Doug Szumski 444097848c Support disabling Monasca alerting pipeline
The Monasca alerting pipeline provides multi-tenancy alerts and
notifications. It runs as an Apache Storm topology and generally
places a significant memory and CPU burden on monitoring hosts,
particularly when there are lot of metrics. This is fine if the
alerting service is in use, but sometimes it is not. For example
you may use Prometheus for monitoring the control plane, and
wish to offer tenants a monitoring service via Monasca without
alerting and notification functionality. In this case it makes
sense to disable this part of the Monasca pipeline and this patch
adds support for that.

If the service is ever re-enabled, all alerts and notifications
should spawn back automatically since they are persisted in the
central mysql database cluster.

Change-Id: I84aa04125c621712f805f41c8efbc92c8e156db9
2021-03-04 09:19:44 +00:00

59 lines
2.2 KiB

project_name: "storm"
container_name: storm_worker
group: storm-worker
enabled: "{{ enable_storm | bool }}"
image: "{{ storm_image_full }}"
STORM_LOG_DIR: /var/log/kolla/storm
STORM_LOG4J_PROP: "{{ storm_log_settings }}"
volumes: "{{ storm_worker_default_volumes + storm_nimbus_extra_volumes }}"
dimensions: "{{ storm_worker_dimensions }}"
container_name: storm_nimbus
group: storm-nimbus
enabled: "{{ enable_storm | bool }}"
image: "{{ storm_image_full }}"
STORM_LOG_DIR: /var/log/kolla/storm
STORM_LOG4J_PROP: "{{ storm_log_settings }}"
volumes: "{{ storm_nimbus_default_volumes + storm_nimbus_extra_volumes }}"
dimensions: "{{ storm_nimbus_dimensions }}"
# Storm
storm_log_settings: 'INFO,ROLLINGFILE'
storm_nimbus_servers: "{% for host in groups['storm-nimbus'] %}'{{ 'api' | kolla_address(host) }}'{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}"
# Docker
storm_install_type: "{{ kolla_install_type }}"
storm_image: "{{ docker_registry ~ '/' if docker_registry else '' }}{{ docker_namespace }}/{{ kolla_base_distro }}-{{ storm_install_type }}-storm"
storm_tag: "{{ openstack_tag }}"
storm_image_full: "{{ storm_image }}:{{ storm_tag }}"
storm_worker_dimensions: "{{ default_container_dimensions }}"
storm_nimbus_dimensions: "{{ default_container_dimensions }}"
- "{{ node_config_directory }}/storm-worker/:{{ container_config_directory }}/"
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
- "{{ '/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro' if ansible_os_family == 'Debian' else '' }}"
- "storm:/var/lib/storm/data"
- "kolla_logs:/var/log/kolla/"
- "{{ node_config_directory }}/storm-nimbus/:{{ container_config_directory }}/"
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
- "{{ '/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro' if ansible_os_family == 'Debian' else '' }}"
- "storm:/var/lib/storm/data"
- "kolla_logs:/var/log/kolla/"
storm_extra_volumes: "{{ default_extra_volumes }}"
storm_worker_extra_volumes: "{{ storm_extra_volumes }}"
storm_nimbus_extra_volumes: "{{ storm_extra_volumes }}"