Grafana requires the scrape interval to be set to be able to compute $__rate_interval. The default is 15s which does not match the kolla default of 60s. The symptom of not setting this is that you will see "no data" when zooming graphs that use rate queries. This occurs as the interval will be set to a period shorter than the scrape interval. The recommendation is that you use a common scrape interval for all jobs. See: - https://grafana.com/blog/2020/09/28/new-in-grafana-7.2-__rate_interval-for-prometheus-rate-queries-that-just-work/ - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66369969/set-scrape-interval-in-provisioned-prometheus-data-source-in-grafana Change-Id: I7e5c1e20c7b66b64cbd333f669ef8d8da60daaa8
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Adds the ``prometheus_scrape_interval`` configuration option. The default
is set to ``60s``. This configures the default scrape interval for all
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The scrape interval for the prometheus data source in grafana is now to set
to ``prometheus_scrape_interval``. This fixes issues with dashboards that
use the ``$__rate_interval`` grafana variable as the default scrape
interval of 60s does not match the grafana default of 15s.