Instead of specifying a custom member list for each service that should be configured as active/passive, a new `active_passive` parameter can be set to true. This only works if `custom_member_list` is not used. Change-Id: I3758bc2377c25a277a29f02ebc20c946c7499093
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151 lines
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#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: True
{%- set external_tls_bind_info = 'ssl crt /etc/haproxy/haproxy.pem' if kolla_enable_tls_external|bool else '' %}
{%- set internal_tls_bind_info = 'ssl crt /etc/haproxy/haproxy-internal.pem' if kolla_enable_tls_internal|bool else '' %}
{%- macro userlist_macro(service_name, auth_user, auth_pass) %}
userlist {{ service_name }}-user
user {{ auth_user }} insecure-password {{ auth_pass }}
{% endmacro %}
{%- macro frontend_macro(service_name, service_port, service_mode, external,
frontend_http_extra, frontend_tcp_extra) %}
frontend {{ service_name }}_front
{% if service_mode == 'redirect' %}
mode http
{% else %}
mode {{ service_mode }}
{% endif %}
{% if service_mode == 'http' %}
{# Delete any pre-populated XFP header #}
http-request del-header X-Forwarded-Proto
{% for http_option in frontend_http_extra %}
{{ http_option }}
{% endfor %}
{% elif service_mode == 'tcp' %}
{% for tcp_option in frontend_tcp_extra %}
{{ tcp_option }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% set tls_option = '' %}
{% if external|bool %}
{% set vip_address = kolla_external_vip_address %}
{% if service_mode == 'http' %}
{% set tls_option = external_tls_bind_info %}
{# Replace the XFP header for external https requests #}
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set vip_address = kolla_internal_vip_address %}
{% if service_mode == 'http' %}
{% set tls_option = internal_tls_bind_info %}
{# Replace the XFP header for internal https requests #}
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ "bind %s:%s %s"|e|format(vip_address, service_port, tls_option)|trim() }}
{# Redirect mode sets a redirect scheme instead of a backend #}
{% if service_mode == 'redirect' %}
redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }
{% else %}
default_backend {{ service_name }}_back
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{%- macro backend_macro(service_name, listen_port, service_mode, host_group,
active_passive, custom_member_list, backend_http_extra,
backend_tcp_extra, auth_user, auth_pass, tls_backend) %}
backend {{ service_name }}_back
{% if service_mode == 'redirect' %}
mode http
{% else %}
mode {{ service_mode }}
{% endif %}
{% if service_mode == 'http' %}
{# Set up auth if required #}
{% if auth_user and auth_pass %}
acl auth_acl http_auth({{ service_name }}-user)
http-request auth realm basicauth unless auth_acl
{% endif %}
{% for http_option in backend_http_extra %}
{{ http_option }}
{% endfor %}
{% elif service_mode == 'tcp' %}
{% for tcp_option in backend_tcp_extra %}
{{ tcp_option }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if custom_member_list is not none %}
{% for custom_member in custom_member_list %}
{{ custom_member }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% set backend_tls_info = '' %}
{% if tls_backend|bool %}
{% set haproxy_health_check_final = haproxy_health_check_ssl %}
{% if kolla_verify_tls_backend|bool %}
{% set backend_tls_info = 'ssl verify required ca-file %s'|format(haproxy_backend_cacert) %}
{% else %}
{% set backend_tls_info = 'ssl verify none' %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set haproxy_health_check_final = haproxy_health_check %}
{% endif %}
{% for host in groups[host_group] %}
{% set host_name = hostvars[host].ansible_facts.hostname %}
{% set host_ip = 'api' | kolla_address(host) %}
{% set service_weight = 'haproxy_' + service_name + '_weight' %}
{% set backend_weight_info = '' %}
{% if hostvars[host][service_weight] is defined and hostvars[host][service_weight] | int != 0 and hostvars[host][service_weight] | int <= 256 %}
{% set backend_weight_info = 'weight %s'|format(hostvars[host][service_weight]) %}
{% endif %}
server {{ host_name }} {{ host_ip }}:{{ listen_port }} {{ haproxy_health_check_final }}{% if active_passive and not loop.first %} backup{% endif %} {{ backend_tls_info }} {{ backend_weight_info }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{%- set haproxy = service.haproxy|default({}) %}
{%- for haproxy_name, haproxy_service in haproxy.items() %}
{# External defaults to false #}
{% set external = haproxy_service.external|default(false)|bool %}
{# Active/passive defaults to false #}
{% set active_passive = haproxy_service.active_passive|default(false)|bool %}
{# Skip anything that is external when the external vip is not enabled #}
{% if haproxy_service.enabled|bool and (not external or haproxy_enable_external_vip|bool)%}
{# Here we define variables and their defaults #}
{# services can be listening on a different port than haproxy #}
{% set listen_port = haproxy_service.listen_port|default(haproxy_service.port) %}
{# Custom member list can use jinja to generate a semicolon separated list #}
{% set custom_member_list = haproxy_service.custom_member_list|default(none) %}
{# Mode defaults to http #}
{% set mode = haproxy_service.mode|default('http') %}
{# By default each service has its own frontend (hence with_frontend is true by default) #}
{% set with_frontend = haproxy_service.with_frontend|default(true)|bool %}
{# By default each service has its own backend (hence with_backend is true by default) #}
{% set with_backend = haproxy_service.with_backend|default(true)|bool %}
{# Use the parent host group but allow it to be overridden #}
{% set host_group = haproxy_service.host_group|default(service.group) %}
{# Additional options can be defined in config, and are additive to the global extras #}
{% set frontend_tcp_extra = haproxy_service.frontend_tcp_extra|default([]) + haproxy_frontend_tcp_extra %}
{% set backend_tcp_extra = haproxy_service.backend_tcp_extra|default([]) %}
{% set frontend_http_extra = haproxy_service.frontend_http_extra|default([]) + haproxy_frontend_http_extra %}
{% set backend_http_extra = haproxy_service.backend_http_extra|default([]) %}
{% set tls_backend = haproxy_service.tls_backend|default(false) %}
{# Allow for basic auth #}
{% set auth_user = haproxy_service.auth_user|default() %}
{% set auth_pass = haproxy_service.auth_pass|default() %}
{% if auth_user and auth_pass %}
{{ userlist_macro(haproxy_name, auth_user, auth_pass) }}
{% endif %}
{% if with_frontend %}
{{ frontend_macro(haproxy_name, haproxy_service.port, mode, external,
frontend_http_extra, frontend_tcp_extra) }}
{% endif %}
{# Redirect (to https) is a special case, as it does not include a backend #}
{% if with_backend and mode != 'redirect' %}
{{ backend_macro(haproxy_name, listen_port, mode, host_group, active_passive,
custom_member_list, backend_http_extra, backend_tcp_extra,
auth_user, auth_pass, tls_backend) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}