Adds four new CI jobs for testing centos/ubuntu binary/source deploys with ironic enabled. These are run only when there are changes to the ironic role. Performs some simple testing by creating a node using the fake-hardware hardware type and creating a server. Change-Id: Ie669e57ce2af53257b4ca05f45193cb73f48827a Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/664011
139 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable File
139 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable File
set -o xtrace
set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
# Enable unbuffered output for Ansible in Jenkins.
# Adapted from the function of the same name in the ironic devstack plugin.
function wait_for_placement_resources {
# After nodes have been enrolled, we need to wait for both ironic and
# nova's periodic tasks to populate the resource tracker with available
# nodes and resources. Wait up to 2 minutes for a given resource before
# timing out.
local expected_count=1
local resource_class="RC0"
curl -L -o jq https://github.com/stedolan/jq/releases/download/jq-1.5/jq-linux64
chmod +x jq
# TODO(mgoddard): switch to Placement OSC plugin, once it exists
local token
token=$(openstack token issue -f value -c id)
local endpoint
endpoint=$(openstack endpoint list --service placement --interface public -f value -c URL)
if [[ -z $endpoint ]]; then
echo "Cannot find Placement API endpoint"
return 1
local i
local count
echo "Waiting 2 minutes for Nova resource tracker to pick up $expected_count nodes"
for i in $(seq 1 120); do
# Fetch provider UUIDs from Placement
local providers
providers=$(curl -sH "X-Auth-Token: $token" $endpoint/resource_providers \
| ./jq -r '.resource_providers[].uuid')
local p
# Total count of the resource class, has to be equal to nodes count
for p in $providers; do
local amount
# A resource class inventory record looks something like
# {"max_unit": 1, "min_unit": 1, "step_size": 1, "reserved": 0, "total": 1, "allocation_ratio": 1}
# Subtract reserved from total (defaulting both to 0)
amount=$(curl -sH "X-Auth-Token: $token" $endpoint/resource_providers/$p/inventories \
| ./jq ".inventories.CUSTOM_$resource_class as \$cls
| (\$cls.total // 0) - (\$cls.reserved // 0)")
if [ $amount -gt 0 ]; then
count=$(( count + $amount ))
if [ $count -ge $expected_count ]; then
return 0
sleep 1
echo "Timed out waiting for Nova to track $expected_count nodes"
return 1
function create_resources {
# Create a bare metal node and port.
openstack baremetal node create \
--name node-0 \
--driver fake-hardware \
--network-interface noop \
--property cpu_arch=x86_64 \
--resource-class rc0
node_uuid=$(openstack baremetal node show node-0 -f value -c uuid)
openstack baremetal port create \
00:11:22:33:44:55 \
--node $node_uuid
openstack baremetal node power off node-0
openstack baremetal node manage node-0 --wait
openstack baremetal node provide node-0 --wait
# Create a bare metal flavor in nova.
openstack flavor create \
baremetal \
--vcpus 1 \
--ram 1024 \
--disk 10 \
--property resources:CUSTOM_RC0=1 \
--property resources:VCPU=0 \
--property resources:MEMORY_MB=0 \
--property resources:DISK_GB=0 \
function test_ironic_logged {
# Assumes init-runonce has been executed.
. /etc/kolla/admin-openrc.sh
. ~/ironic-venv/bin/activate
# Smoke test ironic API.
if ! openstack baremetal driver list | grep fake-hardware; then
echo "No active conductors with fake-hardware driver"
exit 1
openstack baremetal node list
openstack baremetal port list
echo "TESTING: Server creation"
openstack server create --wait --image cirros --flavor baremetal --key-name mykey --network demo-net kolla_boot_test
openstack --debug server list
# If the status is not ACTIVE, print info and exit 1
if [[ $(openstack server show kolla_boot_test -f value -c status) != "ACTIVE" ]]; then
echo "FAILED: Instance is not active"
openstack --debug server show kolla_boot_test
return 1
echo "SUCCESS: Server creation"
echo "TESTING: Server deletion"
openstack server delete --wait kolla_boot_test
echo "SUCCESS: Server deletion"
function test_ironic {
echo "Testing Ironic"
if ! test_ironic_logged > /tmp/logs/ansible/test-ironic 2>&1; then
echo "Testing Ironic failed. See ansible/test-ironic for details"
return 1
echo "Successfully tested Ironic. See ansible/test-ironic for details"