/** * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use self file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ (function() { 'use strict'; angular .module('horizon.dashboard.container-infra.quotas') .factory('horizon.dashboard.container-infra.quotas.delete.service', deleteService); deleteService.$inject = [ '$location', '$q', '$rootScope', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.magnum', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.policy', 'horizon.framework.util.actions.action-result.service', 'horizon.framework.util.i18n.gettext', 'horizon.framework.util.q.extensions', 'horizon.framework.widgets.modal.deleteModalService', 'horizon.framework.widgets.table.events', 'horizon.framework.widgets.toast.service', 'horizon.dashboard.container-infra.quotas.resourceType', 'horizon.dashboard.container-infra.quotas.events' ]; /** * @ngDoc factory * @name quotas.delete.service * @param {Object} $location * @param {Object} $q * @param {Object} magnum * @param {Object} policy * @param {Object} actionResult * @param {Object} gettext * @param {Object} $qExtensions * @param {Object} deleteModal * @param {Object} toast * @param {Object} resourceType * @param {Object} events * @returns {Object} delete service * @description * Brings up the delete quotas confirmation modal dialog. * On submit, delete selected resources. * On cancel, do nothing. */ function deleteService( $location, $q, $rootScope, magnum, policy, actionResult, gettext, $qExtensions, deleteModal, tableEvents, toast, resourceType, events ) { var scope; var context = { labels: null, deleteEntity: deleteEntity, successEvent: events.DELETE_SUCCESS }; var service = { initAction: initAction, allowed: allowed, perform: perform }; var notAllowedMessage = gettext("You are not allowed to delete quotas: %s"); return service; ////////////// // include this function in your service // if you plan to emit events to the parent controller function initAction() { } function allowed() { return $qExtensions.booleanAsPromise(true); } // delete selected resource objects function perform(selected, $scope) { scope = $scope; selected = angular.isArray(selected) ? selected : [selected]; context.labels = labelize(selected.length); return $qExtensions.allSettled(selected.map(checkPermission)).then(afterCheck); } function labelize(count) { return { title: ngettext('Confirm Delete Quota', 'Confirm Delete Quotas', count), /* eslint-disable max-len */ message: ngettext('You have selected "%s". Please confirm your selection. Deleted quota is not recoverable.', 'You have selected "%s". Please confirm your selection. Deleted quotas are not recoverable.', count), /* eslint-enable max-len */ submit: ngettext('Delete Quota', 'Delete Quotas', count), success: ngettext('Deleted quota: %s.', 'Deleted quotas: %s.', count), error: ngettext('Unable to delete quota: %s.', 'Unable to delete quotas: %s.', count) }; } // for batch delete function checkPermission(selected) { return {promise: allowed(selected), context: selected}; } // for batch delete function afterCheck(result) { var outcome = $q.reject(); // Reject the promise by default if (result.fail.length > 0) { toast.add('error', getMessage(notAllowedMessage, result.fail)); outcome = $q.reject(result.fail); } if (result.pass.length > 0) { outcome = deleteModal.open(scope, result.pass.map(getEntity), context).then(createResult); } return outcome; } function createResult(deleteModalResult) { // To make the result of this action generically useful, reformat the return // from the deleteModal into a standard form var result = actionResult.getActionResult(); deleteModalResult.pass.forEach(function markDeleted(item) { result.deleted(resourceType, getEntity(item).project_id + "/" + getEntity(item).resource); }); deleteModalResult.fail.forEach(function markFailed(item) { result.failed(resourceType, getEntity(item).project_id + "/" + getEntity(item).resource); }); var indexPath = "/admin/container_infra/quotas"; var currentPath = $location.path(); if (result.result.failed.length === 0 && result.result.deleted.length > 0 && currentPath !== indexPath) { $location.path(indexPath); } else { $rootScope.$broadcast(tableEvents.CLEAR_SELECTIONS); return result.result; } } function getMessage(message, entities) { return interpolate(message, [entities.map(getName).join(", ")]); } function getName(result) { return getEntity(result).project_id + "/" + getEntity(result).resource; } // for batch delete function getEntity(result) { return result.context; } // call delete REST API function deleteEntity(id, item) { return magnum.deleteQuota(item.project_id, item.resource, false); } } })();