This patch introduces an optional backend encryption for the Ironic API service. When used in conjunction with enabling TLS for service API endpoints, network communcation will be encrypted end to end, from client through HAProxy to the Ironic service. Change-Id: I9edf7545c174ca8839ceaef877bb09f49ef2b451 Partially-Implements: blueprint add-ssl-internal-network
153 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
153 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
set -o xtrace
set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
# Enable unbuffered output for Ansible in Jenkins.
# Adapted from the function of the same name in the ironic devstack plugin.
function wait_for_placement_resources {
# After nodes have been enrolled, we need to wait for both ironic and
# nova's periodic tasks to populate the resource tracker with available
# nodes and resources. Wait up to 2 minutes for a given resource before
# timing out.
local expected_count=1
local resource_class="RC0"
curl -L -o jq https://github.com/stedolan/jq/releases/download/jq-1.5/jq-linux64
chmod +x jq
# TODO(mgoddard): switch to Placement OSC plugin, once it exists
local token
token=$(openstack token issue -f value -c id)
local endpoint
endpoint=$(openstack endpoint list --service placement --interface public -f value -c URL)
if [[ -z $endpoint ]]; then
echo "Cannot find Placement API endpoint"
return 1
local i
local count
echo "Waiting 2 minutes for Nova resource tracker to pick up $expected_count nodes"
for i in $(seq 1 120); do
# Fetch provider UUIDs from Placement
local providers
-sH "X-Auth-Token: $token"
if [[ "$TLS_ENABLED" = "True" ]]; then
args+=(--cacert $OS_CACERT)
providers=$(curl "${args[@]}" $endpoint/resource_providers \
| ./jq -r '.resource_providers[].uuid')
local p
# Total count of the resource class, has to be equal to nodes count
for p in $providers; do
local amount
# A resource class inventory record looks something like
# {"max_unit": 1, "min_unit": 1, "step_size": 1, "reserved": 0, "total": 1, "allocation_ratio": 1}
# Subtract reserved from total (defaulting both to 0)
amount=$(curl "${args[@]}" $endpoint/resource_providers/$p/inventories \
| ./jq ".inventories.CUSTOM_$resource_class as \$cls
| (\$cls.total // 0) - (\$cls.reserved // 0)")
if [ $amount -gt 0 ]; then
count=$(( count + $amount ))
if [ $count -ge $expected_count ]; then
return 0
sleep 1
echo "Timed out waiting for Nova to track $expected_count nodes"
return 1
function create_resources {
# Create a bare metal node and port.
openstack baremetal node create \
--name node-0 \
--driver fake-hardware \
--network-interface noop \
--property cpu_arch=x86_64 \
--resource-class rc0
node_uuid=$(openstack baremetal node show node-0 -f value -c uuid)
openstack baremetal port create \
00:11:22:33:44:55 \
--node $node_uuid
openstack baremetal node power off node-0
openstack baremetal node manage node-0 --wait
openstack baremetal node provide node-0 --wait
# Create a bare metal flavor in nova.
openstack flavor create \
baremetal \
--vcpus 1 \
--ram 1024 \
--disk 10 \
--property resources:CUSTOM_RC0=1 \
--property resources:VCPU=0 \
--property resources:MEMORY_MB=0 \
--property resources:DISK_GB=0 \
function test_ironic_logged {
# Assumes init-runonce has been executed.
. /etc/kolla/admin-openrc.sh
. ~/openstackclient-venv/bin/activate
# Smoke test ironic API.
local baremetal_driver_list
baremetal_driver_list=$(openstack baremetal driver list)
openstack baremetal node list
openstack baremetal port list
# Ironic Inspector API
openstack baremetal introspection rule list
# Sanity check.
if ! echo "$baremetal_driver_list" | grep fake-hardware; then
echo "No active conductors with fake-hardware driver"
exit 1
echo "TESTING: Server creation"
openstack server create --wait --image cirros --flavor baremetal --key-name mykey --network demo-net kolla_boot_test
openstack --debug server list
# If the status is not ACTIVE, print info and exit 1
if [[ $(openstack server show kolla_boot_test -f value -c status) != "ACTIVE" ]]; then
echo "FAILED: Instance is not active"
openstack --debug server show kolla_boot_test
return 1
echo "SUCCESS: Server creation"
echo "TESTING: Server deletion"
openstack server delete --wait kolla_boot_test
echo "SUCCESS: Server deletion"
function test_ironic {
echo "Testing Ironic"
test_ironic_logged > /tmp/logs/ansible/test-ironic 2>&1
if [[ $result != 0 ]]; then
echo "Testing Ironic failed. See ansible/test-ironic for details"
echo "Successfully tested Ironic. See ansible/test-ironic for details"
return $result