}-{{ telegraf_install_type }}-telegraf"
telegraf_tag: "{{ openstack_tag }}"
telegraf_image_full: "{{ telegraf_image }}:{{ telegraf_tag }}"
telegraf_dimensions: "{{ default_container_dimensions }}"
- "{{ node_config_directory }}/telegraf/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
- "{{ '/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro' if kolla_base_distro in ['debian', 'ubuntu'] else '' }}"
- "kolla_logs:/var/log/kolla/"
- "/sys:/rootfs/sys:ro"
- "/proc:/rootfs/proc:ro"
- "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"
telegraf_extra_volumes: "{{ default_extra_volumes }}"
# Protocols
elasticsearch_proto: "http"
haproxy_proto: "http"
influxdb_proto: "http"
rabbitmq_proto: "http"
mariadb_proto: "tcp"
outward_rabbitmq_proto: "http"