Steven Dake 21ecd9925a Upgrade Heat
This could possibly use gold plating in how bootstrapping
operates to use shade rather than the shell in the container.
It is unclear why stack create failed prior to this patch, but
that fact hasn't changed.  I think the heat domains are not setup
properly in the configuration files, meaning that the domain ID
must be created outside of Heat and registered in the configuration
file.  This is covered in Bug #1553565.

Change-Id: I490d4dd68a101f388c0ecb4acab54d5eaa6e314e
Partially-Implements: blueprint kolla-upgrade
Implements: blueprint upgrade-heat
2016-03-09 03:50:03 -05:00

41 lines
1.6 KiB

- name: Creating Heat database
command: docker exec -t kolla_toolbox /usr/bin/ansible localhost
-m mysql_db
-a "login_host='{{ database_address }}'
login_user='{{ database_user }}'
login_port='{{ mariadb_port }}'
login_password='{{ database_password }}'
name='{{ heat_database_name }}'"
register: database
changed_when: "{{ database.stdout.find('localhost | SUCCESS => ') != -1 and
(database.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).changed }}"
failed_when: database.stdout.split()[2] != 'SUCCESS'
run_once: True
delegate_to: "{{ groups['heat-api'][0] }}"
- name: Reading json from variable
database_created: "{{ (database.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).changed }}"
- name: Creating Heat database user and setting permissions
command: docker exec -t kolla_toolbox /usr/bin/ansible localhost
-m mysql_user
-a "login_host='{{ database_address }}'
login_user='{{ database_user }}'
login_password='{{ database_password }}'
name='{{ heat_database_name }}'
password='{{ heat_database_password }}'
priv='{{ heat_database_name }}.*:ALL'
register: database_user_create
changed_when: "{{ database_user_create.stdout.find('localhost | SUCCESS => ') != -1 and
(database_user_create.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).changed }}"
failed_when: database_user_create.stdout.split()[2] != 'SUCCESS'
run_once: True
delegate_to: "{{ groups['heat-api'][0] }}"
- include: bootstrap_service.yml
when: database_created