The configuration option name for Kafka batch size (max. number of messages before commiting them to Kafka broker) has been changed in Queens release. The option passed to Docker image must reflect that. Change-Id: Ib720c4d0358a5e67734fbc38d9a7d513e662d65f Story: 2007225 Task: 38492
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97 lines
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# Provide logging configuration
log_config_append = /etc/monasca/persister-logging.conf
# Show debugging output in logs (sets DEBUG log level output)
debug = {{ DEBUG }}
# Show more verbose log output (sets INFO log level output) if debug is False
verbose = {{ VERBOSE }}
{% if DATABASE_BACKEND | lower == 'cassandra' %}
# The cassandra driver to use for the metrics repository
metrics_driver = monasca_persister.repositories.cassandra.metrics_repository:MetricCassandraRepository
# The cassandra driver to use for the alarm state history repository
alarm_state_history_driver = monasca_persister.repositories.cassandra.alarm_state_history_repository:AlarmStateHistCassandraRepository
{% else %}
# The influxdb driver to use for the metrics repository
metrics_driver = monasca_persister.repositories.influxdb.metrics_repository:MetricInfluxdbRepository
# The influxdb driver to use for the alarm state history repository
alarm_state_history_driver = monasca_persister.repositories.influxdb.alarm_state_history_repository:AlarmStateHistInfluxdbRepository
# Don't exit on InfluxDB parse point errors
ignore_parse_point_error = {{ INFLUX_IGNORE_PARSE_POINT_ERROR }}
{% endif %}
# Comma separated list of host:port
uri = {{ ZOOKEEPER_URI }}
partition_interval_recheck_seconds = 15
# Comma separated list of Kafka broker host:port.
uri = {{ KAFKA_URI }}
topic = alarm-state-transitions
consumer_id = 1
client_id = 1
max_wait_time_seconds = {{ KAFKA_ALARM_HISTORY_WAIT_TIME }}
# The following 3 values are set to the kakfa-python defaults
fetch_size_bytes = 4096
buffer_size = 4096
# 8 times buffer size
max_buffer_size = 32768
# Path in zookeeper for kafka consumer group partitioning algo
zookeeper_path = /persister_partitions/alarm-state-transitions
num_processors = {{ KAFKA_ALARM_HISTORY_PROCESSORS | default(1) }}
legacy_kafka_client_enabled= {{ KAFKA_LEGACY_CLIENT_ENABLED | default(true) }}
# Comma separated list of Kafka broker host:port.
uri = {{ KAFKA_URI }}
enabled = {{ KAFKA_EVENTS_ENABLE | default(false) }}
group_id = 1_events
topic = monevents
batch_size = 1
# Comma separated list of Kafka broker host:port
uri = {{ KAFKA_URI }}
group_id = {{ KAFKA_METRICS_GROUP_ID }}
topic = metrics
consumer_id = 1
client_id = 1
batch_size = {{ KAFKA_METRICS_BATCH_SIZE }}
max_wait_time_seconds = {{ KAFKA_METRICS_WAIT_TIME }}
# The following 3 values are set to the kakfa-python defaults
fetch_size_bytes = 4096
buffer_size = 4096
# 8 times buffer size
max_buffer_size = 32768
# Path in zookeeper for kafka consumer group partitioning algo
zookeeper_path = /persister_partitions/metrics
num_processors = {{ KAFKA_METRICS_PROCESSORS | default(1) }}
legacy_kafka_client_enabled= {{ KAFKA_LEGACY_CLIENT_ENABLED | default(true) }}
{% if DATABASE_BACKEND | lower == 'cassandra' %}
contact_points = {{ CASSANDRA_HOSTS }}
port = {{ CASSANDRA_PORT }}
keyspace = {{ CASSANDRA_KEY_SPACE }}
user = {{ CASSANDRA_USER }}
password = {{ CASSANDRA_PASSWORD }}
connection_timeout = {{ CASSANDRA_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT }}
max_definition_cache_size = {{ CASSANDRA_MAX_CACHE_SIZE }}
retention_policy = {{ CASSANDRA_RETENTION_POLICY }}
{% else %}
database_name = {{ INFLUX_DB }}
ip_address = {{ INFLUX_HOST }}
port = {{ INFLUX_PORT }}
user = {{ INFLUX_USER }}
password = {{ INFLUX_PASSWORD }}
{% endif %}