When all mariadb nodes are stopped gracefully, mariadb galera will write it's last executed position into the grastate.dat file. Need find the node with largest seqno number in that file and recovery from that node. Closes-Bug: #1627717 Change-Id: I6e97c190eec99c966bffde0698f783e519ba14bd
95 lines
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95 lines
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- fail:
msg: "MariaDB cluster was not found. Is your inventory correct?"
when: delegate_host == 'None'
- name: Checking if and mariadb containers are running
name: "mariadb"
action: "get_container_state"
register: container_state
- fail:
msg: "There are running MariaDB nodes, please stop them first."
when: container_state.Running | bool
any_errors_fatal: True
- name: Cleaning up temp file on mariadb hosts
file: path=/tmp/kolla_mariadb_grastate.dat state=absent
changed_when: false
always_run: true
- name: Cleaning up temp file on localhost
local_action: file path=/tmp/kolla_mariadb_recover_inventory_name state=absent
changed_when: false
always_run: true
run_once: true
- block:
- name: Copying grastate.dat file from mariadb container
command: docker cp mariadb:/var/lib/mysql/grastate.dat /tmp/kolla_mariadb_grastate.dat
changed_when: false
- name: Print the content of grastate.dat file
command: cat /tmp/kolla_mariadb_grastate.dat
register: cat_grastate
changed_when: false
- name: Registering mariadb seqno variable
seqno: "{{ (cat_grastate.stdout|from_yaml).seqno }}"
changed_when: false
- name: Comparing seqno value on all mariadb hosts
shell: "if [[ {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['seqno'] }} -lt {{ hostvars[item]['seqno'] }} ]]; then echo {{ hostvars[item]['seqno'] }}; fi"
with_items: "{{ groups['mariadb'] }}"
changed_when: false
register: seqno_compare
- name: Writing hostname of host with the largest seqno to temp file
local_action: copy content={{ inventory_hostname }} dest=/tmp/kolla_mariadb_recover_inventory_name mode=0644
changed_when: false
when: seqno_compare.results | map(attribute='stdout') | join('') == ""
- name: Registering mariadb_recover_inventory_name from temp file
mariadb_recover_inventory_name: "{{ lookup('file', '/tmp/kolla_mariadb_recover_inventory_name') }}"
- mariadb_recover_inventory_name is not defined
- name: Cleaning up temp file on mariadb hosts
file: path=/tmp/kolla_mariadb_grastate.dat state=absent
changed_when: false
always_run: true
- name: Cleaning up temp file on localhost
local_action: file path=/tmp/kolla_mariadb_recover_inventory_name state=absent
changed_when: false
always_run: true
run_once: true
- name: Starting first MariaDB container
action: "start_container"
common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY: "{{ config_strategy }}"
BOOTSTRAP_ARGS: "--wsrep-new-cluster"
image: "{{ mariadb_image_full }}"
name: "mariadb"
restart_policy: "never"
- "{{ node_config_directory }}/mariadb/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
- "kolla_logs:/var/log/kolla/"
- "mariadb:/var/lib/mysql"
- (mariadb_recover_inventory_name is not defined and inventory_hostname == groups['mariadb'][0]) or
(mariadb_recover_inventory_name is defined and inventory_hostname == mariadb_recover_inventory_name)
- name: Reset bootstrap fact
delegate_host: "None"