Since Ansible 2.5, the use of jinja tests as filters has been deprecated. I've run the script provided by the ansible team to 'fix' the jinja filters to conform to the newer syntax. This fixes the deprecation warnings. Change-Id: I844ecb7bec94e561afb09580f58b1bf83a6d00bd Closes-bug: #1827370
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- name: Checking Docker version
command: docker --version
register: result
changed_when: false
when: inventory_hostname in groups['baremetal']
failed_when: result is failed
or result.stdout | regex_replace('.*(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+).*', '\\1') is version(docker_version_min, '<')
# NOTE(mgoddard): If passwords.yml is encrypted using ansible-vault, this check
# will pass, but only because nothing in the vault file has the format of a
# YAML dict item.
- name: Checking empty passwords in passwords.yml. Run kolla-genpwd if this task fails
local_action: command grep '^[^#].*:\s*$' "{{ node_config }}/passwords.yml"
run_once: True
register: result
changed_when: false
failed_when: result.stdout | regex_replace('(.*ssh_key.*)', '') is search(":")
- name: Check if nscd is running
command: pgrep nscd
ignore_errors: yes
failed_when: false
changed_when: false
register: nscd_status
- name: Fail if nscd is running
msg: |
Service nscd is running. This is known to cause issues with Docker's user namespaces in
Kolla. Please disable it before proceeding.
- nscd_status.rc == 0
- name: Checking internal and external VIP addresses differ
run_once: True
local_action: fail msg='kolla_external_vip_address and kolla_internal_vip_address must not be the same when TLS is enabled'
changed_when: false
- kolla_enable_tls_external | bool
- kolla_external_vip_address == kolla_internal_vip_address