In the Xena cycle it was decided to remove the Monasca Grafana fork due to lack of maintenance. This commit removes the service and provides a limited workaround using the Monasca Grafana datasource with vanilla Grafana. Depends-On: I9db7ec2df050fa20317d84f6cea40d1f5fd42e60 Change-Id: I4917ece1951084f6665722ba9a91d47764d3709a
107 lines
3.8 KiB
107 lines
3.8 KiB
- name: Creating monasca database
become: true
module_name: mysql_db
login_host: "{{ monasca_database_address }}"
login_port: "{{ monasca_database_port }}"
login_user: "{{ database_user }}"
login_password: "{{ database_password }}"
name: "{{ item }}"
run_once: True
delegate_to: "{{ groups['monasca-api'][0] }}"
- "{{ monasca_database_name }}"
- not use_preconfigured_databases | bool
- name: Creating monasca database user and setting permissions
become: true
module_name: mysql_user
login_host: "{{ monasca_database_address }}"
login_port: "{{ monasca_database_port }}"
login_user: "{{ database_user }}"
login_password: "{{ database_password }}"
name: "{{ monasca_database_user }}"
password: "{{ monasca_database_password }}"
host: "%"
priv: "{{ monasca_database_name }}.*:ALL"
append_privs: "yes"
run_once: True
delegate_to: "{{ groups['monasca-api'][0] }}"
- not use_preconfigured_databases | bool
- import_tasks: bootstrap_service.yml
# NOTE(dszumski): Monasca is not yet compatible with InfluxDB > 1.1.10, which means
# that the official Ansible modules for managing InfluxDB don't work [1].
# We therefore fall back to manual commands to register the database
# and set a default retention policy.
# [1] https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb-python#influxdb-pre-v110-users
- name: List influxdb databases
become: true
command: "docker exec influxdb influx -host {{ monasca_influxdb_address }} -port {{ monasca_influxdb_http_port }} -execute 'show databases'"
run_once: True
delegate_to: "{{ groups['influxdb'][0] }}"
register: monasca_influxdb_database
changed_when: False
- name: Creating monasca influxdb database
become: true
command: >
docker exec influxdb influx -host {{ monasca_influxdb_address }} -port {{ monasca_influxdb_http_port }} -execute
'CREATE DATABASE {{ monasca_influxdb_name }} WITH DURATION {{ monasca_influxdb_retention_policy.duration }}
REPLICATION {{ monasca_influxdb_retention_policy.replication_count }} NAME {{ monasca_influxdb_retention_policy.name }}'
run_once: True
delegate_to: "{{ groups['influxdb'][0] }}"
when: monasca_influxdb_name not in monasca_influxdb_database.stdout_lines
# NOTE(dszumski): Although we can take advantage of automatic topic
# creation in Kafka, creating the topics manually allows unique settings
# to be used per topic, rather than the defaults. It also avoids an edge
# case where services on multiple nodes may race to create topics, and
# paves the way for enabling things like compression on a per topic basis.
- name: List monasca kafka topics
become: true
command: >
docker exec kafka /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh
--zookeeper localhost
register: kafka_topics
run_once: True
delegate_to: "{{ groups['kafka'][0] }}"
- name: Create monasca kafka topics if they don't exist
become: true
command: >
docker exec kafka /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh
--topic {{ item.name }}
--partitions {{ item.partitions }}
--replication-factor {{ item.replication_factor }}
--zookeeper localhost
run_once: True
delegate_to: "{{ groups['kafka'][0] }}"
- item.name not in kafka_topics.stdout_lines
- item.enabled | bool
with_items: "{{ monasca_all_topics }}"
- name: Remove monasca kafka topics for disabled services
become: true
command: >
docker exec kafka /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh
--topic "{{ item.name }}"
--zookeeper localhost
run_once: True
delegate_to: "{{ groups['kafka'][0] }}"
- item.name in kafka_topics.stdout_lines
- not item.enabled | bool
with_items: "{{ monasca_all_topics }}"