PKI token support has been deprecated in the Ocata release and will be removed in the Pike release, so we can remove releated parameters. Change-Id: If8f4cf3db3f315742554be363ae4ab8e70b789ce Closes-Bug: #1653049
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42 lines
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debug = {{ manila_logging_debug }}
log_dir = /var/log/kolla/manila
use_forwarded_for = true
my_ip = {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + api_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }}
osapi_share_listen = {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + api_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }}
osapi_share_listen_port = {{ manila_api_port }}
osapi_share_workers = {{ openstack_service_workers }}
rootwrap_config = /etc/manila/rootwrap.conf
api_paste_config = /etc/manila/api-paste.ini
auth_strategy = keystone
os_region_name = {{ openstack_region_name }}
transport_url = rabbit://{% for host in groups['rabbitmq'] %}{{ rabbitmq_user }}:{{ rabbitmq_password }}@{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_' + hostvars[host]['api_interface']]['ipv4']['address'] }}:{{ rabbitmq_port }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}
lock_path = /var/lib/manila/tmp
connection = mysql+pymysql://{{ manila_database_user }}:{{ manila_database_password }}@{{ manila_database_address }}/{{ manila_database_name }}
max_retries = -1
auth_uri = {{ internal_protocol }}://{{ kolla_internal_fqdn }}:{{ keystone_public_port }}
auth_url = {{ admin_protocol }}://{{ kolla_internal_fqdn }}:{{ keystone_admin_port }}
auth_type = password
project_domain_id = default
user_domain_id = default
project_name = service
username = {{ manila_keystone_user }}
password = {{ manila_keystone_password }}
memcache_security_strategy = ENCRYPT
memcache_secret_key = {{ memcache_secret_key }}
memcached_servers = {% for host in groups['memcached'] %}{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_' + hostvars[host]['api_interface']]['ipv4']['address'] }}:{{ memcached_port }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}