Render {{ openstack_service_workers }} for workers of each openstack service is not enough. There are several services which has to have more workers because there are more requests sent to them. This patch is just adding default value for workers for each service and sets {{ openstack_service_workers }} as default, so value can be overrided in hostvars per server. Nothing changed for normal user. Change-Id: Ifa5863f8ec865bbf8e39c9b2add42c92abe40616
37 lines
1.2 KiB
37 lines
1.2 KiB
{% set cloudkitty_log_dir = '/var/log/kolla/cloudkitty' %}
{% set binary_path = '/var/lib/kolla/venv/bin' %}
Listen {{ api_interface_address | put_address_in_context('url') }}:{{ cloudkitty_api_port }}
ServerSignature Off
ServerTokens Prod
TraceEnable off
TimeOut {{ kolla_httpd_timeout }}
KeepAliveTimeout {{ kolla_httpd_keep_alive }}
ErrorLog "{{ cloudkitty_log_dir }}/apache-error.log"
<IfModule log_config_module>
CustomLog "{{ cloudkitty_log_dir }}/apache-access.log" common
{% if cloudkitty_logging_debug | bool %}
LogLevel info
{% endif %}
<VirtualHost *:{{ cloudkitty_api_port }}>
ErrorLog "{{ cloudkitty_log_dir }}/cloudkitty-api-error.log"
LogFormat "%{X-Forwarded-For}i %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b %D \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" logformat
CustomLog "{{ cloudkitty_log_dir }}/cloudkitty-api-access.log" logformat
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
WSGIDaemonProcess cloudkitty group=cloudkitty processes={{ cloudkitty_api_workers }} threads=1 user=cloudkitty
WSGIProcessGroup cloudkitty
WSGIScriptAlias / "{{ binary_path }}/cloudkitty-api"
<Directory "{{ binary_path }}">
<FilesMatch "^cloudkitty-api$">
Require all granted