We've noticed cases where nodepool.private_ipv4 is empty, probably caused by [1] or a change in nodepool provider configuration. [1]: https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/nodepool/+/862522 Change-Id: Ibeca7d99571d9f6d4d1b90277121d685d73c9a59
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# Not all variables have sensible defaults, let's ensure these are set.
- name: Ensure mandatory variables are defined
- vxlan_interface_name is defined
- vxlan_vni is defined
- name: Set VXLAN interface facts
tunnel_local_address: "{{ nodepool.private_ipv4 if nodepool.private_ipv4 | length > 0 else nodepool.public_ipv4 }}"
# We have had cases where the nodepool private or public IP address is not assigned,
# which causes hard to diagnose errors later on. Catch it early.
- name: Assert that the nodepool private or public IPv4 address is assigned
that: tunnel_local_address in ansible_all_ipv4_addresses
fail_msg: >-
The nodepool private/public IP address {{ tunnel_local_address }} is not assigned
- name: Create VXLAN interface
become: true
command: ip link add {{ vxlan_interface_name }} type vxlan id {{ vxlan_vni }} local {{ tunnel_local_address }} dstport {{ vxlan_dstport }}
- name: Set VXLAN interface MTU
become: true
# Find the parent interface
parent_interface: >-
{{ ansible_interfaces |
map('extract', ansible_facts) |
selectattr('ipv4.address', 'defined') |
selectattr('ipv4.address', 'equalto', tunnel_local_address) |
first }}
# Allow 50 bytes overhead for VXLAN headers.
mtu: "{{ parent_interface.mtu | int - 50 }}"
command: ip link set {{ vxlan_interface_name }} mtu {{ mtu }}
# emulate BUM by multiplicating traffic to unicast targets
- name: Add fdb entries for BUM traffic
become: true
dest_ip: "{{ hostvars[item].tunnel_local_address }}"
command: bridge fdb append 00:00:00:00:00:00 dev {{ vxlan_interface_name }} dst {{ dest_ip }}
with_inventory_hostnames: all
when: item != inventory_hostname
- name: Bring VXLAN interface up
become: true
command: ip link set {{ vxlan_interface_name }} up