52 lines
1.6 KiB
52 lines
1.6 KiB
- include_tasks: config.yml
# NOTE(jeffrey4l): client.admin caps should be update when upgrade from Jewel
# to Luminous
- name: configuring client.admin caps
become: true
name: client.admin
caps: "{{ ceph_client_admin_keyring_caps }}"
run_once: True
delegate_to: "{{ groups['ceph-mon'][0] }}"
- include_tasks: start_mons.yml
when: inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-mon']
- include_tasks: start_mgrs.yml
when: inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-mgr']
- include_tasks: start_osds.yml
when: inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-osd']
- include_tasks: start_rgws.yml
- enable_ceph_rgw | bool
- inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-rgw']
- include_tasks: start_mdss.yml
- enable_ceph_mds | bool
- inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-mds']
- include_tasks: start_nfss.yml
- enable_ceph_nfs | bool
- inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-nfs']
- name: Check final release (as running on MONs)
become: true
command: "docker exec ceph_mon ceph -m {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + storage_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }} versions"
changed_when: false
register: ceph_release_command
delegate_to: "{{ groups['ceph-mon'][0] }}"
run_once: true
- name: Finalize the upgrade by disallowing older OSDs
become: true
command: "docker exec ceph_mon ceph -m {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + storage_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }} osd require-osd-release {{ ((ceph_release_command.stdout|from_json).mon | string).split(' ')[4] }}"
changed_when: false
delegate_to: "{{ groups['ceph-mon'][0] }}"
run_once: true