--- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. - name: Detect monitorstack host deployment group(s) hosts: "hosts:all_containers" gather_facts: false connection: local tasks: - name: Add hosts to dynamic inventory group group_by: key: monitorstack_deployment parents: monitorstack_all when: - inventory_hostanme in ( (groups['nova_compute'] | default([])) | union(groups['utility_all'] | default([])) | union(groups['memcached_all'] | default([])) | union(groups['memcached_all'] | default([])) ) - ansible_facts['service_mgr'] == 'systemd' tags: - always - name: Install MonitorStack hosts: monitorstack_all become: true gather_facts: true vars: haproxy_ssl: false monitorstack_distro_packages: ubuntu: - gcc - git - python-dev - pkg-config redhat: - gcc - git - python-devel suse: - gcc - git - python-devel - pkg-config monitorstack_config_enabled: - check: kvm options: '' condition: >- {{ inventory_hostname in (groups['nova_compute'] | default([])) }} - check: memcache options: >- --host {{ (monitorstack_memcached_access.stdout_lines[0] | default("")).split(":")[0] }} --port {{ (monitorstack_memcached_access.stdout_lines[0] | default("")).split(":")[1] }} condition: >- {{ inventory_hostname in (groups['memcached_all'] | default([])) }} - check: os_block_pools_totals options: '' condition: >- {{ (clouds_config.stat.exists | bool) and (inventory_hostname in (groups['utility_all'] | default([]))) and (inventory_hostname == (groups['utility_all'] | default([null]))[0]) }} - check: os_block_pools_usage options: '' condition: >- {{ (clouds_config.stat.exists | bool) and (inventory_hostname in (groups['utility_all'] | default([]))) and (inventory_hostname == (groups['utility_all'] | default([null]))[0]) }} - check: os_vm_quota_cores options: '' condition: >- {{ (clouds_config.stat.exists | bool) and (inventory_hostname in (groups['utility_all'] | default([]))) and (inventory_hostname == (groups['utility_all'] | default([null]))[0]) }} - check: os_vm_quota_instance options: '' condition: >- {{ (clouds_config.stat.exists | bool) and (inventory_hostname in (groups['utility_all'] | default([]))) and (inventory_hostname == (groups['utility_all'] | default([null]))[0]) }} - check: os_vm_quota_ram options: '' condition: >- {{ (clouds_config.stat.exists | bool) and (inventory_hostname in (groups['utility_all'] | default([]))) and (inventory_hostname == (groups['utility_all'] | default([null]))[0]) }} - check: os_vm_used_cores options: '' condition: >- {{ (clouds_config.stat.exists | bool) and (inventory_hostname in (groups['utility_all'] | default([]))) and (inventory_hostname == (groups['utility_all'] | default([null]))[0]) }} - check: os_vm_used_disk options: '' condition: >- {{ (clouds_config.stat.exists | bool) and (inventory_hostname in (groups['utility_all'] | default([]))) and (inventory_hostname == (groups['utility_all'] | default([null]))[0]) }} - check: os_vm_used_instance options: '' condition: >- {{ (clouds_config.stat.exists | bool) and (inventory_hostname in (groups['utility_all'] | default([]))) and (inventory_hostname == (groups['utility_all'] | default([null]))[0]) }} - check: os_vm_used_ram options: '' condition: >- {{ (clouds_config.stat.exists | bool) and (inventory_hostname in (groups['utility_all'] | default([]))) and (inventory_hostname == (groups['utility_all'] | default([null]))[0]) }} - check: uptime options: '' condition: true vars_files: - vars/variables.yml environment: "{{ deployment_environment_variables | default({}) }}" roles: - role: elastic_data_hosts post_tasks: - name: Find clouds config stat: path: "{{ ansible_facts['env']['HOME'] }}/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml" register: clouds_config - name: Find openstack release stat: path: "/etc/openstack-release" register: openstack_release - name: Find osp release stat: path: "/etc/rhosp-release" register: rhosp_release - name: MonitorStack block when: - (openstack_release.stat.exists | bool) or (rhosp_release.stat.exists | bool) block: - name: Ensure disto packages are installed package: name: "{{ monitorstack_distro_packages[(ansible_facts['distribution'] | lower)] }}" state: "{{ monitorstack_package_state | default('present') }}" update_cache: "{{ (ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'apt') | ternary('yes', omit) }}" - name: Refresh local facts setup: filter: ansible_local gather_subset: "!all" tags: - always - name: create the system group group: name: "monitorstack" state: "present" system: "yes" - name: Create the monitorstack system user user: name: "monitorstack" group: "monitorstack" comment: "monitorstack user" shell: "/bin/false" createhome: "yes" home: "/var/lib/monitorstack" - name: Create monitorstack data path file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory owner: "monitorstack" group: "monitorstack" mode: "0750" recurse: true with_items: - "/var/lib/monitorstack" - "/var/lib/monitorstack/.config" - "/var/lib/monitorstack/.config/openstack" - "/var/lib/monitorstack/venv" - "/var/log/monitorstack" - "/etc/monitorstack" - name: Copy the clouds config into monitorstack copy: src: "{{ ansible_facts['env']['HOME'] }}/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml" dest: "/var/lib/monitorstack/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml" remote_src: yes when: - clouds_config.stat.exists | bool - name: Create the virtualenv (if it does not exist) command: "virtualenv --no-setuptools --system-site-packages /var/lib/monitorstack/venv" args: creates: "/var/lib/monitorstack/venv/bin/activate" - name: Setup venv pip: name: - pip - setuptools virtualenv_site_packages: yes extra_args: "-U" virtualenv: "/var/lib/monitorstack/venv" - name: Ensure monitorstack is installed pip: name: "git+https://github.com/openstack/monitorstack@{{ monitorstack_release | default('master') }}" state: "{{ monitorstack_package_state | default('present') }}" extra_args: --isolated virtualenv: /var/lib/monitorstack/venv register: _pip_task until: _pip_task is success retries: 3 delay: 2 tags: - package_install - name: Create montiorstack config copy: dest: "/etc/monitorstack/monitorstack.ini" content: | [elasticsearch] hosts = {{ elasticsearch_data_hosts | join(',') }} port = {{ elastic_port }} - name: Run memcached port scan shell: "ss -ntlp | awk '/11211/ {print $4}'" register: monitorstack_memcached_access changed_when: false - name: Run the systemd service role include_role: name: systemd_service vars: systemd_user_name: monitorstack systemd_group_name: monitorstack systemd_services: |- {% set services = [] %} {% for item in monitorstack_config_enabled %} {% if item.condition | bool %} {% set check = { "service_name": ("monitorstack-" ~ item.check), "execstarts": ("/var/lib/monitorstack/venv/bin/monitorstack --format elasticsearch --config-file /etc/monitorstack/monitorstack.ini " ~ item.check ~ ' ' ~ item.options), "timer": { "state": "started", "options": { "OnBootSec": "5min", "OnUnitActiveSec": "10m", "Persistent": true } } } %} {% set _ = services.append(check) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ services }} tags: - beat-install