Bertrand Lallau a9113fc466 Avoid launching "local" actions too many times
In order to speed up deployment time some "local" actions should be run
only once using 'run_once: True'.
This will decrease deployment time in case of multihost configuration.

Change-Id: I6015d772d35c15e96c52f577013b6e41197cb41a
2017-07-05 15:55:39 +02:00

15 lines
614 B

- name: Checking Docker version
command: docker version
register: result
changed_when: false
failed_when: result | failed
or (result.stdout | from_yaml).Server.Version | regex_replace('(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+).*', '\\1') | version_compare(docker_version_min, '<')
- name: Checking empty passwords in passwords.yml. Run kolla-genpwd if this task fails
local_action: command grep '^[^#].*:\s*$' "{{ CONFIG_DIR | default('/etc/kolla') }}/passwords.yml"
run_once: True
register: result
changed_when: false
failed_when: result.stdout | regex_replace('(.*ssh_key.*)', '') | search(":")