MNAIO: Ensure VM's are shut down before doing image save

When the virt module returns success for the shutdown state, it
has only sucessfully sent the signal to shut down. It may still
take a few more minutes for the VM's to actually complete their
shut down. If we try to change the image while the machine is
still busy shutting down, the image conversion/compression fails
and the resulting state is incomplete.

In this patch we do the following:

1. Find and shut down the running VM's without needing to look
   at the inventory. This reduces complexity in the play.
2. Makes sure that the VM's are all in the 'shut off' state,
   before continuing on to saving the images.

Change-Id: Icf337447f7a9b4033af261910f77216a170937ed
This commit is contained in:
Jesse Pretorius 2018-09-27 18:05:47 +01:00
parent 9237bc3abe
commit 9b0f2b5dbd

View File

@ -20,61 +20,57 @@
- save-vms
- name: Gather variables for each operating system
include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ playbook_dir }}/vars/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}-{{ ansible_distribution_version | lower }}.yml"
- "{{ playbook_dir }}/vars/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version | lower }}.yml"
- "{{ playbook_dir }}/vars/{{ ansible_os_family | lower }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version | lower }}.yml"
- "{{ playbook_dir }}/vars/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}.yml"
- "{{ playbook_dir }}/vars/{{ ansible_os_family | lower }}.yml"
- always
- name: Get info about the virt storage pools
- name: Get info about existing virt storage pools
command: info
register: _virt_pools
- always
- name: Stop running VMs
- name: Get info about existing VM's
name: "{{ hostvars[item]['server_hostname'] }}"
state: shutdown
- hostvars[item]['server_vm'] | default(false) | bool
with_items: "{{ groups['pxe_servers'] }}"
command: list_vms
register: _virt_list
- name: Shut down all running VM's
name: "{{ item }}"
command: shutdown
failed_when: false
with_items: "{{ _virt_list.list_vms }}"
- name: Wait for shut down to complete
command: |
virsh domstate {{ item }}
register: _vm_shutdown
until: _vm_shutdown.stdout.find('shut off') != -1
retries: 5
delay: 60
with_items: "{{ _virt_list.list_vms }}"
- name: Commit, compress and save VM Disk Image and prepare new copy-on-write image
shell: |
if [[ -e {{ hostvars[item]['server_hostname'] }}.img ]]; then
if [[ -e {{ hostvars[item]['server_hostname'] }}-base.img ]]; then
qemu-img commit {{ hostvars[item]['server_hostname'] }}.img
if [[ -e {{ item }}.img ]]; then
if [[ -e {{ item }}-base.img ]]; then
qemu-img commit {{ item }}.img
qemu-img convert -O qcow2 -c {{ hostvars[item]['server_hostname'] }}.img {{ hostvars[item]['server_hostname'] }}-base.img
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b {{ hostvars[item]['server_hostname'] }}-base.img {{ hostvars[item]['server_hostname'] }}.img
qemu-img convert -O qcow2 -c {{ item }}.img {{ item }}-base.img
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b {{ item }}-base.img {{ item }}.img
exit 2
executable: /bin/bash
chdir: "{{ _virt_pools.pools.default.path | default('/data/images') }}"
- hostvars[item]['server_vm'] | default(false) | bool
with_items: "{{ groups['pxe_servers'] }}"
with_items: "{{ _virt_list.list_vms }}"
register: _save_disk_image
changed_when: _save_disk_image.rc == 2
failed_when: _save_disk_image.rc not in [0, 2]
- name: Save VM definition
src: "/etc/libvirt/qemu/{{ hostvars[item]['server_hostname'] }}.xml"
src: "/etc/libvirt/qemu/{{ item }}.xml"
dest: "{{ _virt_pools.pools.default.path | default('/data/images') }}/"
remote_src: yes
- hostvars[item]['server_vm'] | default(false) | bool
with_items: "{{ groups['pxe_servers'] }}"
with_items: "{{ _virt_list.list_vms }}"
- name: Get the current SHA1 for the manifest
command: "git rev-parse HEAD"