--- features: - | Added attributes for cluster to show. Following cluster attributes were added. In drawer on table view: - Keypair - API address - Master Addresses In details view - Docker Volume Size - Stack Faults - Master Flavor ID - COE Version - Container Version - Labels - Status Reason Also, reconstructed layouts for drawer and details views. - | Added flavor_id, master_flavor_id and labels for cluster creation as flavor, master flavor and labels. - | Supported Calico as network driver for kubernetes. - | Limit cluster update properties - | [`story 2003865 `_] Added master_flavor_id and flavor_id to show in cluster update dialog. fixes: - | [`story 2003614 `_] Added image filtering for magnum. When open a image selector for cluster creation dialog, many invalid images were shown. If a project has a lot of images, options can be quite long, and cause wrong selection by mistake. Now, images that has "os_distro" property and its value is one of "fedora-atomic", "coreos" and "ubuntu" would be shown. - | Disabled action for rotate certificate, due to Magnum API has not support rotate certificate yet. This action will be enabled in the future. - | [`story 2003865 `_] Magnum only allows the node count in cluster update now. Properties for cluster update filtered in favor of Magnum API. - | Supported api-version for client. Magnum API is using micro versions and to get the correct fuctions support, user or client have to initialize the correct client with parameter 'api_version'. Magnum UI also follow the same way as other OpenStack services to read the version from OPENSTACK_API_VERSIONS of Horizon local_settings.py.